Medical Project Recommendations

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Medical Project Recommendatio

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•您的機構跟這個主題的相關程度多大 ?
•目前的管理界情勢 : 管理問題後的工業背景 ?
•您的機構要解決什麼樣的問題 ?
•這個問題影響到您機構的程度有多深 ?
•這個沒解決的問題會如何影響到您的機構及管理業界其他人 ?
•您的機構對解決問題有何提議 ?
•您的機構計劃如何實行這個目標 ?
•達成目標的立即利益為何 ?
•達成目標後會對管理界其他人造成何種利益 ?
範例一 ( 第一部分 : 背景 )
醫療公司近況設計 Senior staff physicians recently expressed concern over ho
w to provide better care for cancer patients undergoing therapeutic treatment.
醫療計劃建構 Although advances in medical technology and therapeutic treat
ment have greatly increased the survival rate of patients diagnosed with nasal a
nd pharyngeal cancer, patients receiving irradiation treatment experience adver
se side effects, including skin reaction, bone necrosis and hearing loss. Such ir
reversible reactions lower their quality of living, accounting for the search for alt
ernative methods to decrease patient discomfort accompanied with radiation th
erapy. 醫療計劃問題 Given the increasing number of patients receiving radia
tion therapy, which is less discomforting than chemotherapy or surgery, advers
e side effects of treating patient’s diagnosed with nasal and pharyngeal cancer
must be resolved. As is generally assumed, skin reaction caused by treatment
is irreversible because the radial destroys the dermal cell and the hearing cell, e
xplaining for the search of an effective means of averting side effects irradiation
treatments or patients of nasal and pharyngeal cancer.
範例一 ( 第一部分 : 背景 )
醫療計劃問題的量化 For instance, the side effect of the skin reaction i
s generally assumed to be irreversible because the radial destroys the
dermal cell and the hearing cell, necessitating the development of a me
thod that can avoid the side effects incurred by irradiation for the patien
t of N.P.C. 醫療計劃問題的中心 The inability to eliminate the adverse
side effects of irradiation treatment makes it impossible to improve the t
herapeutic outcome. Patient discomfort may cause them to stop therap
y or not adhere to the therapeutic schedule, explaining the urgency to r
emedy this problem. Moreover, the ability to provide better care for the
patient would not only decrease the adverse side effects brought on by
irradiation treatment, but also increase the curative rate.
範例一 ( 第二部分 : 行動 )
醫療計劃目標 Therefore, we recommend analyzing the caus
es of irreversible skin reactions and how they vary during rad
iation therapy by performing an iodine-starch staining test an
d accumulating statistics from a questionnaire survey. 醫療
目標的方法 To do so, two patient groups can be formed, i.e.
a group of 100 patients having undergone therapeutic treatm
ent previously and a control group of 100 patients. The reacti
on caused by sweat and damaged skin can then be analyzed
by using the iodine-starch staining test. Next, statistical result
s obtained from the two groups can reveal why such a reacti
on occurs and varying degrees of the skin reaction.
範例一 ( 第二部分 : 行動 )
希望的結果 As anticipated, analysis results can identify why
skin reactions occur, including skin erythema, dry desquama
tion, moist desquamation and skin necrosis. Those results ca
n provide a valuable reference for efforts to reduce skin react
ion caused by irradiation by 70%. 領域的貢獻 Results of thi
s study can shed light on why skin reactions occur during irra
diation to decrease the potential harm to patients during radi
ation therapy by designing an appropriate treatment schedul
e to yield a better therapeutic outcome. In addition to decrea
sing the likelihood of skin reaction, e.g., carbuncular, desqua
mating and ulcerations, caused by irradiation treatment, this
study contributes to efforts to avert hearing loss that leads to
both physiological and psychological effects.
範例二 ( 第一部分 : 背景 )
醫療公司近況設計 During our most recent weekly group meeting, clini
cians expressed concern over efforts to inhibit cancer cell growth throu
gh use of curcumin. 醫療計劃建構 Curcumin can inhibit the activation
of cancer cells in humans. 醫療計劃問題 However, merely consumin
g plenty of natural foods such as vegetables and fruits does not ensure
a concrete expression to circumvent the activation of cancer cells. (NO
TE : Add 2-4 sentences that describe characteristics of the problem or
statistics that reflect its severity) 醫療計劃問題的量化 For instance, th
e inability to consistently consume 10μM of curcumin will not prevent a
ctivation of cancer cells. 醫療計劃問題的中心 The inability to consum
e adequate amounts of curcumin to inhibit cancer cell growth makes it i
mpossible to ensure sustained growth.
範例二 ( 第二部分 : 行動 )
醫療計劃目標 Therefore, we recommend developing a deter
mination method to identify various concentrations of curcum
in that would inhibit cancer cell growth, enabling us to determ
ine the most efficacious concentration. 醫療目標的方法 To
do so, carcinoma macrophage culture can be made for high
glucose and low glucose. The survival rate of the MTT conv
ersion cell can then be analyzed by adding various concentra
tions of curcumin. Next, subequent MTT data can provide evi
dence of O.D 550nm of ELISA. 希望的結果 As anticipated,
analysis results can indicate that various concentrations of c
urcumin can inhibit cancer cell growth. 領域的貢獻 Result
s of this study can shed light on the potential role of curcumin
in decreasing the incidence of cancer. (NOTE : Add 2-4 sen
tences that describe more thoroughly how the proposed met
hod contributes to a particular field or sector)
Further details can be found at

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