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By: magickal emma

“Another name for this day is
Candlemas, which is the Feast of
the Purification of the Blessed
Virgin Mary in the Catholic
—Llewellyn’s 2021 Sabbats Almanac
Who is Imbolc?
Is Imbolc named after a deity?
Who is Imbolc?
Imbolc is not named after a deity, but rather a Gaelic word
meaning “in the belly”. This is because of Imbolc’s ties to the
beginning of spring.

However, one of the alternate names for Imbolc is named after a

deity. St. Brigid’s Day is named after Brigid, the Gaelic deity of
arts, crafts, prophecies, and divination.
What is Imbolc?
The history behind Imbolc.
What is Imbolc?
Imbolc, also known as Candlemas or St. Brigid’s Day, celebrates
the coming of spring. The season itself hasn’t arrived yet, but it’s

Love, fertility, and cleaning are all also celebrated during Imbolc,
too. Do these things sound familiar?

Valentine’s Day has taken some inspiration from Imbolc.

However, Valentine’s Day is one of the more transformative
holidays compared to the sabbat related to it.

Also, the concept of “spring cleaning” stems from Imbolc, too.

This is the first sabbat of the year due to spring being the season
beginning the year many years before.
Where is Imbolc?
Imbolc celebrations depending on hemisphere.
Where is Imbolc?
Whenever Imbolc is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere,
Lughnasadh (aka Lammas) is celebrated in the Southern

The same is held true vice versa.

When is Imbolc?
What day is Imbolc celebrated?
When is Imbolc?
Imbolc is celebrated February 1st and sometimes February 2nd as
well, depending on how one celebrates Imbolc.

Due to this sabbat not being celebrated during the start of a

season, there is no astrological date that Imbolc starts on.
Why is Imbolc?
What reason is Imbolc celebrated?
Why is Imbolc?
Spring is all about fertility. Fertility relating to the upcoming
season. Spring is the season of preparing crops for harvesting
later in the year. It’s also about fertility of procreation among
consenting adults, as well.
How is Imbolc?
How is Imbolc celebrated?
How is Imbolc?
Types of magick often performed on Imbolc:

● Love magick
● Fertility magick
● Cleansing magick
○ i.e. a cleansing bath

Some activities done on Imbolc:

● Clean the house

● Work on garden

Some themes relating to Imbolc:

● Red and white

● Hearts
● Arts and crafts (i.e. Brigid’s cross)
Any Questions?

Feel free to @ me in the class chat,

DM me, or comment your question
on Google Classroom.

CREDITS: This presentation template was created

by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik.

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