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Official Letters

• Used for govt. offices CG, state govt.

• Official letter “Air of authority”
• Strict formality
• Fo0rmal usages, expressions,
1. A general indication of authority & power of writer.
2. In form of letter head in the name of Govt. Ministries,
dept (Name of Dept printed on letter head)
3. Name & sigh of sender with post at bottom
4. No. & date of communication at top.
5. Designation and official address of sender is also given.
Subject is written next.
6. The Salutation used in official letter is only ‘SIR’
7. Body contains strict official formality and authority.
8. I am directed to say………..
1. In reply to your letter.. dated…..i am directed to say.
2. In continuation of our letter number dated…I am
directed to say……
3. In compliance with your request contained in your
letter no.dated. I am directed to say.
4. Complimentary close ‘Yours faithfully’
Demi-Official Letter(D.O. LETTERS):-
Interchange of comm, ideas,& opinions without formality
For personal attention

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