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Group 3 :
Ameliya Adam
Chairunnisya Hamzah
Fatria Mointi
Iin Angriyani Latif
Imam Wahyudi Husin
Kirana Eka Saputri
Laura Usman
Liswan Puteri Dai
Ningsi I. Salim
Nuranti Batadi
Puteri Nur Cahyani Kuengo
Getting Around
◦ Getting around means that a travel guide is capable
to give direction and advice the visitor the best
place where the tourist enjoy their holiday.
◦ The power to persuade people is important in
getting around advice.
There are different types of getting around
A car hire is a company that rents automobiles for short periods of time, generally
ranging from a few hours to a few weeks. It is often organised with numerous local
branches (which allow a user to return a vehicle to a different location), and primarily
located near airports or busy city areas and often complemented by a website allowing
online reservations.
Four-wheel drive is used as a description of vehicles that are more inclined to be used
for actual off-roading. Many, but not all, 4WD vehicles have a centre differential that
helps divide the power and torque between the front and rear axle.
Taxis are hackney carriages and are licensed to pick people up from the roadside,
i.e. hailing a cab. Meanwhile, private hire vehicles are only permitted to pick up
pre arranged bookings and are not permitted to pick people up from the side of the
The Top End is renowned for its world class fishing. It might be the mighty
barramundi you're chasing, or the reefs and wrecks offshore for jewfish, snapper,
trevally, coral trout and more. If a fishing charter isn't your style, then see the array
of boats available for hire to fish at your own pace and in your own time. 
Bike hire business rents out bicycles for short periods of time, usually for a few hours. Most rentals are provided
by bike shops as a sideline to their main businesses of sales and service, but some shops specialize in rentals. As
with car rental, bicycle rental shops primarily serve people who do not have access to a vehicle, typically
travellers and particularly tourists. Specialized bicycle rental shops therefore typically operate at beaches, parks,
or other locations that tourists frequent. In this case, the fees are set to encourage renting the bikes for a few hours
at a time, rarely more than a day.
Public transport is a system of transport, in contrast to private transport, for passengers by group travel
systems available for use by the general public, typically managed on a schedule, operated on
established routes, and that charge a posted fee for each trip. Examples of public transport include city
buses, trolleybuses, trams (or light rail) and passenger trains, rapid transit (metro/subway/underground,
etc.) and ferries.
o Buses and minibuses
Buses are inexpensive, easy to book and leave roughly on time. However, they’re also slow,
cramped and often plain terrifying. Tickets are sold a day or more in advance from the point of
departure or bus company offices; buy them as early as possible where services are infrequent.
Tell the driver your exact destination, as it may be possible to get delivered right to the door.
Flights can be a quicker and cheaper way to travel between the Indonesian islands, especially if
you take into account en-route costs aboard long-haul buses and boats. As airlines have
competed fiercely for booming business, safety standards have lagged behind.
oBoats and ferries
Public ferries run regularly between neighbouring islands, such as between Sumatra and Java,
Java and Bali, and Bali and Lombok. In more visited areas you’ll find tourist boat services, and
combined long-distance bus and boat options.
oUrban transport
In cities, colour-coded or numbered minibuses known as angkots (also called bemos, oplets or
microlets) run fixed circuits, although routes are often adaptable according to their customers.
Other standbys include ojek, single-passenger motorbikes, and becak, cycle-rickshaws capable
of squeezing in two or three passengers. Jakarta also has motorized becak, called bajaj.

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