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Media Touchpoints in the Consumer Path to Purchase

Date: Sept 2011


• Methodology
• Purchase Behaviour
• Research Behaviour
• Online Banking Behaviour
• Management Summary

Source: TNS Infratest

VDD Finance Switzerland
• Target group: Internet users in Switzerland, 18 years and older
• Sample: N=1,000 Internet users
• Methodology:
– Online Questionnaire
– Representative weighting by age, gender, education, income, frequency of
online access, frequency of online purchase, usage of YouTube
• Period of analysis:
– Fieldwork: from July 28th – August 11th, 2011
– Final report: September 1st, 2011
• Research company: TNS Infratest

Source: TNS Infratest

Relevant finance products for Switzerland

The following report provides insights on the purchase and research

behaviour for the following products out of the finance vertical.

Health insurance Shares

Other Finance Products

Travel insurance Personal loan
Insurance Products

Legal Protection Savings account

Car insurance Funds

Private liability Private account

Home insurance Mortgage

Source: TNS Infratest

Purchase Behaviour

Category knowledge – insurance products

Swiss internet users are well informed about insurances – the vast
majority is at least familiar with the basic idea of the analyzed products
Category knowledge – insurance products
All respondents

Health insurance 55% 41% 4%1%

Home insurance 44% 47% 9% 1%

Car insurance 46% 44% 9%1%

Private liability 42% 48% 9% 1%

Legal protection 31% 53% 14% 2%

Travel insurance 30% 52% 16% 2%

I’m absolutely familiar I’m aware of the basic I just know this product by name but I have never heard
with this product idea of this product I’m not really sure what it’s about of this product

Q8: How would you rate your personal knowledge about each of the following financial products?
Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000

Source: TNS Infratest

Category knowledge – finance products

Knowledge about finance products varies: private and savings account

well known, only few people absolutely familiar with shares or funds
Category knowledge – finance products
All respondents

Private account 61% 36% 2%


Savings account 58% 39% 3%


Mortgage 30% 50% 18% 3%

Personal loan 19% 53% 24% 4%

Shares 14% 57% 26% 3%

Funds 10% 49% 36% 5%

I’m absolutely familiar I’m aware of the basic I just know this product by name but I have never heard
with this product idea of this product I’m not really sure what it’s about of this product

Q8: How would you rate your personal knowledge about each of the following financial products?
Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000
Source: TNS Infratest

Ownership of finance products
Swiss Onliners are well equipped with finance products (Ø 8 products
owned) - private accounts and health insurances are most popular
Ownership of finance products
All respondents

Health insurance 87% Private account 88%

Other Finance Products

Home insurance 80% Savings account 81%

Private liability 79% Mortgage 37%

Car insurance 72% Shares 36%

Travel insurance 50% Funds 31%

Legal protection 48% Personal loan 20%

Swiss onliners own on average 8 financial products - Ø 5 insurances and Ø 3 other finance products

Q6: Which of the following financial products do you own?

Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000
Source: TNS Infratest

Purchase of financial products – past 24 months

Overall comparably low purchase frequency across all categories – on

average 1 financial product was bought in the past 24 months
Purchase within the past 24 months
All respondents

Health insurance 14% Shares 14%

Other Finance Products

Home insurance 14% Savings account 11%

Car insurance 13% Mortgage 11%

Travel insurance 9% Private account 10%

Private liability 8% Funds 7%

Legal protection 5% Personal loan 5%

Swiss onliners bought on average 1 financial product in the past 24 months

Q7: When did you last buy or subscribe one of the following financial products?
Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000
Source: TNS Infratest

Place of last purchase: insurance products

Among Swiss onliners the internet is an accepted purchase channel for

insurance products – most popular for health and travel insurances
Place of last purchase
Respondents who purchased in the past 24 months

Health Travel Legal Car Private Home

insurance insurance protection insurance liability insurance
Online - total 42% 37% 26% 25% 12% 9%

…via the internet in general 25% 10% 19% 6% 4% 4%

…via provider website 17% 27% 7% 19% 8% 5%

Offline - total 52% 48% 57% 74% 87% 89%

…in a provider‘s office 12% 22% 14% 27% 31% 27%

...with a provider’s consultant 37% 17% 36% 29% 49% 52%

…via phone 4% 9% 7% 18% 7% 10%

Q9: Please think now about the last time you purchased each of the following products. How did you actually make your purchase?
Base (weighted): All respondents who purchased at least one product in the past 24 months: Health insurance n=144, Travel insurance n=90, Legal
protection n=53, Car insurance n=127, Private liability n=79, Home insurance n=136

Source: TNS Infratest

Place of last purchase: other finance products

Spread of online as a place of purchase varies per product category:

highly popular for shares, rather unusual for mortgages
Place of last purchase
Respondents who purchased in the past 24 months

Shares Personal Savings Funds Private Mortgage

loan* account account
63 31 31 20
Online - total 16% 3%
% % % %
15 15
…via the internet in general 8% 2% 7% 3%
% %
47 17 23 18
…via provider website 10% 0%
% % % %
30 61 65 77 87
Offline - total 82%
% % % % %
17 47 39 47 55
…in a provider‘s office %
% % % %
20 25 23
...with a provider’s consultant 11% 9% 25%
% % %
…via phone 3% 4% 6% 5% 1%
*low incidence n<70
Q9: Please think now about the last time you purchased each of the following products. How did you actually make your purchase?
Base (weighted): All respondents who purchased at least one product in the past 24 months: Shares n=135, Personal loan n=53, Savings account n=115,
Funds n=75 Private account n=97, Mortgage n=111
Source: TNS Infratest

Provider vs. Broker: insurance products

Direct contracting with providers most popular – however, brokers relevant

as well particularly for private liability, legal protection and home insurances
Contracting with financial provider vs. independent broker
Respondents who purchased insurances in the past 24 months

Health Travel Legal Car insurance Private Home

insurance insurance protection liability insurance

1% 1%
18% 11% 12% 15% 1% 5%
59% 62%
73% 71%
80% 84%

Financial Provider Broker No answer

(i. e. a bank or an insurance (i. e.
company) an independent advisor offering
Q10: And did you contract these financial product(s) directly with a provider from
or with different of
involvement providers)
a broker?
Base (weighted): All respondents who purchased at least one product in the past 24 months: Health insurance n=144, Travel insurance n=90, Legal
protection n=53, Car insurance n=127, Private liability n=79, Home insurance n=136
Source: TNS Infratest

Provider vs. Broker: finance products

Direct contracting with financial providers most popular – brokers of

relevance particularly for buying funds and personal loans
Contracting with financial provider vs. independent broker
Respondents who purchased insurances in the past 24 months

Shares Personal Savings Funds Private Mortgage

loan account account
6% 5%
8% 5% 5% 9% 4%
10% 17% 5% 6%

82% 78% 90% 88% 87%

Financial Provider Broker No answer

(i. e. a bank or an insurance (i. e.
company) an independent advisor offering
contracts from different providers)
Q10: And did you contract these financial product(s) directly with a provider or with involvement of a broker?
Base (weighted): All respondents who purchased at least one product in the past 24 months: Shares n=135, Personal loan n=53, Savings account n=115,
Funds n=75 Private account n=97, Mortgage n=111

Drivers for buying online
Convenience related aspects (gain of time, buying anywhere at any time)
are the main driver for buying finance products on the internet
Motivation for purchasing finance products online
Respondents who purchased online in the past 24 months
It is fast and it is a gain of time 71% Convenience
It is available 24 hours and 7 days a week Convenience

I can place a purchase from anywhere 51% Convenience

Ease of comparing many different products 42% Convenience

Lower prices than offline 34% Prices/ Payment

Better terms and conditions than offline 23% Prices/ Payment

I can find all relevant contact details 18% Personal advice

Availability of independent consumer ratings & reviews 17% Personal advice

Availability of special online offers or promotions 17% Prices/ Payment

Presence of well-known and trustable financial providers 11% Convenience
Bad experiences with personal consultancy at a bank/ insurance 10% Personal advice
Contract financial providers that don’t have offices in Switzerland 4% Convenience

Q11: You’ve stated that you purchased the following products online via the internet: (…) What are from your perspective reasons for buying these products
on the internet? Base (weighted): All respondents who purchased at least one product online in the past 24 months: n=206; answer categories "Other", “Don’t
know” not shown

Barriers for buying online

Needs for personal consultancy as well as traditional buying habits are

the main barriers constraining online purchase in the finance vertical
Barriers for buying online
Respondents who purchased offline in the past 24 months
I appreciate personal expertise and consultancy 61% Personal advice

On the internet I don’t have a dedicated contact person 52% Personal advice

I’m used to purchasing directly at the branch of a bank/ insurance 34% Convenience
I’ve got security concerns Convenience
Product descriptions are too complicated and complex Assortment/ Clarity
High range of products - more complicated to find the right one Assortment/ Clarity
Not possible to buy specific financial products via the internet Assortment/ Clarity
Special offers/ promotions in the branch of a bank / insurance Prices/ Payment
Better offline terms and conditions than online Prices/ Payment
Usability on site is too complex Assortment/ Clarity
Lower prices than online Prices/ Payment

Q12: [...] What are from your perspective reasons for buying these products offline and not buying them via the internet?
Base (weighted): All respondents who purchased at least one product offline in the past 24 months: n=399; answer categories "Other", “Don’t know” not

Source: TNS Infratest

Wrap up Purchase Behaviour

1 Swiss Onliners are well equipped with finance products (Ø 8 products owned) -
private accounts and health insurances are most popular.

2 Rather conservative purchase behaviour observable – on average a respondent

bought only one finance product in the past 24 months.

Offline contracting is still the prevailing purchase method in the finance vertical:
3 insurances are usually subscribed for with insurance consultants whereas other
finance products are rather bought directly at a branch of the financial provider.

4 However, online contracting is an established purchase method for finance products

as well and particularly strong for shares as well as health and travel insurances.

The lack of personal consultancy is a crucial barrier preventing online purchase. In

5 order to push online sales finance providers could focus on those products that
require comparably low information and advisory. For these products the internet as
a purchase channel can benefit from strong convenience advantages.

Research Behaviour

Research funnel: online vs. offline search

The internet is particularly strong for supporting the initial and intensive
research phase – however, offline sources predominantly used
Research for finance products
Respondents who purchased in the past 24 months
First awareness Initial research Intensive research Final decision

Savings and investments 21% 41% 25% 19%

62% 55% 58% 62%
Private account, Bonds, Shares,
Savings account, Funds

Money lending 37% 47% 33% 25%

Personal loan, Mortgage 56% 53% 51% 59%

Insurance of Home, Life, Health, 20% 48% 30% 9%
Car, Travel, Accident, Legal 71% 64% 73% 74%
protection, Private liability
online touchpoints used in the respective stage of the research funnel
offline touchpoints used in the respective stage of the research funnel

Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you
collect intensive and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product?
Base: Respondents who applied for/purchased in the categories and used online or offline touchpoints in the research process
Source: TNS Infratest

Online research funnel: Savings and investments
Provider websites are the dominant source for online research on
savings / investments – search particularly strong for intial and intense
First awareness* Initial research Intense research Final decision*

Website of financial provider 30% 45% 50% 40%

Online touchpoints

Search Engine 14% 27% 26% 23%

Consumer reviews on the internet 19% 22% 12% 5%

Newsletter 21% 17% 22% 8%

Product or price comparison sites 7% 13% 20% 19%

Video portals (e.g. YouTube) 2% 7% 3% 3%

Online blogs/ online forums 14% 7% 8% 4%

*low incidence n<70

Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you
collect intensive and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product?
Base: Respondents who purchased/informed on products of savings/investments and used online touchpoints in the research process on products of
savings/investments: First awareness n=61, Initial research n=119; Intense research n=73; Final decision n=54
Source: TNS Infratest

Offline research funnel: Savings and investments
Personal consultancy from financial providers is the most popular offline
research source in the path to purchase on savings / investments

First awareness Initial research Intense research Final decision

Consultants of financial provider 56% 56% 65% 67%

Friends and colleagues 18% 24% 16% 17%

Offline touchpoints

Newspaper/ magazine 11% 24% 15% 11%

Consultants of independent financial provider 8% 17% 12% 6%

Information brochure via post 9% 13% 12% 2%

Poster / leaflet 14% 8% 15% 2%

Billboard 1% 5% 3% 0%

TV program/ TV advert 1% 5% 5% 2%

Radio program/ radio advert 1% 1% 7% 4%

Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you
collect intensive and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product?
Base: Respondents who purchased/informed on products of savings/investments and used offline touchpoints in the research process on products of
savings/investments: First awareness n=178, Initial research n=160; Intense research n=169; Final decision n=178
Source: TNS Infratest

Online research funnel: Money lending
Search engines create awareness and support initial research - provider
and comparison sites dominant for intense research and decision support

First awareness* Initial research Intense research* Final decision*

Website of financial provider 48% 69% 66% 48%

Online touchpoints

Product or price comparison sites 16% 22% 29% 45%

Search Engine 28% 20% 11% 4%

Consumer reviews on the internet 6% 8% 8% 1%

Newsletter 3% 5% 7% 1%

Online blogs/ online forums 0% 4% 5% 2%

Video portals (e.g. YouTube) 0% 3% 1% 0%

*low incidence n<70

Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you
collect intensive and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product?
Base: Respondents who purchased/informed on money lending products and used online touchpoints in the research process on money lending products:
First awareness n=30, Initial research n=72; Intense research n=45; Final decision n=14

Source: TNS Infratest

Offline research funnel: Money lending
Professional consultancy from financial providers is by far the most
important offline information source about money lending products

First awareness Initial research Intense research Final decision

Consultants of financial provider 62% 65% 74% 75%

Friends and colleagues 18% 29% 14% 6%

Offline touchpoints

Information brochure via post 2% 16% 4% 1%

Poster / leaflet 10% 16% 13% 0%

Newspaper/ magazine 7% 15% 19% 6%

Consultants of independent financial provider 5% 14% 14% 7%

Radio program/ radio advert 0% 2% 10% 3%

TV program/ TV advert 1% 2% 1% 1%

Billboard 1% 0% 2% 0%
Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you
collect intensive and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product?
Base: Respondents who purchased/informed on money lending products and used offline touchpoints in the research process on money lending products:
First awareness n=107, Initial research n=96; Intense research n=110; Final decision n=112
Source: TNS Infratest

Online research funnel: Insurances
Comparison sites are the most frequently used information sources in the
online research process on insurances followed by provider sites

First awareness Initial research Intense research Final decision

Product or price comparison sites 52% 49% 51% 45%

Online touchpoints

Website of financial provider 19% 32% 41% 33%

Search Engine 11% 25% 15% 12%

Consumer reviews on the internet 16% 15% 18% 7%

Newsletter 10% 7% 4% 8%

Online blogs/ online forums 2% 2% 2% 1%

Video portals (e.g. YouTube) 1% 2% 3% 3%

Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you
collect intensive and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product?
Base: Respondents who purchased/informed on insurances and used online touchpoints in the research process on insurances: First awareness n=132,
Initial research n=167; Intense research n=117; Final decision n=88

Source: TNS Infratest

Offline research funnel: Insurances
WOM either professional with (independent) consultants or personal
with friends is the dominant offline research source on insurances
First awareness Initial research Intense research Final decision

Consultants of financial provider 45% 45% 56% 53%

Friends and colleagues 24% 31% 23% 17%

Offline touchpoints

Consultants of independent financial provider 20% 25% 27% 23%

Information brochure via post 6% 12% 7% 4%

Poster / leaflet 8% 6% 6% 4%

Billboard 1% 6% 2% 0%

Newspaper/ magazine 9% 5% 4% 5%

TV program/ TV advert 7% 4% 1% 1%

Radio program/ radio advert 2% 4% 3% 2%

Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you
collect intensive and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product?
Base: Respondents who purchased/informed on insurance and used offline touchpoints in the research process on insurance: First awareness n=200, Initial
research n=227; Intense research n=183; Final decision n=210

Source: TNS Infratest

Finance provider sites
vs. price comparison sites
Provider sites are strong for providing in-depth and up-to-date
information about the whole product portfolio – trust contributes as well
Advantages of finance provider sites over price comparison sites
Users of websites of financial institutes
Comprehensive and in-depth information –
comparison sites only list key features 16% 47% 30% 8%4%

Comparison sites do not list all available providers – 13% 48% 29% 5% 4%
therefore direct browsing is necessary

Contain the whole product portfolio of a provider – 17% 43% 31% 3%2%
comparison sites only cover specific products

Trustful relationship with financial provider – 16% 40% 34% 8% 5%

therefore I browse his site first

Provider sites are always up-to-date – 15% 37% 33% 7% 7%

latest offers not available on comparison sites

I can find better prices on provider sites 2% 20% 44% 27% 6%

1 Strongly agree 2 3 4 5 strongly disagree

Q28: You’ve stated that you used websites of financial institutes (i. e. website of a bank / insurance) for informing yourself about financial products.(…) Please
evaluate each of the following statements on a scale from 1 – strongly agree to 5 –strongly disagree.
Base (weighted): All who used websites of financial institutes n=186
Source: TNS Infratest

Finance provider sites
vs. price comparison sites
Gaining a comparative perspective about the whole market is the main
advantage of comparison sites – recommendations relevant as well
Advantages of price comparison sites over finance provider sites
Users of comparison sites

Compare products from different providers fast and easily 44% 40% 12% 8%1%

Provide a good market overview 38% 39% 20% 5%

– I find new providers I didn’t consider before

I can find independent recommendations from other 29% 32% 33% 3%

consumers regarding financial products

Aggregated overview of the relevant product features – 27% 27% 39% 8% 1%

provider websites list too detailled information

I can find better prices on comparison sites 22% 22% 41% 7% 4%

1 Strongly agree 2 3 4 5 strongly disagree

Q29: You’ve stated that you used product or price comparison sites (e.g. comparis) for informing yourself about financial products. (…) Please evaluate each of the following
statements on a scale from 1 – strongly agree to 5 –strongly disagree.
Base (weighted): All who used comparison sites n=150
Source: TNS Infratest

Research online –
purchase…? Insurance products
ROPO effect varies per insurance product: comparably strong for home
insurances and private liabilities

Online research Purchase online vs. offline

Purchaser of the past 24 months Purchaser who research online

Health insurance 68% 42%

54% 45%
Car insurance

52% 56%
Travel insurance 39%

40% 36%
Legal protection 55%

37% 19%
Home insurance 77%

Private liability 31% 63%

Online Offline

Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you
collect intensive and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product? / Q9:
How did you actually made your purchase? Base (weighted): Purchaser per category: Health insurance n=144, Travel insurance n=90, Car insurance n=127,
Home insurance n=136, Private liability n=79, Legal protection n=53
Source: TNS Infratest

Research online –
purchase…? Finance products
Strong ROPO effects visible for mortgages, private accounts and funds
whereas share purchasers who research online preferably buy online

Online research Purchase online vs. offline

Purchaser of the past 24 months Purchaser who research online

Savings account 60% 57%

59% 1%
* 96%

55% 42%
Personal loan 51%

Shares 50%

47% 14%
Private account 86%

Funds 40% 75%

Online Offline

Q15: How or where did you first hear about them? Q16: And how did you start informing yourself about each of the following products? Q17: And how did you collect intensive
and deeper information about each of the following products? Q18: And how did you come to your final decision to buy the product? / Q9: How did you actually made your
purchase? Base (weighted): Purchaser per category: Saving account n=115, mortgage n=111, personal loan n=53, shares n=135, private account n=97, funds n=75

Source: TNS Infratest

Information trigger

Apart from direct type-in at the browser start page search engines are the
leading navigator tool to relevant online information sources
How did you find the websites you used
for searching product information?
Online researcher
Typing in the website address directly in the browser 50%

Search engines 42%

Links at other websites 10%

Links saved in my 'favourites list' 8%

E-mail or newsletter 7%

Clicking on display advertisement 5%

Links or recommendations at blogs and forums 4%

Links or recommendations at video portals 4%

Links or recommendations at social networking sites 2%

Q20: You mentioned that you used online information sources while searching for product information. How did you find the websites you have used in the
internet? Base (weighted): All who used online information sources n=312; answer categories “Don’t know” not shown

Source: TNS Infratest

Length of Research Process: Insurance products
Rather short research process for private liabilities and car insurances -
comparably long research for legal protection and health insurances
How long did you inform yourself…?
Purchaser of the past 24 months

Private liability 41% 28% 18% 3%1%


Car insurance 28% 33% 16% 11% 9% 0%


Travel insurance 29% 29% 21% 7% 7% 1%


Home insurance 32% 22% 20% 12% 3%


Legal protection 14% 26% 14% 20% 13% 4%2%


Health insurance 20% 17% 21% 21% 9% 7% 4%

1 day less than a 3-6 months more than Cannot remember

1-2 weeks 3-4 weeks 1-2 months 6 months

Q19: How long did you inform yourself before you decided to make the purchase? Purchaser per category: Health insurance n=144, Home insurance n=136,
Private liability n=79, Car insurance n=127, Travel insurance n=90, Legal protection n=53

Source: TNS Infratest

Length of Research Process: Finance products
Obviously rather complicated products with high consultancy needs e.
g. mortgages and personal loans show a comparably long research
How long did you inform yourself…?
Purchaser of the past 24 months

Savings account 30% 27% 13% 14% 2%


Private account 24% 25% 20% 12% 6% 1%


Funds 16% 21% 32% 19% 8% 0%


Shares 12% 19% 22% 22% 5% 9% 2%


Personal loan 2% 26% 31% 23% 15% 1%


Mortgage 1%13% 12% 37% 18% 10% 3%


1 day less than a 3-6 months more than Cannot remember

1-2 weeks 3-4 weeks 1-2 months 6 months

Q19: How long did you inform yourself before you decided to make the purchase? Purchaser per category: Private account n=97, Savings account n=115,
Personal loan n=53, Shares n=135, Mortgage n=111, Funds n=75

Source: TNS Infratest

Advertising recall - overview

Highest advertising recall for health insurances and personal loans –

4 out of 10 Swiss onliners remember having seen ads for these products

For which of the following products do you recall advertising?

All respondents

Health insurance 44% Personal loan 45%

Other Finance Products

Home insurance 39% Mortgage 36%

Car insurance 38% Savings account 33%

Travel insurance 28% Private account 28%

Legal protection 28% Funds 23%

Private liability 22% Shares 21%

Q21: Did you recently see or notice any advertising for the following products?
Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000

Source: TNS Infratest

Advertising contact – insurance products

Online is an effective channel for creating ad contacts on insurance

products – reach mostly comparable to print advertising
Advertising contact
All respondents
Health Car Travel Home Legal Private
insurance insurance insurance insurance protection liability

Online advertising (net) 17% 13% 10% 9% 7% 6%


Internet in general (e.g. banner) 8% 7% 4% 6% 2% 3%

Search engines (e. g. Google) 7% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2%

Emails (e. g. newsletter) 7% 4% 3% 2% 2% 1%

Video portals (e. g. YouTube) 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%

TV 18% 17% 7% 18% 10% 9%

Magazines / newspapers 15% 13% 10% 11% 10% 5%


Leaflets/ brochures 11% 10% 8% 11% 7% 6%

Outdoor advertisement 13% 7% 5% 8% 3% 4%

Radio 5% 1% 2% 2% 2% 2%

Q21: Did you recently see or notice any advertising for the following products?
Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000

Source: TNS Infratest

Advertising contact – finance products

Online is an effective channel for creating ad contacts on finance

products and among Swiss Onliners its reach is comparable to TV ads
Advertising contact
All respondents
Personal Mortgage Savings Shares Private Funds
loan account account

Online advertising (net) 16% 12% 10% 8% 8% 8%


Internet in general (e.g. banner) 9% 6% 6% 3% 4% 4%

Search engines (e. g. Google) 6% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2%

Emails (e. g. newsletter) 5% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2%

Video portals (e. g. YouTube) 2% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1%

TV 15% 12% 8% 3% 6% 3%

Magazines / newspapers 20% 13% 11% 7% 11% 8%


Leaflets/ brochures 12% 12% 12% 8% 11% 8%

Outdoor advertisement 13% 7% 8% 3% 7% 3%

Radio 2% 2% 1% 2% 1% 1%

Q21: Did you recently see or notice any advertising for the following products?
Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000

Source: TNS Infratest

Wrap up Research Behaviour

1 Online research prior to purchase is relevant for all analyzed products - however,
offline research is still predominant in the finance vertical.

2 Offline advisory from consultants at financial providers is the key information

source in every phase of the research process on the analyzed finance products.

Among the online information sources finance provider websites are predominantly
3 used for savings & investments and for money lending products whereas for
insurances comparison sites play a major role in the online research process.

4 Search top navigator tool for finance research: 4 out of 10 online researchers start
on search in order to navigate to relevant research sources.

Online is a strong and important channel for creating ad contacts in the finance
5 vertical – for insurances its reach is on a level of print advertising, for other finance
products the ad contact shares are comparable to TV advertising.

Online Banking Behaviour
Information frequency – Online vs. Offline

In comparison with visits at the bank the internet is clearly more regularly
considered for collecting information about financial products
How often do you inform yourself about financial products …?
All respondents
Online Offline
via the internet visit at the branch
of a bank
Monthly 22% 5%
39% inform
themselves online
About once every 3 months 9% at least once 6%
every 6 months
About once every 6 months 8% 8%
51% visit the
branch of their
About once a year 13% 22% bank only once a
year or less
Less frequently 19% 29%

Never 26% 27%

3% 3%
Don’t know
Q22: How often do you inform yourself about financial products (e.g. information about product descriptions, interest rates, terms and
Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000

Source: TNS Infratest

Transaction frequency – Online vs. Offline

8 out of 10 Swiss Onliners process banking transactions on the internet

– almost one third use online banking on a weekly level
How often do you process banking transactions…?
All respondents
Online Offline Offline
via the internet visit at the branch visit at the
of a bank

Weekly 31% 4% post

5% office

Monthly 43% 23% 21%

1% Online 9% 6%
About once every 3 months total:
About once every 6 months 1% 8% 3%

Less frequently 3% 28% 17%

Never 18% 25% 45%

Don’t know 3% 4% 3%

Q23: And how often do you process banking transactions (e. g. checking your account balance, transferring money, paying bills, …)?
Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000
Source: TNS Infratest

Financial activities online
Processing transactions (paying bills, transferring money) and checking
accounts are the most popular activities among Swiss online bankers
Financial activities online
Yes, I use online Users of online banking
banking. (79%)
Online banking activities
Made bill payments 85%

Checked your account balance 84%

Checked your recent transactions 58%

Transferred funds between your accounts 58%

Transferred money to others 49%

Checked stock prices 19%

Received transaction alerts 16%

Applied for a financial product 7%

Received stock price alerts 6%

Received account alerts 6%

Changed your banking PIN number(s) 5%

Q25: Which of the following actions did you do online within the last 6 months?
Base (weighted): Users of online banking n=795; answer categories "Other", “Don’t know/ Don’t remember”, “No answer” not shown
Source: TNS Infratest

Drivers for online banking

Convenience related aspects and time efficiencies are the main drivers
for online banking
Why do you use online banking?
Users of online banking

Yes, I am using online I can process banking transactions at any time 78%
I have a permanent access / up-to-date overview 71%

It’s a gain of time 70%

79% It’s easy to handle 59%

I can directly store or print out my account statements 49%

I can process banking transactions from anywhere 44%

It’s cheaper than processing banking transactions in the branch 36%

It’s safe

Q27: Why do you use online banking?

Base (weighted): Users of online banking n=795; answer categories "Other", “No answer” not shown
Source: TNS Infratest

Source: TNS Infratest 40

Barriers versus online banking

Habitual banking behaviour, security concerns and the need for

personal consultancy are main barriers constraining online banking
Why don’t you use online banking?
Non-users of online banking

No, I have never used I am used to traditional (offline) banking 40%

online banking.
I’m afraid that my money / personal information won’t be safe 38%

I prefer to speak to somebody personally 20%

18% It’s too complicated 11%

I have only insufficient access to the Internet 5%

It involves additional costs 4%

I didn’t know that I could bank online with my bank / insurance

My bank / insurance does not provide an online banking

Q26: Why don’t you use online banking?

Base (weighted): All who never use online banking n=179; answer categories "Other", “No answer” not shown

Source: TNS Infratest

Channels for online banking

The first choice access for online banking is the stationary internet at
home – however, already noticeable shares for mobile devices
For online banking I use…
Users of online banking

PC/ laptop/ netbook Tablet PC

at home/ work

87 % 5%

Laptop/ netbook Mobile/ smartphone

on the go

14 % 5%

Q24: You’ve stated that you at least sometimes use the internet in order to process banking transactions (e. g. checking your account balance, transferring
money, paying bills, …). Which of the following devices do you use for online banking?
Base (weighted): Users of online banking n=795; answer categories “Don’t know/No answer” not shown

Source: TNS Infratest

Wrap up Online Banking Behaviour

1 The internet is a popular channel for processing banking transactions: 8 out of

10 Swiss Onliners use online banking, about one third on a weekly level.

2 Paying bills, transferring money, and keeping an eye on account balance and
account transactions are the most popular online banking activities.

3 The vast majority of the online bankers access their online banking system via
stationary internet – noticeable mobile share indicates future growth potential.

4 In order to further push online as a transaction channel financial providers have

to overcome in first place traditional banking habits and security concerns.

Management Summary
Management Summary

Offline contracting is the prevailing purchase method in the finance vertical.

1 However, online contracting is established as well and particularly strong for shares,
health and travel insurances.

2 The internet is a popular channel for processing banking transactions with 8 out of
10 Swiss Onliners using online banking.

3 Online research prior to purchase is relevant for all analyzed products.

Nevertheless, personal offline research is still dominant in the finance vertical.

In this respect advisory from consultants at financial providers is the key information
4 source along the path to purchase. Among the online sources finance provider
websites and comparison sites are most frequently considered.

5 Search engines are a top navigator tool for finance research on the internet: 4 out of
10 online researchers start on search in order to navigate to relevant sources.

6 Accordingly presence on search engines enables presence in the online research

process and enhances relevance for the purchase.


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