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“Staffing is the function by which mgr’s build an org through the

recruitment ,selection,& development of individuals as capable
The importance of staffing
-filling org position
-developing competencies
-retaining personnel
Staffing is the last function in manpower planning
Steps in manpower planning
-forecasting (ensuring the right people at the right place & at the
rite time by way of forecasting)
-demand forecasting
-supply forecasting
→skills inventory
→mgt inventory
- Identification of manpower gap
- Action plans which includes planning for staffing

Various steps involved in staffing (staffing process)

1 )Analyzing the job by preparing job analysis

Process of job analysis

Defining uses of information information job description

job analysis collection processing job specification

2)Actual recruitment is the process concerned with the identification of

sources from where the personnel can be employed & motivating them
to offer themselves for employment
There are two sources of recruitment
External sources of supply includes – advertisement, agencies, on campus
recruitment , deputation, employee recommendations,labour unions, gate
Internal sources of supply –promotions, transfers etc.
Pros & cons of various recruitment sources
Internal sources (merits)
-known employees
-loyal employees towards the org
-highly encouraging & motivating to the existing employees
-provides an oppurtunitity for enhancement of their capabilities & skills
- No orientation is to be provided if the org goes for internal recruitment.
- If promotion are based on seniority then there could be dissatisfaction
among competent employees who have enough skills & capabilities to
perform the job.
• External recruitment ( merits)
-fresh blood
-experienced/inexperienced personnel
-provide more training & development
-should give orientation to the newly inducted
-it is more expensive as compared to internal
source of recruitment. Since more investments
are to be made in the form of advertisements
for recruiting from external source.
The basic idea is to solicit maximum possible
information abt the candidates to ascertain
their suitability for employment. Steps
involved in selection includes the following:
 screening of applications
Selection tests-different types of selection tests
* achievement test- a candidates knowledge
may be measured through his answers to certain
questions or his performance at a particular test
For example a typing test may measure the typing performance of a typist
in terms of speed ,accuracy & efficiency

* Intelligence test- this test generally involves verbal comprehension,

word fluency, memory, reasoning, speed of perception, visualization etc.
*personality test -is administered to predict performance success for the
jobs that require dealing with people, or the jobs that are essentially
supervisory/managerial in nature. Among the most widely used
personality test includes Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and its more
improved version Thematic evaluation of mgt potential (TEMP)
*aptitude test- is used for measuring human performance characteristics
related to possible development of proficiency on specific jobs. This test
more valid when the applicants have no experience/very little experience
along the lines of the jobs. Specific tests have been developed for that
require clerical, mechanical, spatial relationships & abilities & skills
Advantages of selection test
-It is the standardized & unbiased methods of
soliciting information abt the prospective
-it can be used to weed out the large number of
candidates who may not be considered for
employment in the org.
-the test are able to uncover the qualities &
potentials of prospective employees which
cannot be known by other methods including
personal interviews
Limitation of selection tests
-it cannot make a hundred percent prediction of
an individual’s on the job success.
-these are suitable when there are large number
of candidates for limited number of
4)Interview- it helps the interviewer to view the total
individual & to appraise him & his behavior .It consist of
interaction btw the interviewer & applicant. different
types of interviews include
*preliminary interview- is held to find out whether the
candidate is required to be interviewed in detail.
*stress interview -is created to create situations of
stress to find out whether the applicant can perform well
in a condition of stress.
*patterned interview -is structured & questions asked
are decided in advance this is done to maintain uniformity
in different boards of interviewers.
*depth interview –this method is informal in nature.
It covers the entire life history of the applicant like
academics ,work experience, hobbies, health etc.& here
the applicant is given freedom of expression .
Role of interview
-it is the only method of direct communication btw
the candidates & the employer in which the
employer can see a candidate in action.
-many information could be sought out by way of
interview which other wise not available from
application forms or selection tests.
-it can be use as a tool for giving information abt
the org.
-it can be used as a method to promote goodwill
amg the candidates by offering courtesy, by
providing constructive suggestions & by showing
interest in them.
Principles of interview
-there should be proper planning
-there should be proper setting for conducting
the interview
-when the candidate feels at ease the interview
may be started
-the interview should with pleasant remarks
-immediately after the interview is over the
interviewer should make an evaluation of the
5)Placement & induction-once the employee is
placed he is required to undergo induction/
orientation. Induction is required because of the
following reasons
* it helps in providing the relevant information
abt the org to the newly inducted employee, all
the orientation will help to develop confidence in
the employee and to develop positive thought
abt the org.
* effective induction can minimize the impact of
reality shock that some new employees may
6)Retention-when the org have hired the right
personnel they must be retained so that they
remain in the org for a long time. This could be
achieved by way of good motivation & incentive
7)Training & development- this consist of all such
programmes that assist in continuous growth &
development of employees
Different types of training & development
On the job training
-job instruction training
-apprenticeship training
-job rotation
-participation in deliberations by forming
themselves in to task groups, committees,
project assignments etc.
Off the job training
-lectures & conference
-simulation training is a mock up of a real thing, it
involves duplication of org .simulation includes
the following :
 Role playing
 In basket exercise
 Case study
 Mgt games
 Sensitivity training
Direction is concerned with securing the co
operation of workers for the realization of
org objectives.
Principles of direction
-integrated objectives
-direct supervision
-participative mgt style
-unity of direction
Co- ordination
Co ordination is the orderly synchronization of
efforts of the subordinates to provide the
proper amount, timing & quality of execution
so that their unified efforts lead to the
achievement of the stated objective, namely
the common purpose of the org.
Need for co ordination
-large # of personnel
-functional differentiation
-individual Vs organizational interests
Types of co ordination
-Internal co ordination includes
*vertical & horizontal co ordination
*substantive & procedural co ordination
-External co- ordination
Techniques for effective co ordination
-co ordination by chain of command
-co ordination by leadership
-staff meeting
-co ordination by committees
-special co coordinators
-self coordination
Essentials of effective co ordination
-well defined authority & responsibility
-well defined work procedures
-effective communication system
-provisions of check & inspection
-effective org structure
-proper org climate
Principles of co ordination
-principle of direct contact
-co ordination at early stage
-principle of continuity
-principle of dynamism
-principle of timing
-principle of reciprocal relationship
It is a process by which mgrs assure that
resources are obtained & used effectively &
efficiently in the accomplishment of the
organization's objectives.
Characteristics of an effective control system
-control must provide useful & understandable
-it must report deviations quickly so as to
minimize the ill effects of these deviations
-controls must be designed in such a way that the
right person monitor the activities of their own
-control focus should be on strategic control points
-control should focus on results
-control should be economically realistic
-control should be flexible enough to absorb
-it should not only indicate deviations but also
should also lead to corrective actions
- it should be simple but difficult to manipulate
-control should be acceptable to all the
members concerned
-it should have support from outside the org
-control system should be designed by a mix of
individuals with specialization in various &
diversified fields
-principle of exception-a good system of control
should work on the principle of exception,so
that only important deviations are brought to
the attention of mgt.
The control process
-1)Predetermined goals- the goals should be
expressed in measurable terms for example
some of the quantitative goals include time
standards, cost standards, ROI standards,
productivity standards etc
-2)Measuring performance
According to Suchman there are 5 types of
evaluation of performance based on efforts,
effectiveness, adequacy, efficiency, process,
Steps in measuring performance includes
,measuring :(a)strategic control points which
includes income, expenses, inventory, quality
of the product, absenteeism (b) mechanized
measuring devices machines used for
measuring the performance (c) Ratio analysis
which includes net sales to working capital,
net sales to inventory, current ratio, etc
(d)comparitive statistical analysis &
(e)personal observation
- 3)Comparing the actual performance with
expected performance finding out the
positive & negative deviations
Methods of presentation of presenting the
results of comparison which includes the
-narrative method
-tabulation method
-graphical method
-mathematical model method
-4)Taking corrective action
Control Techniques
1Gantt chart- this chart helps in scheduling
manufacturing of an item
Month March
Date 1 8 15 22 29
011 Manu assem paint test

012 assembly test paint

2 Break Even Analysis-
Total revenue = total cost, no profit no loss. Any
production above this point yield a profit &
below this point a loss. The various cost
ingredients of BE includes
 Fixed cost
 Variable cost
Total cost= FC + VC
Therefore BEP (in units) =TFC
sp- vc
For eg; total FC is Rs 100,000 ,market cost Rs 5 &
net selling price is Rs 10 therefore
BEP is 100,000 = 20,000 books
10 – 5
So the book publisher must sell 20,000 books to
break even so that all the additional books
sold in excess of 20,000 would bring in profit.

total revenue line
loss total cost

Sales BEP profit

/cost B c


output (in units)
3Budgetary control
-Master budget –it covers both functional &
operational activities
-Materials & utilities budget- mainly concentrates on
operational side
-Control of liquidity budget- it forecasts cash receipts
& outlays in a set time basis & is necessary to control
the income & expenses, no shortage of cash, no
shortage of cash, no excess cash unused
-Revenue & expense budget-plans for sales revenue
& expenses such as rent, utilities, suppliers etc
- Capital expenditure budget-plans for long term
investment like expenditure for plant & machinery,
major installations, replacement of existing equipment
-sales budgets
-production budgets
-balance sheet
-Flexible budget- time to time changes could be
incorporated in the expenditure (variable cost)
due to change in volume of production &
-zero base budget(ZBB)-the budget is
constituted from a zero base as if it is the very
first budget of the org. It builds up the cost from
Steps involved in ZBB
-activities are divided in to parts-decision
-all activities are evaluated & ranked on the
basis of benefits to org .Activities with highest
will get immediate/first attention. Activities at
the lowest rank would get lowest priority
-allocation of resources
Advantages of ZBB
-able to know whether an activity is continued
or not
-greater participation of all concerned people in
planning process
-quantification is done for each alternative
,assessment is objective in nature, more
clear ,unambiguous
Disadvantages OF ZBB
-costly ,more time
-middle mgt reluctant to go for this method
Limitation of budgeting process
-They are too rigid
- Are used to evaluate the performance &
results, but the causes of failure & success are
not thoroughly investigated.
-budget purely used as a rating tool-solely for
catching the mistakes it will lower the
employee morale & dilute their sense of
-budget goals may be concerned as too high
goal ,found to be unrealistic/may create
tension & pressure result in worker
Benefits of budgetary control
Characteristic features of an effective
budgetary control system.
Time taken to complete an activity
activity event
2 A 6 C
1 4 E8 5

3B D7
Time estimate is based on 3 types of time
To-optimistic time
Tm – most likely time
Tp –pessimistic time.
The formula for computing the estimated time is

To + 4 Tm +Tp
PERT/CPM developed by special projects office
of the US navy .Programme Evaluation and
Review Technique was first applied to
planning & control of the Polaris Weapons
System. PERT is a time event network analysis
system in which the various events in a
programme /project are identified, with a
planned time established for each .These
events are placed in a network showing the
relationship of each event to other event
-5)Human Asset Accounting mainly assessed on
the basis of cost /benefit analysis.
The major costs include
-acquisition cost
-leaving cost
-separation cost
The contribution made by the employee is valued
on the basis of following:
-Causal variables includes –all those development
programs undertaken by org which acts as a
cause for the contribution made by employees
-Intervening variables- performance goals,
group loyalty, degree of conflict & co
operation, motivation, respect for authority
-End result variables- includes sales volume,
sales cost, earning made by sales
representatives etc.
Leadership & Motivation
Leadership may be defined as the art of influencing
& inspiring subordinates to perform their duties
willingly competently & enthusiastically for
achievement of group objectives
Traits of leadership
energy ,drive, appearance, present ability
,enthusiasm, total personality, initiative
,intelligence, self confidence, sociability, tact &
diplomacy, moral courage, & integrity, willpower,
& flexibility, knowledge of human relations
Leadership styles
1 Autocratic/dictatorial keep decision making
authority & control with a central position &
assume responsibility for all actions. They
structure the entire work situation in their
own way & expect the workers to follow
-can increase efficiency & get quicker results
-it is useful when the chain of command &
division of work is clear & understood by all
• Disadvantages
One way communication with out feedback lead
to misunderstanding &communication
-whole decision is taken by the autocratic leader
-it inhibits the workers freedom
-it is undesirable when the workforce is
knowledgeable abt their jobs & the job calls
for team work & co operative spirit
2) Participative /democratic leadership
Subordinates are consulted & their feedback is
taken in to consideration for decision making.
-increases productivity & satisfaction
-workers develop self esteem
-workers become more committed to changes
- The leadership induces confidence ,co
operation & loyalty amg workers
- -it results in higher employee morale.
-labor must be literate
-here the general assumption is that workers are
interested & loyal towards the org& that their
individual goals are infused with the org goal.
This assumption may not always be valid.
3 Laissez faire/free reign leadership
Here leader act as figure head do not participate
in decision making –full freedom given to the
subordinates to accomplish goals which is
generalized org policies & objectives
Enviromnet of freedom,team spirit &
-highly creative
-may result in disorganized activities
-insecurity & frustration may develop
-uncooperative members –team spirit may
-some members may put their own interest
above the group & team interests
Theories of leadership
1 Trait theory emphasizes that leaders are born
& not made leadership is a function of inborn
2 Behavioral theory
3 contingencu theory
4 The path goal theory
5Vroom Yetton model how the leaders should
behave in decision making .The focus is on the
assumption that different problem have
different characteristics & should therefore
be solved by different decision techniques.
The decision so reached ,should be high in
quality, should be accepted by people who
have to implement it & should be time
6 The managerial Grid Approach
Two axis are
Vertical axis represents workers involvement
Horizontal axis represents work design both has
a scale from 1 to 9
Vertical axis 1 representing least involvement by
the employees & 9 the most involvement
Horizontal axis 1 representing a very lose work
design structure & 9 representing a highly
structured work design.
5 co ordinates that reflects leadership behavior
-co ordinate (1,1) mgr’s make minimum efforts
to get the work done minimum workers
dedication & minimal work stds
-co ordinate (9,1) excellent work design, very
less workers dedication
-co ordinate (1,9 )high workers dedication high
morale, loosely structured work design
-co ordinate( 5,5 )satisfactory performance &
reasonable morale
-co ordinate (9,9 )ultimate in managerial
efficiency & highly dedicated people

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