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Retail Experience Map

Customer Journey Maps from several markets

(read in conjunction with “The Vodafone Way”
– next to this file in the Teamroom)

For further information contact
+44 7787 565655
Romania customer journey mapping

a. Smile & greet every customer who enters the store
b. If busy make eye contact and say “Welcome to Connex Vodafone store”
c. Included in employees Performance Objectives/Satisfaction
Survey/Mystery Shopping
d. Included in variable pay option ( CDI ) – store staff
e. Water dispenser – self service

a. Open handset displays – customers can touch & try real phones
b. Sales area between handset displays and entrance – sales reps to engage
c. At least 2 poster displays with current promo, flyer & leaflets & promo
d. Customer - Sales Rep interaction when browsing (“what would you like
your phone to do/look/feel”)
e. Any store staff to interact if not busy ( including Cashier and Service
Technician )


a. Welcome desk in each store
i. Seek help regarding customer care activities
ii. Seek help regarding buying process
b. Depending on intention, customers are redirected (from welcome desk) to
sales area or waiting area
c. Water dispenser / cooler in the area – offered proactive or self service
d. Coffee dispenser in the back office - offered proactive

a. Acknowledge, approach and appreciate – be proactive
b. Ask and advise – be expert
c. Affirm and sell – be passionate
d. Assure and thank – be energetic

a. Customer decides upon handset/service/accessories to be bought
b. Data entry & form filling
c. Presale while waiting in the queue (during busy hours) – use tablet PC to
pre check and assess needs – create an experience while waiting (candies,
literature, plasma display)


a. Each handset sold is personalized (sticker with sales rep name and store

2 Vodafone way working document Confidential

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UK Model Overview


INTRODUCTION Make a good first impression INTEREST GAINED

and build rapport

FACT FIND Use questioning and listening INTEREST RETAINED

techniques to gain relevant
establish willingness to take
right deal


customer with info gained

COST & CLOSURE Overcome objections and break CONSIDERATION OF COST

cost down in to small,
comparable chunks
business and offer further
3 Vodafone way working document Confidential
November 20, 2020 Version 2
SFR Journey Map
1 - Accueil et prise de contact client dès son arrivée (regard + sourire si occupé ou si le client est trop loin; cessez tout
Ac c ueil
autre tâche si vous n'êtes pas avec un client (vendeur indisponible alors qu'il n'y a pas d'autres clients : 18% des visite

2 - Dès le 3ème client par vendeur : échange verbal rapide - entre 2 clients ou 2 phases de la vente - permettant de

• Greeting formaliser l'ordre d'arrivée (d'inviter à découvrir les services SFR ou la 3G sur la Borne MM@ ou de faire patienter en
3 - Accueil face à face : ' Bonjour Mr/Mmme, bienvenue chez SFR et merci d'avoir patienté' (si attente) (Je me présente :
Olivier) ' je suis à votre écoute ' (ou 'Qu'est-ce qui vous ferait plaisir ?' ou encore 'Avez-vous vu nos nouveautés ?').
4 - Prendre le temps nécessaire et suffisant pour écouter le client, découvrir son besoin et bien le conseiller :
c'est indispensable pour des ventes de qualité.
3 découvertes clés : tous les vendeurs, tous les clients = 80% de propositions commerciales réussies (Constat TQV8).
Dé c ouv. Be s oins
Plus vous poserez de questions, plus vous argumenterez rapidement et efficacement. Cf. Plan de vente Planète SFR
1° Déjà client SFR ?; et si client RM : 'Pourquoi désirez-vous changer de mobile ?'
2° Quel volume d’appel (budget) ?, usage professionnel (client Pro0-9?) ou privé ?

• Discovering their needs 3° Sensibilité services Multimédi@ (jeux, photos numériques,…) ou Pro : 'Qu'aimeriez vous faire avec votre abt/votre mobile ?'
'Aimeriez-vous prendre des photos et les envoyer immédiatement depuis votre mobile ?' 'e-mail ?'
Capacité de l'équipe du magasin à comprendre les besoins du client et à le conseiller en fonction de ceux-ci
Recherche systématique de besoin abt sur client La Carte (souscription ou recharges) : au National Non effectué : 33% des cas !

Reconnaissance ! Dès le début de l'entretien, après la question 1, consulter le solde de points carré rouge et la possibilité de RM.
Puis 1° remercier le client d'avoir fait confiance à SFR, lui indiquer qu'il va à ce titre bénéficier d'avantages SFR et
Les offres RM sont facilement identifiables, la gamme et les prix proposés (Packs) sont équivalents en Abt et en RM
(pour 20.000 points carrés rouge en 2G et 15.000 en 3G; affichage RM sur 15.000 points).
Découverte des besoins suivie d'une proposition de mobile adapté (paramétré) et d'actualisation du forfait et des options

• Matching benefits to needs

Proposition systématique de SFR Accès et en cas de refus de SFR la carte ou du recyclage.
Explications claires et complètes des modalités de renouvellement ou de la MPA .
Remplacement de la carte SIM et copie du répertoire systématiques

Dé co uve rte Multimé di@ Disponibilité des Outils de démo pour chaque vendeur : mobiles Vodafone Live 3G en magasin 'A' et 2G dans tous les magasins
et 3G (paramétrés*, chargés, autour du cou), lignes de démo (forte recommandation : 1 par vendeur) et borne MM@ (yc paramétrage OTA)/plas

Savoir démontrer ( 100% des vendeurs ) : prendre une photo et envoyer un MMS (vers Carte Postale) et téléchargement.

• Demonstrate 3G/MMS Connaissance des offres tarifaires et services 2G et 3G, des caractéristiques et du fonctionnement des mobiles Vodafone Live
Démonstration spontanée MMS avec photo avant décision d'achat sur clients ciblés (en fonction de la découverte des besoins).
Aprè s l'Achat Explications sur le fonctionnement du mobile

Si client Multimédi@ : mise en service et prise en main sur le tél. du client (+ paramétrage OTA si nécessaire) :
2G 1° Effectuer 1 accès au portail Vodafone live/MM@ (menus téléchargement sonneries / jeux). 2° Expliquer l'envoi MMS/photo.
3G : établir

• After purchase Autres clients (CARS) : après sollicitation du client, montrer ce qui l'intéresse : textos/MMS, répertoire, vibreur, répondeur.
'Au revoir, merci de votre confiance , n'hésitez pas à revenir nous voir pour toute information'…

Engag eme nts Souscription : Rappeler par écrit (entourer) la durée de garantie : 25% des clients savent que la garantie espace SFR est de 18 mois ! (24
à partir du 16/02 mois sur certains mobiles, 12 mois sur tous les accessoires).
Formation mobile et service des clients SFR, sur demande.

• Thank customer and offer

Echange mobile sous 7j sur mobile RM, Abt, Le Compte : connu et pratiqué (le client est remboursé si mobile moins cher).
Copie du répertoire sur carte de sauvegarde : proposé sur clients statut 4,… sur demande. Stock suffisant, copieur opérationnel.
Recyclage : présence de l'urne, l'offre est proposée au client RM, MPA, ou SAV irréparable.

further assistance S AV
Rappel et valorisation des 5 engagements espace SFR lors de l'argumentation (en priorité : garantie & mob. de prêt)
Mobile de prêt proposé systématiquement à tous les clients SAV : résultat national 84%, obj. 100% !
Echange mobile possible à la 3ème présentation (en panne plus de 2 fois) : connu des vendeurs, utilisé !

Connaissance et respect des nouvelles règles de prise en charge : 1° contrôle de la panne, 2° envoi uniquement avec accessoires si pb
d'alimentation ou d'autonomie, 3° devis forfaitaire exclusivement sur le HG dès la prise en charge, 4° fermeture de l'env

Retour SAV : 1° traité et SI SAVE renseigné le jour même (déclenchement de l'alerte SMS), 2° remise de la brochure SAV,
3° proposition de copie du répertoire sur une carte de sauvegarde.

4 Vodafone way working document Confidential

November 20, 2020 Version 2
Czech Republic – Oskar 5 steps

Goals of Each Phase


Welcome To open the conversation in a positive manner—and to open the customer’s mind
to how things at Oskar Vodafone are different from what they might expect


Get to know To personally engage the customer, and to get all necessary information about
his/her needs in order to offer the best solution.


Navigate to
To actively help the customer „discover“ the most appropriate solution for his/her


Complete To make sure that the customer is delighted with the agreed-upon solution and
is engaged during the procedural part of the transaction.


Appreciate To ensure the customer is positively surprised by and personally appreciates
& Thank
his/her visit, and feels welcome anytime at Oskar Vodafone.


5 Vodafone way working document Confidential

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Greece – using 10 steps in Athens store design

Activity Plan
1. Pre-entry 1. Press Conference for the Ferrari and the wireless
shop. Vodafone’s employees, journalists and
suppliers will be the first visitors four days before
the launch of the mall
2. Entry 2. Video Wall and Ferrari event
3. Try Before Buy for all products and Services, Mirror,
3. Greeting Discussion bars
4. Browsing 4. New messages on the headers help people
5. Seeking help (cust)/getting 5. Queuing system, Discussion Bars, Tablet PC’s,
help(staff) Sofa, TBB, demos
6. Discussion Bars. A wireless small world
6. Deciding (cust)/selling (staff)
7. Transaction/contract completion 7. Tablet PC,s, Plasma screens, Queuing system
8. After sales instore 8. 2 years warranty at all Vodafone products
9. After sales 1hr to 1 week 9. Coverage of any customer demand regarding they
handset or any service / tariff plans
10.After sales 1 week+ 10.Handset replacement during the repair time

Marketing Retail – Greece

October 2005

6 Vodafone way working document Confidential

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Spain Mapping to 10 steps

1 PRE-ENTRY - Window appeal

- Higher degree of light coming out from shop
- Vdf brand image (known and safe)
- Overall look of the store
2 ENTRY - Flat TV with appealing images
- Diferent displays in showcase (interior and exterior)
- Store lay-out and ambiance
- Queuing ticket
3 GREETING - When available, sales person offers help. If not, visual contact

4 BROWSING - Showcase area with the handsets descriptions (logos)

- Self-information area with all sort of brochures and signs
- Communication Hierarchi

5 SEEKING HELP (CUST) - Showcase area, description from sales person

GETTING HELP (STAFF) - Brochures and Signs
- Electronic Catalog
- Staff reminds of its presence when needed

6 DECIDING (CUST)/SELLING (STAFF) - Commercial Sales Procedure (product and services)

7 TRANSACTION/CONTRACT COMPLETION - My Vodafone (to activate services)

- Fast Till (to top-up, prepay packs and accesories)
- Full Till (for portabilities, handset upgrades, new activations+ after-sales service)

8 AFTER SALES INSTORE - Bill and Warranty explanation

- User handbook explanation
- Cross-selling opportunities
- Vodafone Brand image to create loyalty.

7 Vodafone way working document Confidential

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Supporting slides
Related research and initial 10 step map
Growing Core loyalty: To become a customer for life, every part of the
customer lifecycle builds on the one before.

Proactively recommends
“ You should go too ”
Vodafone loyal, preference for Vodafone.
Compares Vodafone favourably to
Supporter competition. Will defend Vodafone.
“ I will be back ”
Can remember shopping in Vodafone.
Views Vodafone as a better value option.
Aware “ My experience was... ”
“ They understood ” “ I feel valued ”

Customer who can’t remember when/

Ambivalent why decided Vodafone, or competitors
customer or deal-focussed* customer
“ I’m not sure who I’m with”
“ They just had the best deal”
(* moves network everytime for the best rate)

Customer who had a very poor

Terrorist experience with Vodafone and remains
“ They are the worst network”

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The Shopping Process 1 2 3 4 5 6

Shopping Missions

What are the key shopping missions for customers going into Vodafone stores?
Half of all customers come in-store on a Buying mission. Currently store operations are focused against the Buying mission, yet 27% enter on
a Service mission and a significant number seek Information or to Browse. With the right environment and intervention, these non-revenue
missions could be turned more effectively into an immediate or future revenue opportunity.

4 key shopping missions

Buying Browsing Information Service

50% 20% 14% 27%

%s greater than 100% due to multiple missions of some respondents

Main triggers that precipitate the visit

• Being a Vodafone customer 52% • Think they’ll have what I want 7% Whilst being a current customer is the primary trigger
• Saw store whist passing 29% • Shop looked fun/inspiring 6% for a visit, there is still significant opportunity to attract
• Habit/Always shop there 15% • Vodafone advertising 6% passers by and draw them into the store

Source: Entry Interviews

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The Shopping Process 1 2 3 4 5 6

Purchase Decision Hierarchy
What decision making process do customers go through for a Buy New Handset mission?
Historical industry practice means that, irrespective of technology confidence, all customers start their decision making process with a contract vs prepay
decision. The majority will then decide on preferred features required, bring price into the equation and finally decide on the look and feel they desire,
which is often (though by no means always) linked to a brand decision. Whilst it is not essential to display handsets to meet this mindset, clear sign-
posting/organisation is essential to allow customers to navigate their way quickly through the hierarchy.

Shopping Mission – Buy new/Upgrade handset

High Technology Confidence Low Technology Confidence

Contract vs Pre-Pay Contract vs Pre-Pay

Key features Key features (Aspirational) Price (Basic)

Look and feel

Price (often, but not always • Many simply looking for an easy to use
• Want new model with latest
technologies associated with a brand) handset that is a good deal/value for
• Conscious of price but there is a degree money
of flexibility which store can influence • Have in mind expectation of price that
Look and feel (often, with offers and deals that can even Price will be paid before entering the store
but not always persuade customers to pay more if the • The more aspirational would like to
associated whole package is considered good
value for money Individual tariff combine this with advanced features
with a bundle they’ve seen or heard about from family
• Expect to meet helpful and friendly staff
brand) to consult and friends
• But prefer to see and think through • Expect & need staff to give advice &
options before talking to staff make recommendations

Source: Accompanied Shops

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Retail Customer journey
Steps in shopping experience
• Pre-entry • Advertising/marketing, media, friends, previous Vodafone
experience. Stage of current commitment. Front of store –
attracting passing trade
1. How does this differ whats the best approach how does
self serve signage help?
1. Greeting
2. Displays – what works where, in what type of store, why
2. Browsing/waiting 3. How does customer do it and staff help
4. Sales (person to person) process from both sides
3. Seeking help (cust)/getting help(staff)
5. Form filling and machine process completion – is this time
4. Deciding (cust)/selling (staff) efficient – can we use time saving e.g. magswipe of
customers details/credit card? Can we use pre-qualifying
if we know already – and link to better intelligent discount
5. Transaction/contract completion at pop?
• Is there a process? When does time pressure allow it to
change? Whats the impact

• After sales instore • How do we link to the parts of vodafone?

• How do other parts of vodafone link to store – is the store
• After sales 1hr to 1 week staff saved as a friend on the persons mobile?

• After sales 1 week+

Within Retail control

12 Vodafone way working document Confidential

November 20, 2020 Version 2
Research Workshop Outcome - Converting Browsers

Business Challenge: How do we convert (move along) browsers to buyers (now or in the future)
Target Customer: All
Do Now Do in the future
20% of visits are browsing missions •We want browsers to buy/ commit to VF
•Popping in to see whats new, collecting info •To accelerate the decision cycle, instant convert to sale there and
•Others just want to touch, feel, see phones then
•Browsers spend 6 mins, expect to spend 11 •Move along the cycle, and leave more informed on what to bring
•Acknowledgement VS non greeting •Capture info on browsers, so VF can follow it up
•Some small shops may be intimidating, think they will be forced into •I don’t want them to have reason to go anywhere else
a sale INSIGHT
Browser= open
Think Now Looking for Think in the future?
•Fear of being pressured into a sale someone This shop is designed to inspire
•Visiting VF, considering switching, Or something to I don’t have to have a buying reason to visit
e.g. I’m with VF, what can I get-getting value of what I Click Its entertaining to go into a VF store
have now, OR, I’m with Orange, what can you do for Or inspire Its even entertaining when the store isn’t open,
me? E.G. great handset sky streaming Video in window
•Looking for ideas/inspiration, for gift or self

Customer Task Summary: To ensure browsers never have a reason to go elsewhere by providing them with an inspiring
and entertaining retail experience

13 Vodafone way working document Confidential

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Research Workshop Outcome – Serving customers

Business Challenge: How do we meet the needs of a customer on a service mission 27% of all customers
Target Customer: All
Do Now Do in the future
27% of entrants are service related, of these
•33% come to resolve problem with headset,16% come with a tariff issue 1. Give customers the wherewithal to resolve the problem
•13% handset query, 11% pay bill themselves where possible
Average expected time instore, 16mins actual 6 2. Where they can’t help themselves, we want them to come
Handling takes 33% of sales persons time
People with a red bag normally avoided
INSIGHT instore and experience a quick effective, first time
resolution, making them want to stay with VF
I don’t mind waiting
but the thing that
drives me crazy is
when I get to the
front of the queue
Think Now and then find the Think in the future?
•Came to get the help they need store cant solve my • I know that if I go into a VF store, whatever my
•But might experience: query, I expect the problem is, they will resolve it there and them
During peak hours staff prioritise sales store to be able to • I’m even prepared to wait to be served as long
Standing in a queue is acceptable up to a point, 6mins, do all I need as my problem is resolved
beyond that I might get annoyed
Expect that VF staff should be able to solve the problem
Disappointed in 25% of all cases

Customer Task Summary: to get all customers to come into store and experience a quick, effective first time resolution
for their service issue by ensuring they think that whatever their problem is, VF will resolve it there and then, and they
wont even mind waiting a few minutes for help

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November 20, 2020 Version 2

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