ARITHMETIC GRADIENT, Dan Soal Latihan (Ekotek 3)

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seringkali situasi pada cash flow dimana penerimaan dan pengeluaran tidak dalam
jumlah yang konstant tetapi bisa meningkat atau menurun dalam jumlah yang sama
seperti pada gambar dibawah ini
15 G= 5
P= A (P/A, 5%, 5) + G (P/G, 5%,5)
= 120( 4,329) + 30 (8,237)
= 766
on a certain piece of machinery its estimated that the maintenance expence will be as follow:

year maintenance ($)

1 100
2 200
3 300
4 400 A= ??
P= ???

1. how much should be deposit in the bank now, if 6% interest is used

2. what is the equivalent uniform annual maintennance cost for the machinary -> Tabel A/G
3. what is the equivalent uniform annual maintennance cost for the machinary --> Tabel A/P
P = 60 (P/A, 12%,4) - 15 (P/G,12%,4)

E = ???

i= 6% ???
soal-soal latihan
• contoh soal:
• a man borrow $500 from a Bank on Ocyober 15th, he must replay the loan in 16 equal monthly
payments due on the 15th each month, beginning Novenber 15th. If interest is computed at 1% per
month, how much mut he pay each month

• a local finance company will loan $10000 to a home owner. it is to be repaid in 24 monthly
payments of $499 each. the first paymen is due thirty days after the $10000 is received. What is
interest rate per month are their charging.

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