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Lorena Villegas Alzate

If you study English hard, what
will you do?

If I study hard English, I will

understand the magnitude of the
capacities and the doors that open to
develop my
professional, work, social and
economic career

Lorena Villegas Alzate

If I only had 24 hours to live, I
would travel with my family
around the world, I would visit
new places, I would eat the
most delicious food and I
would express my love to
those around me and I
dissatisfied those who do not
like me

If you only had 24 hours to

live, what would you do?

Lorena Villegas Alzate

I failed my English test. If I
had studied more, I would

I would have analyzed the

information better, I would
organize my ideas in a clearer and
more focused way and thus win
the exam and had better results

Lorena Villegas Alzate

If I don’t know the meaning of a
word in English, what can I do?
If I don't know the meaning, I can
investigate in Google, I can search in an
English book
and in dictionaries to get a better idea of
​the new word

Lorena Villegas Alzate

if I could be an animal I would
be a bird for to admire the
beauty from above and feel the If you could be an animal,
wind what animal would you be?
Lorena Villegas Alzate
If you hadn’t studied this
career, which other would you
have studied and why?

if I had not studied

this career I would
have studied
administration to be
at the service of
nature and always in
touch with the

Lorena Villegas Alzate

if it rains tomorrow I will wear closed shoes with thick and warm clothes

If it rains tomorrow, what will you wear?

Lorena Villegas Alzate

What happens if your
smartphone falls into the toilet?

If that happens, I try to

remove it quickly and remove
the battery and dry it to
prevent the water from
damaging it.

Lorena Villegas Alzate

If you could be invisible for a day
what would you do and why?

If I could be invisible for

a day I would like to see
everything my husband
does to know if he does
things right or wrong

Lorena Villegas Alzate

Babies cry if they…

Babies cry if they are not

taken care of and have

Lorena Villegas Alzate

It rained really hard yesterday
and you could not do what you
planned to do. If it had not
rained, what would you have

If it hadn't rained, what

would I have done? I
would have gone for a

Lorena Villegas Alzate

If I eat a lot of fast If you eat lots of fast food,
food, it will happen what will happen?
that I get fat

Lorena Villegas Alzate

Good Job !

Lorena Villegas Alzate

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