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Tutorial on:

Hartley and Colpitts oscillator circuits

Hartley and Colpitts oscillator circuit diagram

Hartley Colpitts
Required Formulae's:

For Hartley For Colpitts

• Frequency of oscillations (without and • Frequency of oscillations
with mutual inductance)

• Feedback fraction and transistor gain (A) :

Examples on Hartley oscillator
Ex 1 : Calculate the frequency of oscillation of a Hartley oscillator
having L1= 0.5 mH , L2= 1 mH and C = 0.2 μF

Ex 2 : In a Hartley oscillator it is given that L1 = 20 μH , L2 = 2 mH

and capacitor is variable. Design the value of variable capacitor if
frequency is varied from 1 MHz to 2.5 MHz. Neglect the mutual

Ex 3 : For a given Hartley oscillator, design the values of the

inductors L1 and L2 to achieve a frequency of 1 MHz and a feedback
gain factor of 0.2. It is also given that a 1 pF capacitor is available.
Ex 4: In a transistorized Hartley oscillator the two inductances are 2 mH
and 20 microhenry. While the frequency is to be changed from 950 KHz
to 2050 KHz, calculate the range over which the capacitor is to be
Examples on Colpitts oscillator
Ex5: Calculate the oscillation frequency frequency for colpitts
oscillator for C1= 0.001 μF C2 = 0.01 μF and L= 15 μH

Ex 6 : In a colpitts oscillator ,the values of inductor L3 = 40 mH ,

C1= 100 pF, C2 = 500 pF
(1) Find frequency of oscillations
(2) If the output voltage is 10 V find feedback voltage
(3) Find minimum gain if the frequency is changec by changing
L3 alone
(4) Find the value of C1 for a gain of 10
(5) Find the new value of oscillating frequency

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