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Ingles: Simple Present

Adriana Chávez Arenas CAPACIDAD: Utiliza convenciones del lenguaje escrito de forma pertinente

DESEMPEÑO ESPECÍFICO: Emplea convenciones del lenguaje escrito utilizando, Simple Present como
recursos ortográficos y gramaticales de mediana complejidad que le den claridad y sentido al texto.
FECHA: 27/10/2020 SECCIÓN: A / B BIMESTRE: IV Secondary

Look at the verbs in parenthesis ,complete the
sentences in Simple Present

1. He _____ (exercise) every morning.

2. She _____ (not have ) breakfast at 8 o´clock.
3. I ______ (watch) TV in the afternoon.
4. You _____ (be) a doctor.
5. We ______ (not play) outside.

• What did we do in this activity?

Today we rewired the present simple , in positive and negative form ,
we completed sentences ,following the rules of the simple present.
• Did we have any difficulties? How did we solve it?
No , we didn’t ,we had an explanation of the teacher , and the activity
was easy.

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