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Communication Skills

It's not what you say, But how you say it.
Talk and Communication
Actions speak louder than words

One way Process of conveying information in which we can not expect any
response by the public or a person.

The ability to convey or share your ideas and feelings to others “Effectively”
is known as communication.
Basic Factors For A Good Communicator

 Listening
 Nonverbal Communication
 Clarity
 Tone of Voice
 Friendliness
 Confidence
 Empathy
 Open Mindedness
 Respect
 Feedback
 Picking the Right Medium
An essential part of our
relationships with others, both
at personal and business
Value of Listening

 Listening to others is an elegant art.

 Good listening reflects courtesy and good manners.
 Listening carefully to the instructions of superiors improves competence and
 The result of poor listening skill could be disastrous in business, employment
and social reactions.
 Good listening skills can improve social relations and conversation.
Nonverbal Communication
The process of sending and receiving
messages without words either
spoken or written
For Example: Smile, wink, wave
Nonverbal Communications

 Facial Expressions
 Gestures
 Eye contact
 Body Language and Posture
 Appearance
 Human Behavior
Facial Expressions
Eye Contact
Bad Example of Eye Contact Good Example of Eye Contact
Body Language and Posture
Body Language and Posture

What should we do What we shouldn't

 Relaxed posture  Body Tension
 Arms relaxed  Arms Folded
 Nod agreement  Speaking hand to mouth
 Smile at humor  Fidgeting/Nervousness
 Lean closer  Yawning (widely open mouth)
 Use Gestures
Appearance Formal & Informal
Appearance Formal & Informal

Try not to create any complex

while having any conversation with

Make your self

clear about what
you thing and what
you want to
Tone of Voice
Open Mindedness

Be open to
whatever comes

Learn to be open minded

and respectful to peoples
opinions, even when you
don't agree.
To earn Respect you mush show respect
Picking the Right Medium

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