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Writing a Reading

Reading Report
A Reading Report is a formal essay
discussing the contents of a book. It
summarizes the important aspects of a
book such as the title, author, plot,
and characters while showing that a
student understands what he or she
has read. 
5 Steps to Writing a Book Report

01 Choose the Book 02  Read the Book

Write and Edit the Book
03 Write an Outline
04 Report

05 Format the Book Report

Choose the Book

If you are allowed to choose your book, select a

title that you are genuinely excited to read.

However, choosing is not always an option. In

this case, you should try to be open-minded.
Read the Book

While reading the book, take notes to assist in

your writing process.
Read the book
For a fiction book:

• Plot - what is the book about?

• Setting - where do the events of the book take place?
• Characters - who are the important characters?
• Themes - what are the main ideas about life and society that the plot and characters
• Symbols - what symbols does the writer used to stand for abstract concepts? (For
example, a flag can mean freedom.)
• Point of view - is the book written in first, second, or third person?
Read the book
For a non-fiction book:

• Topic - what is the book about?

• Important events - which events are most relevant to the


• Important people - which people support the


• Information - what have you learned about the topic?

Write an Outline

You can create your outline by using the

notes you took while reading the book.

Organize the information you have into

logical sections, with an introduction,
body, and conclusion.
Write and Edit the Reading Report

A writer's first few writing attempts are

considered the draft, which is the fleshed-
out version of the outline.

Writers often produce more than one draft

as they write, edit, and rewrite the paper. 
Format the Reading Report

● Some simple formatting, such as short

paragraphs and clear handwriting or
fonts, makes your book report easier to
read and gives it a professional

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