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Mollusca Reproduction

By Matthew Slater, Kylie Edwards, and Seamus Walsh

Mollusca Phylum

• 85,000 extant species of mollusks are recognized

• Mollusks are the largest marine phylum: 23% of all

mollusks live in the marine biome
• Mollusks are often defined by their mantle, which
secretes calcareous spicules, anus and genitals opening in
the mantle cavity, and 2 main nerve nervous system
• All produce eggs, from which may emerge trochophore
larvae, more complex veliger larvae, or miniature adults
Mollusca Photos

Tonicella lineata Cornu aspersum Clade Caenogastropoda

Falcidens acutargatus Antalis vulgaris Tridacna gigas

Ancestral Mollusca Anatomy
External Mollusca Reproduction

• The simplest molluscan reproductive system is based on external

• These mollusks remain one sex their entire life and are therefore

• Two gonads, either producing ova or sperm, sit on top of coelom

• The nephridium, similar to the kidneys, removes the gametes

from the coelom and into the mantle cavity where it is excreted
into the water and fertilization of the opposite sex gamete occurs
• Examples of these Mollusca include marine Gastropoda,
Internal Mollusca Reproduction

• In tentacled mollusks and land gastropods, fertilization

is internal
• These mollusks have a penis and or oviduct depending
on the sex of the Mollusca
• Internal fertilization affords these species of Mollusca a
better chance of reproductive success by protecting the
sperm and egg from external predation and
environmental stimuli
Internal Monoecious Fertilization

• These Mollusca are hemaphrodites

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