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Unmatched Customer

Qualitative Study, Consumer Segment

Prepared by: Raluca Munteanu

June, 2012

Project code: VFFG – Unmatched Customer Experience CO – mai12

Research Context & Business Objective

• Customer expectation in telecom environment is currently aligned in terms of

price. The customer is more inclined to look for a “Customer experience”
differentiator in order to choose or to remain with a provider.
• Vodafone wants to make Customer Experience the main source of
differentiation by creating an unmatched customer experience. However, to
date much of the focus has been on functional improvement and technical /
infrastructure capability building e.g. online functionality, retail store design. We
have yet to define this from an emotional perspective.

Business Objective:
Determine the ideal experience from the customer
perspective in terms of what will engage them rationally
(head) and also emotionally (heart) to create differentiation
and drive loyalty and recommendation. Turn existing turn-offs
into positive moments.

To the above stated purpose, a qual-quant study will be made, on both consumers &
business segments.
Research Objectives
• Create the expected customer experience
• Create a matrix made by customer type and specific needs (different than price
• Identify the specific need of the customers by type (prepaid, postpaid, SME, SOHO, but
also by region, urbanisation degree, major age splits: youth & adult)
• Identify turnoffs in customers lifecycle to improve and turn them into positive moments
• Identify the turnoffs and the moments that they appear in order to improve the
• Reported to customer lifecycle, the results will help us to identify and create the moments
where customer experience can bring a plus.
Research Objectives:
• The ideal customer experience, define “unmatched customer experience” from a customer
perspective. Explore emotional and rational needs related with telecom providers.
• Customer Expectation during lifecycle (other than price expectations). What customers
expect to receive from their telecom provider and more specifically, from Vodafone.
• Customer turnoffs (during lifecycles). Understand the positives and negatives of the
Vodafone customer experience.
• Identify actions that Vodafone can do, that will make customer to promote Vodafone as
telecom provider.
• Identify and define the common principles and hierarchy of the “customer obsession”


HOW?  9 mini FGs (6 participants) of approx. 110 min. each


Type Age Bucharest Cluj Iasi
(rural) - Iasi
18-25 y.o. 1 LS 1 HS
26–39 y.o. 1 HS 1 LS
18-25 y.o. 1 LS 1 HS 1 HS
26–39 y.o. 1 LS 1 LS
- HS = High sophistication (use data on their mobiles)
- LS = Low sophistication (use voice mainly or exclusively)
- a mix of customers in their lifecycle with the telecom provider
- All customers had a recent interaction (past 3 months) with their main provider, be it from their own initiative, or from
the provider’s initiative
- Vodafone and competition users

 28th – 30th of May, 2012

Main findings
Main findings

 While customers’ expectations as not extremely high as to the experience

they should be offered by a provider, there are 2 directions that should be
followed in order to make Vodafone differentiated in this area:

1. Improve performance on already existing elements - on musts in

order to standardize a positive experience of the customers
 While mobile telephony providers are recognized as having high standards in
customer service, experiences of different customers are still dependant on
the different employees they are talking to  need to standardize and expand
the positive examples
2. Bring added value through elements that
 Surprise the customer – giving something back to him as a client (from
symbolic gifts to rewarding loyalty)
 Give personalized attention – make the client feel unique, given a one-of-
a-kind approach
 Optimize his time – minimize his effort in the relationship with the provider

General Considerations
Starting point: expectations are not high and
experiences when they feel valued refer to
small things…
 Moments when customers felt valued and had a great / surprising customer experience refer to:
 Moments when companies give back / give something in return / offer something without
expecting the client to give something first
 Receiving a small gift from a company you often buy from (e.g. even a candy for
Christmas / Easter from a neighborhood store)
 Being given a personalized offer as a loyal customer
 Moments when companies or their employees offer more attention than what the customer
is regularly used to
 Being called back after having had a problem to see whether everything is working well
 Being called after buying a product to check satisfaction
 The staff showing availability for until the client has found the right solution – e.g.
explaining all the details on the product, giving recommendations  staying with the
client until he/she has chosen the product  longer term spent, i.e. 30 min – 1 h
 Being answered very quickly – with eMag if you order online you receive an e-mail in 10
minutes. They are very prompt.
 Being given a great customer experience on site – e.g. being greeted from the door,
shown where to go, offered something while waiting
 Being told not to buy a certain product because of some faults
 [appeared isolately] moments when companies visibly incorporate the feedback of the clients
and let them know about it – e.g. an online store having implemented some suggestions of a client
– though it appeared isolately, it is highly impactful
… or to common sense

 Still, many times what would be regarded as common sense is put into the
category of great experiences:
 I ordered online and was surprised everything was fine, they did not fool me
 I went to a cosmetics store and was surprised the lady there invited me to test
any of the products
 I went to a private medical clinic and was surprised by their punctuality and
kindness / readiness
 When I was in Bulgaria, I was surprised by the cleanliness of the place and the
staff kindness

Generally the attitude & social skills of the
personnel are already taken for granted as
being good for mobile telephony providers
 It is worth noticing that most of the times the satisfaction and dissatisfaction reasons are
not connected to the attitude of the staff, but to how they manage to solve a certain
issue at a certain moment (only Romtelecom and RDS are considered sometimes to have
lower standards regarding client service, but for Vodafone vs. Orange vs. Cosmote no major
difference was noticed )
 Staff they interact with from telecom providers is generally considered to be:

With a positive, helpful attitude
With an adequate language

 What really makes the difference between different employees is the degree to which
they get involved in solving the issue of the client, the passion they invest, as well as
how well they manage to “guess” the typology of the client and adapt to it.
 The ones that bring added value are those who do their best to help the client
now & here, whose efforts are visible and
10 surpass the expected (e.g. offer
different solutions, do not give up until they see the client content)
There are certain aspects that can still be
worked upon
 Still, many times there is inconsistency as to what regards :


How different persons with
 which does not always allow
whom the client interacts treat
them to give a personalized /
the same problem (some make
on the spot solution  the fault
more effort to help the
is mostly seen to be with the
customer than others)  it
provider’s policy and not with
depends “on the person you
the front office person
have the luck to talk to”

Some respondents consider you
THE DEGREE OF TECHNICAL can be treated differently (better
KNOWLEDGE OF THE STAFF or worse, with an air of
Esp. for issues connected to superiority or not) according to
Internet: the first impression you make
(e.g. a person more or less rich;
age dependant)

Prepaid vs. Postpaid – Prepaid have much
more functional, punctual needs

 Prepaid customers have a much lower interaction with the providers

 also lower expectations and inclined not to wish for a higher
interaction. The moments of interaction are generally reduced to:
 Issues connected to topping up
 Problems with the SIM or with the prepaid card / ticket bought
 Information on the new extra options available
 [for high sophisticated] Internet settings

 Postpaid customers on the other hand have more reasons and occasions to
interact with the provider  they are the ones generally more interested
in customer experience and how it can be improved

Attributes of a positive
customer experience

In the following slides, the elements that make up a

positive experience within the different stages a customer
passes through in the relationship with a telecom provider
are outlined
Different elements are important while passing through
different “relationship” stages with the provider

Looking for
Closing the
Buying a
product /
with the

Being Looking for

contacted by help to solve
the provider a problem

Renewing /
Making a
updating the

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problem contract provider

This stage is one customers dedicate time

to and expect the provider do the same
• Expected behaviour: to be given complete and correct information.
Correctness and • Client benefit: Makes customers confident of the choice they will make or
completeness of validates what they already now
the information • Client need: diminish insecurity; make an informed choice
• Perception on provider: honest & sincere

• Expected behaviour: spending the necessary time with the client until he
gets all the information desired. Reflected not only through the time spent
with the customer, but also through the degree of involvement shown by
Personalized employees  how eager they seem to be to help
attention • Client benefit: Makes customers feel cared for, important, appreciated.
• Client need: comfort (to eliminate the feeling of hurry & embarrasment
of asking more questions)
• Perception on provider: caring, attentive, customer focused.

• Expected behaviour: using a language that everyone can understand, not

technical, adapted to the level of knowledge of the customer
Simple, clear • Client benefit: eases his task & choice
language • Client need: to make an informed choice
• Perception on provider: friendly, helpful, easy to work with

To be given • Expected behaviour: giving several options for the client to choose from.
alternatives, no • Client benefit: freedom, eliminates the feeling of being forced into something
“one option” • Client need: to know he has a choice
forcing • Perception on provider: transparent & customer focused

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• Expected behaviour: not being “sent from one person to another”; If

Receive all information is not known by the representative you are talking to  the desired
information solution is to come back later on with the answer
from the • Client benefit: eases his ‘task’ of the client  optimizes his/her time

same person • Client need: to rely on a single point of contact

• Perception on provider: professional, easy to work with

• Expected behaviour: part of the customers value self-management tools 

Channels through which they can inform on their own, at the time they choose and as
from which lengthy as they choose. The provider’s website, as well as the online
they can personal account were mentioned as useful in this respect.
inform on • Client benefit: makes customers feel in control; optimizes their time.

their own • Client need: to feel in control; not to depend on provider employees
• Perception on provider: proficient, easy to work with

• Expected behaviour: receiving settings (e.g. for Internet), postpaid plan

offers in an e-mail or SMS, or, if in store, in a printed form

Receive more • Client benefit

• For offers, it gives the customer time to take the right decision
complicated • For technical details, it eases his task.
details in a • Client need: to feel confident with the info or technical details & be in control.
written form • Perception on provider: proficient, easy to work with, transparent

• Also applies for when being contacted for an offer.


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Correctness and completeness of the information

 To present all the products before you make a decision. While they make your contract, you walk around
the store and see something else. And they say “oh, you didn’t know about this?” when the contract is
already signed. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 There are many offers I don’t understand or have smaller font. Offers you don’t catch on TV commercials
or on the Internet. Before I change my prepaid card offer I want to know everything because it happened
to me not to know the whole offer. For example, with Vodafone I had national minutes and texts. But
when I sent a text, my minutes disappeared and I didn’t know why. [26-39 y.o., LS, prepaid, B]
 They showed me offers for a prepaid card and didn’t give me enough information, I still had to insist. This
happened half a year ago when I gave up my postpaid plan [and got the prepaid SIM card] [18-25 y.o.,
LS, prepaid, CJ]

The degree of attention

 I went to a Vodafone store to change my mobile phone, I looked around for 15 minutes and finally
someone came to ask what I wanted and I told them about the mobile phone. He told me to look by
myself in the third showcase because there are descriptions to every phone. It felt awkward. I’m not so
good with mobile phones...I read the descriptions, that “Chinese” there. I expected them to explain it to
me. [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]
 I wanted to recharge my parents’ prepaid card and I didn't have how to do it because it was late. So I
called the Client Service to make a transfer from my mobile phone. They explained it very well. In case it
didn’t work they said I could call back and they automatically make the transfer. It matters to please a
customer. [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]
 The thing is that we nod positively even though we don’t understand because maybe I am ashamed to
ask him something after all his talk [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

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Simple, clear language

 They should use simple words because not everybody knows what is a wi-fi or things like these [18-25
y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]
 When you buy a phone they should explain how to use it, not everybody knows how to do that [18-25
y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

To be given alternatives, no “one option” forcing

 Two months ago they showed me all the mobile phones and postpaid SIM cards available and I picked
one that I was really satisfied with. I thought they would only show me the expensive ones and convince
me to get one of those. I wanted something cheaper and I no longer needed all the services I had. I was
paying vainly. I used to have 3G, video calls and they were very expensive. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]

Receive all information from the same person

 To be well informed. Not to talk off the subject. Not to tell me “wait a moment until I ask”[26-39 y.o.,
LS, prepaid, B]
 At Vodafone I asked about a mobile phone and the man there couldn’t give me technical information. It
was an elder person. I just gave up. I expected him to get another employee from the store which could
give me the technical information [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 When they don’t know something, if they care about the product they have they should look like they are
concerned and go to people who are informed, it’s their duty to do that[18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

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Channels from which they can inform on their own
 If they can offer a menu so I could find the answers only by entering a number. But it should be a map on
the Internet so I don’t get lost. [26-39 y.o., LS, prepaid, B]
 [Orange – online account] I look wherever I want. I don’t like to talk on the phone so I look. But it’s
limited because some things you can’t do from there. For example: changing the favorites numbers. But I
can change my contact details, I can see the bill, I feel like I’m in control. It’s different with the screen in
front of me, to see the calculations. On the phone I don’t manage that well, I prefer to do it myself [26-39
y.o., HS, postpaid, B]
 I prefer to make a call. The procedure on Vodafone site is much harder than the option to have an
operator doing this for you. I tried 3 months ago, there were some problems with the software and some
errors occurred from time to time. The page loaded very slowly, I know they didn’t implement well the
software because the operator did not manage to do it at that time [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]
 It’s not user friendly, it’s hard with the Vodafone site. I had to search there to find offers. Finally I did find
because I was patient to look everywhere. They don’t mention clearly where the postpaid SIM cards are.
If I look at the offers I see both mobile phones and postpaid plans. Special offers you can find them boht
in the special offers category and in the regular mobile phones category. [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

Receive more complicated details in a written

formsome offers, there are many offers. By the time they get to the last one
 When they call to tell me about
I’ll already forget the firsts. They should send it by e-mail or text it. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 For the Internet Mobile they sent me the steps by e-mail.
 I searched for a new phone and there was a guy who explained me the offers, the mobile phones...and
after I left I forgot everything [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]
 You study the brochures at home, those things you don’t understand at the store [26-39 y.o., LS,
postpaid, IS]
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At the moment of purchase, customers need

reassurance on their choice and decreasing the sense of
risk they assume (of not buying the best product/service)
• Expected behaviour: revealing both the positives and the negatives of the
products presented , and underline what is good and not good to the
customer’s purpose
Have the clients’ • Client benefit: takes an informed, correct decision
interest at heart
• Client need: to be treated fairly, to be counseled
• Perception on provider: transparency, sincerity and utmost customer care
(his interests are put above those of the company)
• Expect behaviour: adapting the offer presented to what the client can afford
Keep in mind the  not to try to sell what is most expensive in order to satisfy the interest of
customer’s the provider
budget • Client benefit: gets the best he can afford
• Client need: to be in control of his budget; to get personalized attention
• Perception on provider: careful, attentive, customer centered
• Expected behaviour: offering advice to customers who already come with
Suggest better their mind made up on a product / service, if a more advantageous (not
alternatives, if necessarily from the point of view of money) alternative exists
they exist • Client benefit: gets the most out of his purchase
• Client need: to be counseled
• Perception on provider: expertise, professionalism, customer focus.
• Expected behaviour: listening to the client needs and offering something in
Ask the right accordance with them; knowing what questions to ask in order to get to the
questions in order right product / service
to reveal • Client benefit: get the most out of his purchase
customer’s needs • Client need: to be counseled
• Perception on provider: expertise, professionalism, attention, customer
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• Expected behaviour: there are some customers who consider

themselves experienced enough to buy a product on their own  in this
[for some clients] to
let them buy the situation, being approached and advised by a representative becomes a
item with which burden  such clients simply desire to get directly to purchase.
they came in mind • Client benefit: optimizes his time; recognizes his expertize; not being
“pestered” by a sales representative, not insisting on asking them why
that certain product / service
• Client need: independence
• Perception on provider: easy to work with

• Expected behaviour: Some prepaid customers complained about the fact
To give the they need credit to call and top up their prepaid card
possibility of • Client benefit: being able to top up
topping up if • Client need: to have the means of topping up at any moment
without credit • Perception on provider if not complied with: not easy to work with, not
customer focused

• Expected behaviour: especially in store, the sensory experience is important

[in store] to be able
to some customers  they want to be able to play with the devices
to play with / • Client benefit: get a sense of how it is to use the products; feel confident
experience the • Perception on provider: helpful, transparent, easy to work with

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Have the clients’ interest at heart

 They explained the advantages and disadvantages for every phone [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]
 When they recommend a phone and tell me how is that better than the one I looked at. I appreciate this,
the fact that they want to sell you the best [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 Have more of a personal approach. He shouldn’t just be that person who wants to sell you his product.
[18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 Some have a tricky speech, they show you an offer and say it’s the best and after you take it they say
«you know, the price is this high» [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

Keep in mind the customer’s budget

 They should keep in mind the budget. It’s to their advantage to sell what’s more expensive. First they
start with the expensive ones and after with those cheaper. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 Orange was serious because it gave all the information, told me about the points. I told them how much
money we have... they really kept that in mind[18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 I wanted to buy a mobile phone and a man there searched for a solution that matched my needs and
budget. He didn’t succeed but I liked that he tried to do that. [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]

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Suggest better alternatives, if they exist
 When I got the postpaid SIM card from Cosmote, a year ago, I went to a store located in Cora
Supermarket. There was a nice boy there, I was impressed because he could compare different mobile
phones for me. Inititally I went there to get certain type of mobile phone...he managed to convince me to
get another. He asked me what I needed from a mobile phone. I think I saw 7-8 mobile phones and did a
good choice with what I bought. [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]
 Two days ago I got a charger and a memory stick. I wanted a certain type of stick but the people there
recommended something else. There was a stick with a greater traffic speed. It wasn’t from a popular
brand but it was faster and cheaper and it was ok.[26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]

Ask the right questions in order to reveal customer’s needs

 I wanted to get a phone case and I was asked what I wanted, presented more models available [18-25
y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 Every time I go to the store I want a 5 euro prepaid SIM card, I pay and take it but they never say “look,
for an extra euro you can have this or that for more money” . Even when I’m the only customer inside,
they don’t inform me, they just give me what I ask for.
 Some people show you a lot of offers but don’t ask if you understood or don’t try to see if you understood
or not. They shouldn’t talk much and with only getting one word from a whole sentence. [18-25 y.o., HS,
postpaid, IS]
 Information and they should identify my need. I describe, I want something costing 4-5-7 euro. “What
can you give me for this amount of money?” , what is more convenient. You want to feel that the
employee tries to identify your need. Sometimes when I enter the store I get the feeling that he’s
reaching his target with me, not identifying my need. Once he was telling me about a product but I
wanted another one and I said “Let’s compare them. Explain to me why you offer me this one and not the
one I wanted”. I had that feeling that he was reaching his target with us. [26-39 y.o., LS, postpaid, IS]
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[for some clients] to let them buy the item with which they came in mind
 I was at Germanos, I wanted a Nokia 500 and he insisted that I should take another phone. Eventually, I
left. I wanted a Nokia 500 – he should have given the one I wanted [26-39 y.o., LS, prepaid, B]

prepaid To give the possibility of topping up if without credit

 I had no credit on Orange and in order to recharge it I needed to have money in my account. I had to ask
someone to recharge it for me. The fact that I ran out of credit and couldn’t recharge... In order to call
the Client Service I needed some credit [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]

[in store] to be able to play with / experience the products

 It’s important to see a phone, not only talk about it [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 The display of some products; it should be brightd, functional, not replicas; details about it should be
given, what software does it use; have it displayed for you to study and see if you like it, to test the

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Urgency is the core matter in solving a problem

• Expected behaviour: to have the problem in focus, and not to be presented
other offers in such a moment is rejected.
Giving utmost • If other information is prepared for the customer, the client should be asked
priority to the the permission to be told about it, and only after having solved the initial
problem to be problem he contacted the provider for.
solved • Client benefit: solve his problem asap; time optimization
• Client need: give urgency to his matter, without selling / telling him about other
• Perception on provider: professional, dedicated, customer focused

• Expected behaviour:
• Not a long waiting time
To reach the • Not a complicated menu to reach the department you need
provider easily • Client benefit: time optimization
• Client need: to have the means of reaching his provider asap
• Perception on provider: helpful & proficient.

• Expected behaviour: being given the correct information to solve the problem
(no nonsense), and being given applicable solutions according to the situation
To be given • Applies mainly to Internet problem solving
competent • Client benefit; solve his problem asap; time optimization
information • Client need: to be counseled by a specialized person
• Perception on provider: expertise, professionalism

To substitute • Expected behaviour: take away some of the tasks of the client (e.g applying
what the settings for the client)
provider can do • Client benefit: time otpimization
Prepared than
• Client need: to be counseled by the provider
• Perception on provider: surprising, customer focused, careful
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Giving utmost priority to the problem to be solved
 We called RDS because something didn’t work. They were saying things I didn’t ask for...offers... At that
time I didn’t need that information. Maybe they should have asked first if I had time to listen to their new
 I called the Client Service from Vodafone to find how many points I had. They told me about the points
and then also about mobile phone and laptop offers. It was more than I wanted. If I have a problem and I
call I don’t like to be told about things I didn’t ask for. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 The menu for clients from Cosmote, you get lost in that menu. Until you get to an operator...first you
listen to the offers.[18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 My mobile phone got stolen and I went to recover my SIM card. They told me what to do and didn’t talk
off the subject like others do. I liked it, because at that moment I needed my SIM card back, not other
offers [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

To reach the provider easily

 For the Internet I had Click Net before and it was working very bad. It was dropping. The Client Service
was very bad. Until I changed it to RDS. And it works just fine. If there is a problem I call and they fix it
quickly. I have a different number for Internet and TV, I don’t wait to be transferred. At Romtelecom they
had to transfer my call, music on the phone for 20 minutes... [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 I wanted to go in a trip and activate the roaming. I was in the bus, near the border, and I couldn’t contact
them to activate the roaming. I’ve waited for 20 minutes on the mobile phone. at that moment I got mad
[18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 I wanted to contact them, I dind’t succeed. It was on Sunday, nobody working then? I’ve listened to that
song for 20 minutes. I hung up.[18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

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problem contract provider

To be given competent information

 I went to Orange to complain about my Internet not working... They told me it’s because of the antivirus.
That doesn’t seem relevant. The antivirus was there to protect my computer. The stick couldn’t connect
although it worked before. It couldn’t be from the antivirus [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]

To substitute what the provider can do easier than the customer

 I also had a problem with the SIM card, it demagnetized, and they asked me if I wanted to recover any
data from my SIM card. They were the ones who asked. It surprised me. [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 I prefer to go to the store. They recharge my minutes automatically. You can buy credit or buy options
with minutes directly.[Orange]. I don’t have to recharge and then search for an option to activate it
myself [vs.] I wanted to recharge and activate my option. I recharged and they said I must call to
activate the option. I asked if she could do that and she said she doesn’t have any time to do it  [18-25
y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 My brother used the mobile phone and he messed with the Internet settings. I went to Orange, uptown
near Moldova Mall, I showed them and they said ok; in less than 10 minutes they fixed the problem; I
heard it was expensive so I decided I’d better go there and not do it myself. I didn’t pay much and they
quickly fixed the problem. [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]
 When my SIM card demagnetized I contacted them and they gave me my minutes and my phone
numbers back. [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 I had a Vodafone SIM card and an option that reactivated every month. I went to them, told them I did
not want it anymore (even if at that moment it had already activated), and they gave back my credit and
I activated another option. They don’t usually do that. They don’t give the credit back [it was a pleasant
experience]. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
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If expectations are not met on this point,

they create a major turn off and frustration for
the client. Those related to billing are most sensitive!
• Expected behaviour: not starting from the premise the client did something
wrong/ wanted to do a mischief and therefore not having an attitude of
suspicion towards him.
Believe the • Client benefit: feel comfortable, feel he can rely on the provider
• If not met, creates frustration, resentfulness, feeling you are treated
“like a fool”, not taken seriously
• Client need: being listened to, being invested with trust
• Perception on provider: friendly, easy to work with

• Expected behaviour: giving coherent explanations for the problem put

under scrutiny and giving all relevant proof (e.g. for bills the detailed ones) in
explanations for order to clarify the issue.
the situation at • Client benefit: feels he has all info at hand, clarified
hand and give • Client need: diminish insecurity, have arguments for a certain matter, feel
proof safe
• Perception on provider: professional, customer focused

• Expected behaviour: asking feedback after the problem was solved in order
to check everything is in order.
Call back to check • Applies mainly for more serious complaints or for complaints where it is
visible the client is irritated to check whether they were solved
on the matter
• Client benefit: feels valued, cared for
• Client need: feel valued, care for, know his opinion matters
• Perception on provider:28 carefel, custumer focused,
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• Expected behaviour: Refers mainly to situations when the representative is

not able to give a solution to the problem because it is below his competence /
level of responsibility  in this situation customers desire access to a person
with superior power.
To be given • Client benefit: solve his matter; calms down the situation
access to persons • Client need: speak to a person who can give a solution; feel in control
with decision • Perception on provider: flexible, competent

• Expected behaviour: For matters that cannot be solved on the spot, it

is important for customers to have a date they can relate to for the
problem being solved. If that deadline can’t be given on the spot, it is
important to come back to the client when it can be given.
Give a deadline • For any situations when the problem will be solved with delay, it
for solving the is important to announce the client on the delay.
matter & respect • Client benefit: Eliminates the sense of insecurity, and gives the
it customer the possibility to plan his activity accordingly (if depending of
that service / product)
• Client need: to have reliable data, to feel in control
• Perception on provider: professionalism, reliability

• Expected behaviour: that the provider should admit his mistakes and
Admit and
appologize for them
apologize for the
• Client benefit: feels he is given compensation
mistakes made
• Client need: to be treated fairly; the provider to give him credit when
the case is so.
• Perception on provider:
sincere, customer focused, friendly, human.
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Believe the customer
 [Vodafone] I went to top up 5 euro. I recharged it at home but they told me the code was used. And I
called clients support, I waited for 20 minutes on the phone to give me back the credit. I told them the
receipt’s number. They called at the fraud department. Upsetting situation. I noticed that the POS that
gives the receipt was damaged and gave the wrong codes. In store I bought another code card, I charged
it there and again it gave me an error. And then they finally called me. After 2 days I got my credit back.
I would have liked the matter to get solved on the spot, not to last 2 days. So for 2 days I didn't had
credit. I found it stressful. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 [Orange] I had problems with a recharging code. And I called clients support and they verified the code.
And after I hanged up in five minutes they put back my credit. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 With Vodafone I had a bad experience. I made a request to end my subscription. And they told me I have
to pay my next invoice. I paid. And then again I received an invoice for 800 lei. Even though I had a 3
euros subscription. And they told me I was the one that talked, while my SIM wasn’t even in the phone in
that period, and they told me I talked extra. A year ago I wanted to end my subscription again and at the
last invoice I had extra costs for 200 SMS. Even though I don’t use SMS. I asked for the conversations
held, they told me I can’t get the detailed list because I should have asked that a month before. They are
thieves . [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]
Have explanations for the situation at hand and give proof
 When I made a price plan at Cosmote, I didn't get how they made my invoice for the first month, because
it wasn’t made exactly at the beginning of the month. And I called to ask how it was calculated. It was ok.
[26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]
 Last evening I called Vodafone and I wanted information about my invoice – I explained that the invoice
was very high, few weeks ago I was close to the Romanian border and I entered the international costs, I
didn’t realise it. But they were helpful, nice, they told me the date and the time, in what area I was and
they knew all the details. This was ok - they explained to me how much the minute costs. I had that
feeling that my problem was clear, I was peaceful, I didn’t got frustrated. [26-39 y.o., LS, postpaid, IS]


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Call back to check on the matter
 After a while to call you and ask if you still have a problem. But not to call monthly. They should call
concerning my problem. [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]
 When I have a problem at the Vodafone office / headquarters and I make a complaint, in a month I want
them to call me and ask me if it was solved, it would be very elegant. [26-39 y.o., LS, postpaid, IS]

To be given access to persons with decision power

 You have to go to a superior because the employee could be afraid and not forward the information. [26-
39 y.o., LS, postpaid, IS]
Give a deadline for solving the matter & respect it
 I tried once at a device on the street. It got stocked with the money and I couldn’t recharge. And I had to
call them. And they told me to recharge from another device the money difference. That it would
cumulates. That didn’t happen.. I looked for another device and I was forced to recharge the whole sum. I
called back and they didn’t answer anymore. [26-39 y.o., LS, prepaid, B]
 In Deva there was no signal. There was a problem in general at that moment with the signal. They were
nice, they told me the problem wasn’t because of me. It satisfied me that it wasn’t my problem. But it
took a while until it was fixed. I needed to make a call at that time. [26-39 y.o., LS, prepaid, B]
 I was at home and I didn't have 3G coverage the internet wasn’t working. I called, I asked and they told
me there was a malfunction. And that in 3 days it would be repaired. And it was a pleasant experience
that they gave me information [Orange] even if the didn’t solve my problem [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 They cut the Internet, when I needed it the most, and for 5 days I called Romtelecom and they were
saying “yes, yes we will submit your request”, they’ve been like this for 5 days, then said there was the
week-end time; after all I am still using them but I didn’t like the situation; the man was polite but he
didn’t help me. [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

Admit and apologize for the mistakes made

 Not to hide the technical problems and to take responsibility if the case . [18 – 25 y.o., HS, Prepaid ,
Prepared byTomesti]
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Pro-activity and personalization are major

satisfaction reasons for renewing / upgrading

• Brings about high satisfaction if it appears, especially during the

• Expected behaviour: being called by the provider before the expiry date of
Pro-activity of
or during the contract, in order to propose means of optimizing it.
the provider • Client benefit: optimize his products & services
• Client need: being given personalized attention, being treated individually
• Perception on provider: helpful, flexible, competitive, with initiative

• Expected behaviour: adapting the offer both to the needs of the client and
to past consumption.
Personalized • Client benefit: optimize his products & services vs. budget
plans • Client need: being given personalized attention, being treated individually.
• Perception on provider; helpful, flexible, competitive, with initiative

• Expected behaviour: self-management tools (phone menu, website account)

Possibility to do
updates on extra • Client benefit: optimize his time
options on your • Client need: to feel in control.
own • Perception on provider: proficient, easy to work with

• A simple, user-friendly, intuitive online interface is desired to this purpose.

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(De)Activate the • Expected behaviour: Some problems were mentioned about extra-options
extra-options / not being activated / de-activated at the due moment 
extra services at • Client non benefit: waste of extra time & money
the promised • Creates frustration
moment • Client need: to be able to rely on what he is told
• Perception on provider if not met: makes the provider be perceived as
lacking professionalism, not keeping his promises.

• Expected behaviour: some dissatisfaction reasons were mentioned

about not being announced when the contract is prolonged
Not to prolong • Client non-benefit: pushed into something forcefully, and the
the contract • Client need: to be in control
automatically • Perception on provider if not met: unfriendly, rigid, lacking

• Expected behaviour: giving the client enough time to make his choice
Not to be hurried • Client benefit: make the right choice
to choose • Client need: feel comfortable & safe
something • Perception on provider: transparent

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Pro-activity of the provider

 When they called me to renew my subscription I was pleasantly surprised that they told me that I have a
certain discount [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 During the 12 years, I valued the formula in which they appreciate us ... Like using the points, or that I
can use the internet part, wich they offered me. They appreciated that I am with them. They called me for
an internet offer. [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]

Personalized plans
 If you’ve been a client for 2 years and you still want to stay, they should give you a special offer. For
fidelity a reward.
 In February I wanted to change the subscription type, someone called me and suggested to me exactly
what I needed, I solved it by phone I said what sum I want and what services and they found me the
options I desired . I[26-39 y.o., LS, postpaid, IS]
 In Vodafone I felt that they deserve me to continue with thembecause they respected what was written in
the contract and they helped me with the subscription changing- I went to town, they presented me the
offer and they asked me to choose; it was ok because they found what I needed. In other firms they try
to talk you into taking something big, to pay more. What I wanted that was what I got, I knew what I
want and that was it. [18 – 25 y.o., HS, Prepaid , Tomesti]

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Activate the extra-options / extra services at the promised moment

 I lost my SIM and to recover it I needed to make a Butterfly subscription for 3 more months, then I could
remain with the prepay. I kept the number and then when the 3 months should have ended, they told me
I can’t give the price plan up. But I didn’t want a postpaid plan, I wanted prepaid. [18-25 y.o., LS,
prepaid, CJ]

Not to prolong the contract automatically

 I heard cases when, at the end of the contractual period it is automatically extended for 2 more years
without asking the client . [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]
 Last year I was out of the country, the Cosmote contract expired, after a month from its expiration I got
home and they asked for 8 millions to cancel it, it would seem normal that it should enf automatically
after 2 years without paying. It looked like a scam; I wasn’t informed in anyway. [26-39 y.o. LS, Prepaid,

Not to be hurried to choose something

 Not to stay long but to have all info in sight; also not to be rushed - in 5 minutes they give me the paper
for a quick read; it is important to read everything to avoid unpleasant situations. [26-39 y.o. LS,
Prepaid, Tomesti]

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Customers desire to be asked for permission for

being contacted and are reluctant to a pushy attitude
• Expected behaviour: Happy Birthday SMS, being announced of malfunctions,
being asked about satisfaction on the products / services (even in a survey)
Also being • Client benefit: emotional gratification – feels important, that his opinion
contacted without matters
an interest at • Client need: be given attention, be treated as an individualare perceived as
moments when customers are in the center of attention, and not their money
• Perception on provider: caring, friendly, customer focused

Asking for • Expected behaviour: to be asked whether one has the time & availability
permission & before presenting the offer / promotion / info
availability when • Client benefit: in control of his time
being called for a • Client need: to be able to choose what he wants to listen and what not; to
promotion be in control, to feel comfortable
• Perception on provider: respecful, customer focused

• Expected behaviour: not insisting if the client clearly says he is not

Not being • Client benefit: comfort, control, no embarrasement to refuse over and over

aggressive / too again.

• Client need: his decisions to be respected
• Perception on provider: customer focused, friendly
• May imply keeping a track-record of the persons called, as one of the issues is
that customers are called at different times by different persons, while some
would expect the provider
to have a centralization of the calls made.
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• Expected behaviour: not having a “robotized”, “standard, learnt by heart”

approach, the possibility to “get out of the offer” and provide something useful
to the client on the spot
Treating the • Client benefit: optimizes his time, as well as the services according to his
customers in a needs
personalized • Client need: to have a consistent experience throughout all channels
manner • Perception on provider: flexible, professional

In the case of • Expected behaviour: to give the means of unsubscribing transparently and
contests and visibly
unsolicited SMS, • Client benefit & need: control over the content received
giving a means • Perception on provider: transparent, not aggressive, respecting the privacy
to sign out of it of his clients.

• Expected behaviour: in the case of SMS, refers to not being given SMS
Being contacted during the night. In the case of phone calls, refers to respecting the availability
at reasonable of the customer (i.e. whether he prefers to be contacted in his free time or
while at work)
hours. • Client benefit & need: control over his time; feel respected
• Perception on provider: respecing the privacy of his clients, customer
• Client benefit: optimizes clients’ time & budget.
To be sent • Client need: be up-to-date
regular SMS with • The frequency of sending is disputable, though – with most
the extra options agreeing that 1-2 times a month is sufficient.
• Perception on provider:
with initiative, helpful, easy to work with
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Being contacted not only by interest

 They sent me a message for my birthday and the wished me happy birthday. The fact that they have in
their database the birthdays …they show their interest for their clients .[18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 [Orange] after I called, a robot called me to ask me how I feel about their services, to give grades. They
make you feel important. [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]
 They were saying that before. They asked you when is your birthday. And you received a bonus on your
birthday. This isn’t practiced anymore.. [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]

Asking for permission & availability when being called for a promotion
 In vane they present you a tablet computer if you can’t afford it. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 To ask if we have the time or not to talk about the offers. If you say no then they should be nice, they
should understand and they should call you back. Because maybe you don’t have that break. [18-25 y.o.,
LS, prepaid, CJ]

Not being aggressive / too pushy

 There was a thing and Vodafone kept calling me, they had a laptop promotion, I said no to them. And the
second day they called me again and again. Different persons called. [18-25 y.o., LS, postpaid, B]
 We spoke on the phone that I don’t want any other offers, and for 2 hours long I told him I don’t want to
and he kept on insisting. [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]

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Treating the customers in a personalized manner
 They called me a week ago, they tried to present me an offer, I wasn’t interested. I thought I could divert
the talk and ask about what was of interest to me… to renew my subscription and to take a new phone.
They told me I have to make an subscription for 18 euro so that the phone’s price should be worth it. To
pay 18 euro on the subscription better not. He was stuck on his thing, it was a mistake to ask him
something else than the offer he was presenting. [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid, B]

In the case of contests and unsolicited SMS, giving a means to sign out of it
 And Orange is sending SMS with contests . Daily . Insistent. I don’t know what to do. [18-25 y.o., HS,
postpaid, IS]
 At Orange I receive 2-3 SMS a day with contests. I don’t know where to call to ask them not to send them
anymore. Vodafone and Cosmote do the same. [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

Being contacted at reasonable hours.

 Sometimes I received them [SMS] around 10 o’clock. You panic. Who sends SMS at 10 o’clock in the
evening. I don’t know how to disable this. [26-39 y.o., LS, prepaid, B]
 I only use Orange, and since I am their customer I don’t like one thing about them – they send you
messages when you sleep. They should make a schedule after a certain hour they should be restricted ,
don’t send anymore messages, maybe the next day I have things to do, not to spoil my sleep…they stress
me. [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]
prepaid To be sent regular SMS with the extra options
 Cosmote. Inform you. You receive SMS with what is new from them, offers. They update you with
information, you can’t know this information unless you would go to their store. I can find out about good
offers, other extra options, phones. [26-39 y.o., LS, prepaid, B]
 Phone promotions, it would be better to receive them by SMS [monthly, no often]. [18-25 y.o., LS,
prepaid, CJ]
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It is important to make the client feel good even

when departing, so as to generate the grounds for
future collaborations

• Expected behaviour: not being too inquisitive about the reasons why of
leaving and not exaggerating with the counter offers if the client clearly states
Not being he has made up his mind.
aggressive / too • Client benefit: comfort to the client, relief,
pushy • Client need: his decisions to be respected
• Perception on provider: friendliness, lack of aggresiveness

• Expected behaviour: respecting the decision of the customer, closing the

Not to put contract at the promised moment (no “technical errors” that did not make it
possible), and not having a policy of forcing the customers to announce their
difficulties /
departure with a long time before their switch.
postpone the • Client benefit: time optimization, control
departure • Client need: to be respected, to control his contract
moment • Perception on procider: honest & professional.

Thank the client • Expected behaviour: Still having a positive attitude towards the leaving
for the time clients.
spent within the • Client benefit: knowing that he can always come back
• Client need: feel comfortable, eased
• Perception on provider: open / not resentful, with the door open for future
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Not being aggressive / too pushy

 When I gave up my postpaid SIM card from Vodafone, they used to call 2-3 times a day in order to
convince me not to give up because they will propose other offers [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

Not to put difficulties / postpone the departure moment

 I kept telling them for 3 months to end my postpaid SIM card and they told me they forgot to file the
 I bought a postpaid SIM card for my aunt and my aunt didn’t use it. After 2 years we decided to end the
contract. We filled in an application and they said they’ll call in 15 days. They didn’t. I called them and
they said to fill in the application again and they’ll call. Again, they didn’t. Once again I called and they
said it was done but I don’t think so because they’ve added my minutes again. [26-39 y.o., HS, postpaid,
 UPC – I wanted to close my account but they said I have to announce it 2 months before I close it. I feel
like I can’t get rid of them [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]

Thank the client for the time spent within the network
 They should say “thank you for choosing us” and shouldn’t be so frustrated [18-25 y.o., LS, prepaid, CJ]
 Still, they should smile when you leave [18-25 y.o., HS, postpaid, IS]

To make the experience excellent in store,
some aspects were specifically mentioned

 Added value elements in store:

 Music that makes you feel good & makes the time pass more easily
 The order tickets  give you the freedom not to stay in line
 A nice smell within the store to make you feel comfortable
 Candies served to make it more welcoming
 Background / posters / themes that change to make it more dynamic &
interesting / less dull from one month to another
 TVs with comics
 Overall such elements would contribute to a pleasant, relaxing time
spent in store, in an experience is many times perceived as common.

 There are also some elements connected to the dress code of the
 A casual-business uniform (e.g. polo shirts, not regular shirts)
 That all employees should be dressed alike so that they are easy to spot

Other aspects that appeared relate to:

 When addressing the customers:

 18-25 y.o. tend to appreciate a more open, friendly attitude + speaking in the
2nd singular person
 Yet, this is to a certain degree not suitable for Tomesti respondents, who
prefer a more formal attitude that reflects seriousness

 Not directly linked to customer experience:

 Sometimes other elements are mentioned as enhancing the customer
experience: being a sponsor of certain events, promoting a certain cause etc.

Pillars / Principles for the staff to follow
• To be visible that they like what they do  reflects in how motivated
they are to serve the customers in the right way
Enthusiasm • Connected also by respondents to the company’s status as an employer
 enthusiasm also being given by the salary package, conditions

Sincerity / • to tell you both the positives & negatives on the product/service, even if
Honesty / it is not always to the provider’s interest
•  To have the customers’ interest at heart

• Patience
Availability • Promptness
• No time limit

• That they should have all necessary info at han


Flexibility • to adapt to each client’s needs, mood, style  “psychological” skills

Trust-worthiness • To inspire trust from the first sight and through their actions

Meanings for
Progresist (progressive)
International (international)
De incredere (trustworthy)
Lider (leader)
Cald (warm)
Ii pasa (that cares)
Ma inspira (inspires me)
Sprijina evolutia (supports evolution)
 Progresist (Progressive)
 New technology;
 Comes with something new all the time – both in technology and in its offers
 CSR related – e.g. that supports an eco attitude by promoting the electronic
 International (International)
 Recognized quality & reliability, power, seriousness
 Which you can use advantageously when travelling outside the country 
good roaming servces
 De incredere (Trustworthy)
 Reliable services (e.g. signal, quality of voice)
 That keeps its promises – what it says, it does
 Lider (Leader)
 Having the greatest no. of clients (market leader)
 High quality of products & services
 The best offers

 Cald (Warm)
 Accesible as tariffs & price plans
 Close to its clients, open  helps you when you need it, with pleasant & nice
 [isolately] with nice, relaxing or funny commercials
 [! It was a difficult term for respondents to associate with a mobile provider]
 Ii pasa (That cares)
 Offers the best to its clients, both as costs & quality
 Active in the CSR area
 Gets feedback from its customers (asks them whether they are satisfied or
 Ma inspira [Inspires me]
 [! Most often connected to the ads a provider has – mostly Orange in our
 [Isolately] connected to CSR activities
 [Isolately] a provider who has a diversified offer.
 Sprijina evolutia (Supports evolution)
 [! Has to a certain degree a similar meaning with progressive]
 Active in the CSR area, having sponsorships for social or other causes
 That has the latest technology & services

For further information on the insights contained in this report and the research it is
based on, you may contact:

Raluca Munteanu
Senior Researcher
Qualitative Research

+40 21 31 797 31
+40 726 293 286

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