Qualitative Research and Its Importance in Daily Life

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Living in a world filled with

different race makes us more
unique as an individual. We might
probably think and ask what are
those unique traits, its similarities
and differences. In such a way,
qualitative research plays a vital
role in answering our doubts and
queries in that certain matters.

1. To know the essence of qualitative

research in our daily life.
2. To identify the three basic research
3. To differentiate the three approach.
4. To identify the three methods of data

5. To enumerate the different

humanistic categories.

6. To define hard sciences and soft


Research studies happen in

any field of knowledge.
Anthropology, Business,
Communication, Education,
Engineering, Law and
Essence of Qualitative Research

 It unveil individual’s perception, feelings & attitudes about a certain

 Information is precise and reliable since it promotes collaboration of
the researchers and others as well.
 It also stimulates people’s interdependence or interpersonal
1. Scientific Approach-
 deals with empirical data instead of personal views, feelings or
 It allows control of variables or factors affecting the study.
(Laursen 2010) APPROACH
 Makes you express & record your findings quantitatively. OF
(numerical forms) RESEARCH

 Presents structured interviews, questionnaires & observational

1. Scientific Approach-

Figure The Scientific Method. As depicted in this flowchart, the scientific method
consists of making observations, formulating hypotheses, and designing experiments. A scientist
may enter the cycle at any point.
2. Naturalistic Approach-
 A people-oriented approach which focuses on discovering
the real concept or meaning behind people’s lifestyles and
social relations.
 Lets you present things qualitatively through verbal
language. Using words as unit of analysis.
2. Naturalistic Approach-
 “This approach is the basis for determining universal social
values to define ethical and unethical that society ought to
know, not only for the benefit of individual and community
but also for the satisfaction of man’s quest for knowledge.”
(Sarantakos 2013; Ransome 2013)
Ex. Talking to ethnic groups or people with
other culture in a natural setting. In this case,
the researcher uses unstructured interviews
and the participants answer/response is not
Triangulation/ Mixed Method

Enhances accuracy of interpretation.

1. Gives you opportunity to view every angle of
the research from different perspectives.
Triangulation/ Mixed Method

Allows a combination or a mixture of research

designs, data collection and data analysis
This method is used to enhance the validity &
reliability of qualitative research design.
In the field of Humanities, researchers ought to focus not
to man’s social life but instead studies it’s meanings,
significance & visualizations of man’s experiences in the
field of Fine Arts, Literature, Music, Drama, Dance &
other artistically inclined subjects.

1. Literature and Art Criticism- where the researcher, using well-

chosen language and appropriate organizational pattern, depend
greatly on their interpretative and reflective thinking in evaluating the
object of their study critically.
2.Philosophical Research- where the focus of inquiry is on
knowledge and principles of being and on the manner human beings
conduct themselves on Earth.
3. Historical Research- where the investigation centers on events
and ideas that took place in man’s life at a particular period.
3 Main Methods of Data Collection

1. Interactive interviewing- people asked to

verbally described their experiences of
2. Written descriptions by participant people
asked to write descriptions of their experiences
of phenomenon
3. Observation- descriptive observations of
verbal and non-verbal behavior.
Quantitative Research Qualitative Research
Hard Sciences Soft Sciences
Studies natural data driven phenomenon
Studies human behavior in a
Objective Subjective
Tests Theory Develops Theory
Numbers 1 Words
Cause and Effect Knowing meaning

Relationship Discovery

Statistical Analysis & Generalization Researcher’s interpretation

Examples: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Examples: Sociology, Psychology,
Statistical Analysis & Generalizations
Astronomy, Earth Science Economics, Anthropology,
Qualitative and Quantitative Research can go together in a
research approach .

There is a symbiotic relationship between these two research

methods, in which they reinforce or strengthen each other.
Moreover, any form of knowledge, factual or opinionated and any
statistical or verbal expression of this knowledge are deduced from
human experience that is subjective. (Hollway 2013; Letherby 2013)

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