Test Items

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Test Items


1. Validity and Reliability of Test

2. Type of Test
3. True or False Questions
4. Multiple Choices Questions
5. Short Answer Question
6. Essay/Comprehensive Question
Test Item

Test Validity

្វី សុពលភាពនៃតេស្ត (Test Validity)?

• ភាពត្រឹមត្រូវនៃការប្រើប្រាស់តេស្ត (the appropriateness of the use​​of test)

• តេស្តវាស់វែងនូវលទ្ធផលសិក្សា (a test measures the outcomes)
• តេស្តវាស់វែងនូវអ្វដែ
ី លដែលបានបង្រៀន (Measure what have been
Test Reliability

Test Reliability សំ ដៅលើសង្គតិភាព​ពិនុ នៃតេស្ត

្ទ ។

Reliability refers to the consistency of test scores:

• តើលទ្ធផលមានសង្គតិភាព ឬ ប្រែប្រួលនៅពេលនិស្សត
ិ ធ្វើលើកក្រោយ ឬពីនិស្សត
ិ ម្នា ក់ទៅនិស្សត
ិ ម្នា ក់?

• នស
ិ ្សត
ិ ដដែលធ្វតេ
ើ ស្តដដែលនៅពេលខុសគ្នា ទទួលបានលទ្ឋផលស្រដៀង

• អ្នកកែលើកច
ិ ្ចការតែមួយដាក់ពន
ិ ុ ្ទត្រូវគ្នា

• ឧទាហរណ៍៖ តេស្ថនៃគ្រូបង្រៀនថ្នា ក់មយ

ួ នស
ិ ្សត
ិ ​អាចធ្វបា
ើ ន តែនស
ិ ្សត
ិ ថ្នា ក់ផ្សេងទៀតធ្វម
ើ ន
ិ បាន ដែលខ្លម
ឹ សារ​
មេរៀនដូចគ្នា ។
Type of Test (ប្រភេទផ្សេងៗនៃសំណួរ)

• True or False Questions (សំណួរត្រូវឬខុស)

• Multiple Choice Question (ពហុសណ ើ រ ើស)

ំ ួ រជ្រស

• Short Answer Question (សំណួរចម្លើយខ្ល)ី

• Essay Questions (សំណួរតេងសេចក្ត)ី

• Matching Items Questions (សំណួរផ្គូផ្គង)

• Gap Filling Question / Completion Questions (សំណួរ

បំពេញចន្លោ ះ)

I. True or False Questions (សំណួរត្រូវឬខុស)

Good for:
• Knowledge level content.
• Evaluating student understanding of popular misconceptions.
• Concepts with two logical responses.
• Can test large amounts of content.
• Students can answer 3-4 questions per minute.
• They are easy.
• It is difficult to discriminate between students that know the material and students who
• Students have a 50-50 chance of getting the right answer by guessing.
• Need a large number of items for high reliability.
I. True or False Questions (សំណួរត្រូវឬខុស)
Tips for Writing Good True/False items:
• Avoid double negatives.
• Avoid long/complex sentences.
• Use specific determinants with caution: never, only, all, none,
always, could, might, can, may, sometimes, generally, some, few.
• Use only one central idea in each item.
• Use exact quantitative language
• Don't lift items straight from the book.
• Make more false than true (60/40). (Students are more likely to
answer true.)
II. Multiple Choices Questions (សំណួរផ្គូផ្គង)
Good for:
• knowledge level
• some comprehension level, if appropriately constructed
• terms with definitions
• phrases with other phrases
• causes with effects
• parts with larger units
• problems with solutions
Example of a multiple choice question

As societies increase in complexity from folk to industrial, social

control is more likely to be invested in the

a. family Distracters
b. school Stem
c. state
d. peer group
e. religious structures
Tips for Writing Good Multiple Choice items:
• Stem should present single, clearly formulated problem.
• Stem should be in simple, understood language; delete extraneous words.
• Avoid "all of the above"--can answer based on partial knowledge (if one is
incorrect or two are correct, but unsure of the third...).
• Make all distracters plausible/homogenous.
• Don't use double negatives.
• Present alternatives in logical or numerical order.
• Place correct answer at random (An answer is most often).
• Make each item independent of others on test.
• Need more than 3 alternatives, 4 is best.
III. Short Answer Question (សំណួរចម្លើយខ្ល)ី
Good for:
• application, synthesis, analysis, and evaluation levels
• easy to construct
• good for "who," what," where," "when" content
• minimizes guessing
• Encourages more intensive study-student must know the answer vs.
recognizing the answer.
• May overemphasize memorization of facts
• Take care - questions may have more than one correct answer
• Scoring is laborious
III. Short Answer/Short-responding Question (សំណួរចម្លើយខ្ល)ី
Tips for Writing Good Short Answer Items:
• When using with definitions: supply term, not the definition-for a better
judge of student knowledge.
• For numbers, indicate the degree of precision/units expected.
• Use direct questions, not an incomplete statement.
• Arrange blanks to make scoring easy.
• Try to phrase question so there is only one answer possible.
IV. Essay/Comprehensive Question

• Students less likely to guess
• Easy to construct
• Stimulates more study
• Allows students to demonstrate ability to organize knowledge, express
opinions, show originality.
• Can limit amount of material tested, therefore has decreased validity.
• Subjective, potentially unreliable scoring.
• Time consuming to score.
IV. Essay/Comprehensive Question
Tips for Writing Good Essay Items:
• Provide reasonable time limits for thinking and writing.
• Avoid letting them to answer a choice of questions (You won't
get a good idea of the broadness of student achievement when
they only answer a set of questions.)
• Give definitive task to student-compare, analyze, evaluate, etc.
• Use checklist point system to score with a model answer: write
outline, determine how many points to assign to each part
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