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E-Commerce Industry

Success Factors 4 Actions Framework

• Create a unique brand name. This should not be Reduce: The time taken for purchasing any product,
changed, as this is the identity of the store which could be done with the help of reduction in the
• Product design: It should be attractive and easy to number of clicks required for purchasing
use, and there should be a transparency pertaining Eliminate: The ads which are irrelevant to the users.
to all charges This could be done with the help of optimising the
• Search Engine Optimisation algorithms used to display such ads based on the user
• Marketing on multiple channels like Facebook, search history
Instagram or emails Raise: Usability standards should be raised such that
• Primary focus should be on customer satisfaction by even the first time users of the application should be
making the act of purchasing easier than ever and by able to complete their transactions with ease and no
providing attractive discounts on products hindrance must be there.
• Different payment options should be provided. Ex. Create: A site which could completely adapt as per the
COD, Third Party, Debit card, Credit Card, etc user preferences and not just the available products
• Provide an excellent customer service being updated as per the user’s search history

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