School: Goal: To Learn English

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Goal: To learn English

IRT18D009 Khongorzul Enkhbaatar

■ A teacher- Багш
■ A student teacher- Дадлагын багш
■ Classmates- Ангийнхан
■ Fellows- Хамтрагч найзууд
What you say What you hear
 Hello? Teachers  Please, pay attention on the
 Teacher, can I ask a  Teaching lessons.
question?  Did you understand?
 Sorry teacher, I didn’t get  Is it clear to understand?
it. Can you please help me?  If it is not clear, please, ask
from my assistant.
 Helping friend.  Fellow, are you getting it?
 Answer teacher’s question.  Friend, please, help me to
 See you teachers!  Now, please, answer my
 Thanks for the lesson. question students.
 Well, done. You are all good.
 See you. Don’t forget to do
your homework.
■ A whiteboard - Самбар
■ A Marker - Маркер
■ A marker eraser-Самбрын алчуур
■ Personal Computer (PC) -
■ Projector - Проектор
■ Dictionary - Толь бичиг
■ A Pencil- Харандаа
■ Colored Writing Utensils - Өнгийн
бал, тодруулагч
■ Post-it Notes - Наалддаг цаас
■ Notebook - Дэвтэр

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