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By Jasman
What will we be talking about?
• What is Forgiveness?

• Why should one forgive and what happens if we don’t Forgive

What is forgiveness?
 To release, let go or send away emotions, means Freedom, Pardon, Relieve, Release from emotions that hold
you back

 When you forgive, you decide to release the person from his or her guilt .
 Forgiveness carries you over an expanse to the side of life that is softer, kinder, easier to bear.
 It is a shift of perspective, a new way of seeing our world, a different way of experiencing our inner life.

 Forgiveness is a path to be walked.

Forgiveness is…
• Not forgetting evil acts, nor condoning of
• To forget is to run the risk of allowing these evils to
happen again. Yet at the same time, to hold within us
the horror and pain of every offense diminishes our

• Everyone makes mistakes.

• It is important to forgive in order to be forgiven.

• The Stones we encounter along our
• Loss, Anger

• Acceptance, Learning

• Forgiveness, Restoration
• A reaction to our loss
• Every offense we encounter leads to a
sense of loss • Though we must feel the anger, we must also know
when to release it before it consumes us. We must learn
• We lose a bit of trust, security, or to turn anger into motivation, lest it devour us.
faith. Or some of our sense of wonder.
• Every pain inflicted upon us may
cause us to lose our way, to forget the
meaning and purpose of our lives.
• But mostly with every hurt, the light
that is within us is darkened.
• Acceptance
• Leading us towards reconciliation allowing every moment the potential to be filled with blessing and
with an awareness of life's wonders and miracles.

• Learning

• We can learn from everything that life presents to us. We learn from loss, from anger, from survival, from

• Restoration

• You do not go back to the way you were when life seemed simpler, because now you know that life is not
simple. Life is a complicated path of pain and joy, of disappointment and achievement, of betrayal and
love. Now that you know that, and accept the impact that forgiveness has on you, you can regain a sense
of wholeness and restore the light within.
• is not condoning the wrong in the world or the offenses we experience in our lives.
• is not forgetting but accepting and moving on

• a state of being, a bridge that carries us over the hurt we have experienced, leading us to a life of
greater peace and acceptance.
• If you step upon it, it will carry you, support you, and connect you to another side of life, a side
waiting to be discovered.
• Always, there is the bridge to be crossed-an arch high above an abyss of fear and mistrust that
carries you away from loss and anger and toward more acceptance
Why do we need to forgive and what happens if we don't forgive others

• Damaged overall health

• Disharmony in energetic system

• Negative and resentful towards life

• Avoid getting hurt

• Forgiveness can set you free.

• People don’t generally hurt intentionally

• In every change, we experience both a loss and a gain. That is the nature of life. As
one thing falls away, space is created for another thing to take its place.

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