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Engr. Kristian C. Magsalin

Force is the intensity of impetus, or the intensity of an input
• In English System of measurement is pounds
• In metric system it is in newtons

1 pound of force is equal to 4.448 newtons
In the mechanical sense of the term, is done when a resistance is
overcome by a force acting through a measurable distance
Work = Force (f) x Distance (d)

Units that is used in work is the same as the units we use in kinetic and
potential energy
How much work is accomplished by jacking a 150 000- lb Airbus A320
airplane a vertical height of 4 ft?
Friction and Work
3 classification of Friction
1. Starting (static) friction
2. Sliding friction
3. Rolling friction
F= m(mu) x N
Equivalent mu on different surfaces;

Rubber tires on concrete = 0.02

While the mu of roller bearings is much lesser in which it would range

between 0.001 to 0.003
An aircraft gross weight of 79600 lbs is towed over a concrete ramp,
what force must be exerted by the towing vehicle to keep the airplane
rolling after once set in motion.
Power was a force being applied over the measured distance, but adds
one more consideration time.

In other words, how long does it take to accomplish a work

Power = Force X Distance / time

Note: 1hp = 550 ft-lb/s

1hp = 33000 ft-lb/min
1hp = 375 mile pounds per hour (mi-lb/hr)
1hp = 746 watts (electricity conversion)
What power would be needed, and also horsepower, to raise the GE-90
turbofan engine into position to install it on Boeing 777-300 airplane?
The engine weighs 19000 lbs and it must be lifted 4 ft in 2mins.
• Torque is described as a force acting along a distance. Torque is
something tat creates twisting and tries to make something to rotate.
There is a force of 500 lbs pushing down on the top of the piston
Torque in relation to horsepower of the

Torque = Horsepower x 5252 / RPM

A Cessna 172R has a Lycoming IO-360 engine that creates 180
horsepower at 2700 rpm. How many pound-feet of torque is the engine
momentum = mass x velocity
Gyroscopic Principle
Gyroscopic rigidity depends on several
design factors:
• Weight
• Angular velocity
• Radius
• Bearing friction
For a given size, a heavy mass is more resistant to disturbing forces
than a light mass
Angular velocity
The higher the rotational speed, the greater the rigidity or resistance is
to deflection
• At which the weight is concentrated
Bearing friction
• Any friction applies a deflection force to a gyro
• Heading indicator
• Attitude or artificial horizon
• Turn coordinator
Heading indicator
• The heading indicator (also called an HI) is a flight instrument used in
an aircraft to inform the pilot of the aircraft's heading. It is sometimes
referred to by its older names, the directional gyro or DG, and also
(UK usage) direction indicator or DI.
Artificial horizon
• An attitude indicator, also known as gyro horizon or artificial horizon
or attitude director indicator, is an instrument used in an aircraft to
inform the pilot of the orientation of the aircraft relative to Earth's
Turn coordinator
• turn and bank indicator) and the turn coordinator (TC) variant are
essentially two aircraft flight instruments in one device. One indicates
the rate of turn, or the rate of change in the aircraft's heading; the
other part indicates whether the aircraft is in coordinated flight,
showing the slip or skid of the turn.
Fluid Mechanics
Specific Gravity
  Density of substance/ Density of water

Note: 62.4 lbs/

1.94 slugs/
Pascal’s Law
Hydrostatic pressure
As the height changes the pressure changes
dP= weight x height
Pressure= force/ area
Bernoulli’s Principle
Principle that explains the action of a liquid in a cross sectional area.
1. A horizontal pipe, 1 ft in diameter, tapers gradually to 8 inches in
diameter. If the flow rate is 500 cu ft of water per minute what is
the difference of pressure in two sections?
2. The diameter of a horizontal pipe is 4in., in which
tetrabromoethane (SG = 3.0) is flowing at a rate of 0.50 cu. Ft per
sec.. The pressure is 30 psi (gage) if the tube gradually decreases to
3 in. in diameter. What is the pressure there?
3. Water flows a horizontal pipe at a velocity of 50 fps. The pipe
gradually expanding to a larger size. The velocity decreases to 35 fps.
What is the difference of pressure at two points
4. A horizontal pipe line enlarges from a diameter of 6in at A to a
diameter of 12in at point B the flow of water is 20 cu ft per sec and te
pressure at point A 10 lb per sq in. what is the pressure at point B
• the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to
internal friction.
When a fluid encounters a particular obstacle to flow, be it the wing of
an aircraft or a curve in a hydraulic system line

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