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Political Parties in the US


• CE.C&G.2.8 Analyze America’s
two-party system in terms of the
political and economic views that
led to its emergence and the role
that political parties play in
American politics.
Essential Question
• Explain the emergence
of political parties and
the roles they play in
American politics.
Define each term and create slogan cards foreach
one. You will be quizzed on these Thursday

• Liberalism • Elections • Interest groups

• Conservatism • Political campaign • Propaganda
• Moderate • Bipartisan • Media
• Suffrage • Party systems • Voting
• Ideology • Public opinion
• Citizenship • Conflict and
Political Parties
• Political Party - group of voters with
common interests who want to influence
the government

• The U.S. has a two-party system because

there are only two main parties that hold
most of the power
Functions of Political Parties
• Nominate Candidates
• Inform Voters
• Ensure candidates are qualified
• Help govern in Congress and State
• Act as watchdogs especially for officials of
other parties
Past Political Parties
• Democratic-Republicans
–Led by Thomas Jefferson
–Favored a weak federal
(central) government w/ more
power given to the states
–Wanted a strict interpretation of
the Constitution
–“Common Man” vote
Past Political Parties continued…
• Federalists
–Led by Alexander Hamilton
–Favored a strong national
–Wanted a loose interpretation of
the Constitution
–“Rich man” Vote
Third Parties (minor parties)
• Rarely win any elections
• However, they can effect
outcome of elections
• Reasons they fail
–Not enough votes to get on
–Trouble raising money
–Lack of name recognition
Third Parties continued…
• Ideological parties- set of beliefs on social, economic, political
issues (Socialist, Communist)
• Single-Issue parties- one public-policy matter; usually short-
lived; “Free-Soil Party”; “Right to Life” Party; “Prohibition Party”
• Economic protest parties- economic discontent
–Populists or “Green Back” Party
• Splinter Parties- split from a major party
–“Bull Moose” or Progressive
–Dixie-crat Party
–Green Party
–Reform Party
Examples of Third Parties
• Populist Party (1890’s)
– Farmers and factory workers
that wanted more support from
the government
– Wanted 8 hour work days and
direct elections of Senators
• Libertarian Party (1970’s)
– wanted less financial change
but more social change
• What percentage of the popular vote did the Populist Party
get in 1892?
• If Weaver didn’t run for the presidency in 1892, could the
outcome of the election have been different?
Examples of Third Parties continued…

• Progressive Party
– Split from Republican Party
– Led by Theodore Roosevelt
– Caused Democrats win election in 1912
– AKA the Bull Moose Party
– Wanted social and political reforms
– Wanted to end corrupt business in US
• What percentage of the popular vote did the Progressive
Party get in 1912?
• If Roosevelt didn’t run for the presidency in 1912, could the
outcome of the election have been different?
Independent Parties & Candidates

• Party forms
because of
• Example: Ross
• What percentage of the popular vote did the Ross Perot get
in 1992?
• If Perot didn’t run for the presidency in 1992, could the
outcome of the election have been different?
Party Systems
• US has a two-party system - two main parties
that hold most of the power
• One Party System- Party and government
are the same; jobs in a one party system
include government jobs
– Only one party allowed to run in elections
– Examples- Communist in North Korea &
Theocracy in Iran
Party Systems continued…
• Multi-Party System- More than two parties have power
– Most common in the world
– Hard to win a majority (over 50%)
• Must get plurality – most votes won among those
– Sometimes a coalition occurs and parties join together
to get more votes
– Examples
• Canada – 3 parties
• Germany – 5 parties
• Israel – around 20 parties
Political Parties Today in the US
• Republican Party
–Born from the dispute over slavery
–Lincoln was 1st Republican president
–Tend to support
• Stronger state governments
• Less change, more tradition
• Less taxes on the rich
• Less government spending
–Symbol- Elephant
Political Parties Today in the US
• Democratic Party
– Has roots in Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican
– Tends to support
• Stronger federal government
• More change
• Taxing the rich more
• Spending more on government social programs (i.e.
– Symbol- Donkey
Democrats Republicans
• Strong Central • Strong State
Government Government
• Federalist • Anti-Federalist
• Socially Liberal • Socially Conservative
• Loose interpretation • Strict interpretation of
of the Constitution the Constitution
• Free Market with • Free Market Economy
Limitations by the • Towards the Right
• Towards the Left
Right v. Left
• Right = people who hold more
traditional values
• Left = people who support more
change in society
–Far left
–Call for rapid changes in
–May be willing to resort to extreme
methods—including violence and
revolution (The Weathermen)
• Government active in social
• Peaceful, gradual change
• Reject violent revolution
• Share viewpoints of liberals and
• Tolerant of other’s views
• Prefer the wait and see approach
to change
• Favor keeping things the way
they are
• Hesitant about adopting new
• Less government involvement
the better
• Far right
• Look back on the “good ol’ days”
• Can tend to turn to extreme
methods to achieve goals (KKK)
Define each term and create slogan cards foreach
one. You will be quizzed on these Thursday

• Liberalism • Elections • Interest groups

• Conservatism • Political campaign • Propaganda
• Moderate • Bipartisan • Media
• Suffrage • Party systems • Voting
• Ideology • Public opinion
• Citizenship • Conflict and

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