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The Story of Joshua

Part 2
What was the story we learned before?
• Joshua sent the spies SECRETLY

• Jericho…?
• She says:
• a great fear of you has fallen on
us, so that all who live in this
country are melting in fear
because of you.
Joshua 2:9b
• “Oh! You just missed them! They
took off back toward the city
gates. If you hurry up you might
be able to catch them! But you
better go, now!”
Helped the spies to escape so that they can tell
Joshua what they had seen and heard.
The Jordan River – in rainy season
• Get your provisions ready.
Joshua 1:11  means “Pack some food”
• ??? To cross the river??
15(During harvest time the Jordan
River overflows its banks, so the river
was at its fullest.) The priests who were
carrying the Box came to the shore of
the river. When they stepped into the
water, 16immediately the water stopped
flowing and piled up like a wall. The
water piled up high a long way up the
river—all the way to Adam (a town
near Zarethan). And the water flowing
down to the sea of Arabah (the Dead
Sea) was completely cut off. The
people crossed the river near
Jericho. 17The ground at that place
became dry, and the priests carried the
Box of the Agreement of the LORD to
the middle of the river and stopped.
They waited there while all the Joshua 3: 15 - 16
Israelites walked across the Jordan
River on dry land.
This is a great example of trusting God and
having faith in him.
• We don’t use our eyes to trust God.
• Trust is about listening to the one who can see everything. The one
who has all the power.
• If the priests that were carrying the ark had trusted their eyes they
would have never tried to cross the Jordan River. Remember, until
they actually walked INTO the river nothing had happened. If they had
trusted their eyes they would have gone up to the edge of the river
and then turned back, because they didn’t see anything happening.
Let’s do this! - volunteer
• When we read God’s Word that is a way of hearing God’s voice. And
we have a choice, like we talked about at the beginning. We can
either do it our own way, or trust the one who can see the future and
knows what’s best for us.

• We can’t see, so we have to trust the One who can.

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