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Unit 2 (Leisure)

Book (page 18)


When do people usually do the activities below? Put them in the three groups in the table
Do homework have a coffee
Finish school have a shower
Get home from work have lunch
Get up leave work
Go to bed watch the news
Go to the theatre write emails

In the morning In the afternoon In the evening

Adverbs of frequency
We use adverbs of frequency to show how often we do something.
*Adverbs of frequency usually positioned after the subject.
Write true sentences using the phrases in the box and an adverb.

Cook dinner for friends use English outside of class

Sleep in the afternoon work at the weekend

Complete the sentences with the prepositions provided.

1.I’m always very busy __________ Mondays.
2.I always go running _________ Sunday mornings. -On
3.I don’t usually work __________ Fridays. It’s great. I get up ______ nine or ten. -At
4.Our school day finishes _______ four.
5.The film starts _____ eight and ends ______ 10.30. -In

6.We don’t usually do very much _______the weekend.

7.I sometimes have a short sleep _______ the afternoon.
8.I’m usually very tired _______ the morning. I need to have a coffee!
Listen to the conversations in an English class. Decide which is true (T) and which is false (F)
1.Camilla has money for two coffees.
2.The break is 25 minutes long.
3.They need to do two exercises for homework and learn some words.
4.Simon wants a lot of homework.
5.Simon sits next to Camilla.
6.Camilla gives him her dictionary.

Listen again. Complete the sentences with one word. Contractions (it’s, isn’t, etc) are one word.

1.It’s a break. He says _______ a café next door.

2.OK. Thanks. How _______ is the break?
3.B: This is a lot of homework.
A: Do you _________ so?
4.Simon- ___________ to do it. Do some every day. Five or ten minutes.
5.Hi. ________ I’m late.
6.Teacher! What does ‘turn off’ _________?
Countable and uncountable nouns


-Uncountable nouns means that the

nouns have no plural form.
-Use some / a lot of for uncountable


Use a / an for singular nouns

Use some / a lot of for plural

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