Oral Presentation - English Level V

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Business Culture and

Etiquette: France
International Week
Level 5 Group 9
Members: - Andres Palacios
- Daniela Lombana
- Carlos A. Santana
Dando cumplimiento a la Ley estatutaria 1581 de 2012, la Universidad
Autónoma de Occidente se permite informar que esta sesión académica será
transmitida en vivo, se podrán tomar imágenes de los asistentes y ser grabada
en video para usos y fines estrictamente académicos.
Los derechos de autor sobre el contenido de la sesión académica se
encuentran protegidos conforme a lo dispuesto por el artículo 20 de la Ley 23
de 1982, modificado por el artículo 28 de la Ley 1450 de 2011. Queda
prohibida su difusión, distribución o divulgación en redes sociales o cualquier
otro medio no institucional.
General Facts
Location and Area

French Republic

Money Language
Business Mentality

✔ Long-term business
✔ Straightforward, relationships. ✔ Decision making
questioning, and probing. pace
Business Mentality

✔ The focus of an
✔ Patience  argument may
✔ They are receptive to change during the
new information. discussion.

✔ Handshake. ✔ Kissing cheeks  ✔ Titles of courtesy.

Body Language

✔ Good posture 
✔ Eye contact 
✔ The distance between people 
✔ Make sure to have your hands out of your pockets at all times.
✔ Slapping an open palm over a closed fist is considered rude.
✔ The OK sign 
Business meetings and meals

✔ business lunches. ✔ Relationships. ✔ First impressions.

Business meetings and meals

✔ They have a strong sense of privacy.

✔ business cards
✔ You should be punctual.

✔ Presents should be treated with discretion

Fun Facts
Is normal to
interrupt the
idea of other

depending regios is
normal to kiss de cheek 5

Almost everyone
Never snap can take 2 hours of
the fingers lunch
Hangman Game
In this activity you will have to guess a
series of words related to the information
previously presented about France, letter
by letter.

Game Link:

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