Project Title: Targeting Elder Sibling (Sp. Who Is Nursing Child) For Dehydration Control in Diarrheoa

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Ms. Priyanka Sharma (850)

Dr. Richa Chaturvedy (860)
Dr. Sanjhi Singh (870)
Dr. Shweta Sandhu (880)
Ms. Trupti Khandelwal (890)
Mr. Yatendra Sharma (900)
Project Overview
 Project finds its basis in existing scenario of
dehydration in diarrhea
 20% of children in 0-9 age group suffer from
dehydration due to diarrhea each year in Rajasthan .
 This project tries to answer the question that if we
educate and train elder sibling (sp.who is nursing
child) in a rural household about dehydration
diagnosis and management, will it bring down the
number of admissions due to dehydration in diarrhea
Project Overview
 It Includes training of community nominations
 Who will in turn educate and train the children
 This whole project will be spread over two and a half
 Will aim at reducing the number of admissions in the
healthcare facilities due to dehydration in diarrhea.
Background Information:
 Rajasthan is one of the driest regions in India
 Rajasthan has a geographical area of 342,239square
km. and a population 56.51 millions.
 There are 33 districts, 237 blocks and 41353 villages
 The state has a population density of 165 persons per
square km (as against national density averaging at
 The Infant Mortality Rate in Rajasthan is 6th highest
in the Country (nfhs 3)
 One out of the every 15 children dies within first year of life
(NFHS 3).
 One out of twelve dies before 5 year of age.
 Female Literacy Rate according to Census 2001 is 43.29
(against 53.7 of the nation).
 Our area of study is District Tonk , Tonk has population of
12.11 lakhs has 2 Sub Division and 6 Tehsils and 132
Villages. According to NFHS 3, 0 to 4 year population is 11.9
%of the total population and 13.8 % of total population is
constituted by children from 5- 9 age group.
 The average number of kids per household is 2.8 (According to
NFHS 3).
 Median birth interval in Rajasthan is 30 months, that is almost
65% of births occur in three years (nfhs3)
 At least 24.4 % of children under the age of 5 and 20% children
under the age of 9 suffer from diarrhea each year.
 25 % of the suffering were treated with some kind of therapy
which included 17% with ORS and 7% with gruel.
 Almost one fifth of the children received same or lesser amount
of fluids
 One third of the children did not receive any treatment at all
 40 % of children under the age of five in Tonk are underweight;

 Will educating and training elder sibling in

rural house hold (specially who is nursing
child) in diagnosis and management of
dehydration due to diarrhea reduce admissions
of the children due to dehydration in diarrhea?
 Study design : Experimental Study
 To break the
vicious cycle of

 To decrease the admission of the child due to
dehydration in diarrhea in health care facility
(District hospital, Community health centre,
Primary health centre) by 10 %.
 To achieve at earliest millennium development
goal (reduction in number of diarrhea cases
how much so ever they contribute) of
reduction of under 5 mortality rate by 2/3 rd.
 Rural children of age group 5-9
Situational Analysis:
 Baseline Survey:

 Average number of admissions in CHC , PHC

and District hospital (total number 53 nfhs) in an
year of last three years with diagnosis of
dehydration due to diarrhea will be taken (The
year will be from 1 August to 31 July).
 Training the teachers:
 Nomination of the candidates
 Candidate specifications
 132 candidates
 2 batches
 10 days training
 Timings
 Venue
 Doctor and a teacher trainer
 Content of training and bilateral relationship
 Basic Assumption for village children
 Assume villages with 50-300 household
 33 each
 Average number of kids per household 2.8 (nfhs3)
 around 30% of these kids are 0-4 years of age
 around 35%are 5-9 years of age.
 2/3 rd turn up
Table depicting assumed number of households with children to be
trained and expected number of turn ups

Assumed number Number of kids Number of kids Number of kids

of Households(33 In a village between 5-9 expected to turn
in each group) in a years of age up for the
village training
50 140 49 34
100 280 98 66
200 560 196 131
300 840 294 196
 Training the kids:
 Why kids:
 Nursing the younger one
 Secondary target
 Source of potential behavior change of community
 Why Teachers 10 days and kids 4 days:
 Learning capacity
 Exhaustive list for teachers
 Learning how to train kids
 Time Frame of the Training:
 4 days , 4 hours

Proposed training schedule of the teacher in community

Group one Group Group Group

Two Three Four
Ist day 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April
IInd day 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May
IIIrd day 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May
IVth day 31 May 1 June 2 June 3 June
 Tools Used in the training
 Posters : 3 posters
 Drama : better insight
 Lecture
 End Line Survey
 Data Entry
 Data Interpretation
Staff And Administration:

 The teachers who will be training will be given

there total pay checks once they have taken all
there classes and the Panch , ANM and
primary school teacher testifies the same
 1 Doctor for 10 days @ 30,000 INR/month 10,000 INR
 1 Teacher for 10 days @ 12,000INR/month 4,000 INR
 Remuneration for candidates during training
for 10 days @ 50 INR/day for 132 candidates 66,000 INR
 Traveling Allowance for 132 candidates for
10 days @ 20 INR /day 26,400INR
 Remuneration for 33 candidates conducting
only I group for 4 days @ 200 INR/day 26,400 INR
 Remuneration for 33 candidates conducting
2 group for 4 days @ 200 INR/day 52,800 INR
 Remuneration for 33 candidates conducting
3 group for 4 days @ 200 INR/day 79,200 INR
 Remuneration for 33 candidates conducting
4 group for 4 days @ 200 INR/day 1,05,600 INR
 Data Entry Operator 1,000 INR
 Data Analysist 6,000 INR
 Subtotal 3,77,400 INR
 Computer 1,000 INR
 400 Posters @ 10 INR/poster 4,000 INR
 Stationary 150 INR
 Community Hall 2,500 INR
 Total 3,85,050 INR
 Total number of children 0-9 years of age are 81,081
 16,217 kids every year will suffer from dehydration
in diarrhea
 Assuming that one third of kids suffering from
dehydration due to diarrhea are admitted in hospital
in each year.
 Therefore 5,405 children are admitted due to
dehydration in diarrhea.
 Our Study target is to reduce the number of
admissions by 10%.
 Therefore the number of case reductions
required are 540
 That is in case we can after the training
decrease the number of admissions to about
4865 than our experiment is successful else
 Basic statistics Rajasthan, 2001, Jaipur, Directorate of Economics and Statistics Rajasthan,
Jaipur, 2001,201.
 Rajasthan National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) India, 2005, Mumbai, International
Institute for Population Sciences, 2008,120.
 Statistical Abstract 2003, Directorate of Economics and Statistics. Rajasthan, Jaipur,
 Tomar R.P., Census of India1991 Series 21 Rajasthan Dist. Tonk. 1991, Jaipur, Census
operations, 1994,399.
 Census of India 2001 Series 9 Rajasthan, 2001, Delhi Controller of Publication, 2001,213.
 Dr.Singh L.P., Research Methods, 2008, Jaipur, Institute of Health Management Research,

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