Yule ?

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By: magickal emma

‘‘This is a quote. Words full of wisdom that
someone important said and can make the
reader get inspired’’

—Someone Famous
Who is Yule?
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Is Yule named after anyone?
Who is Yule?
Yule isn’t named after any deity specifically. It
comes from the Germanic word “jul” which means
“wheel” (like, y’know, the Wheel of the Year).

However, Odin, a famous Norse deity, is often

associated with Yule.
What is Yule?
The history of Yule.
What is Yule?
Yule celebrates the first day of winter, which is the
shortest day of the year. With this knowledge, we
know that the sun is making its way back towards

This is the time to give to others and to not take

things for granted.
What is Yule?
The present day holiday that stems from Yule is
pretty obvious and the most notorious one:

The TLDR history is that Christians at that time

were known for taking many sabbats and making
their own “totally original” holidays. Yule was also
known as Yuletide, and the Christians made their
own holiday called Christmastide, and then

The story of Jesus’ birth also has ties to the Yule

sabbat. The wise men brought gold, frankincense,
and myrrh. They all have ties to Yule (talked about
in a later slide).
Where is Yule?
Where is it celebrated hemisphere wise?
Where is Yule?
Whenever Yule is celebrated in the Northern
Hemisphere, Litha is celebrated in the Southern
Hemisphere. Vice versa is true.
When is Yule?
The time and date of Yule.
When is Yule?
The day of Yule varies from year to year as it’s
always celebrated on the first day of winter. This
year, Yule is on December 21st.

For those who are more astrological, Yule doesn’t

start until the sun enters Capricorn at 10:02 UTC.
Why is Yule?
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Why is Yule celebrated?
Why is Yule?
Yule is all about not taking things for granted and
giving to others.

The origins of this belief stems back to the original

concept of these sabbats. After the three harvest
festivals, winter is a time where no crops grow and
we must preserve our food. We must preserve our
food (not take things for granted) and give food to
those in need (give to others) as food wasn’t as
common as it is today.
How is Yule?
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How is Yule?
Here are some ways you can celebrate Yule:
● Light tons of candles
● Make a Yule Log
● Make pomanders
● Celebrate the sun’s return

Some types of magick that are more powerful

during Yule are:
● Wish magick
● Snow magick
How is Yule?
Here are some ideas/themes to help you decorate
your house and/or sabbat altar with:
● Evergreens
● Holly
● Ivy
● Mistletoe
● Birch
● Oak
● Yew
● Frankincense
● Myrrh
● Colors: red, green, white, gold
Any Questions?
You can @ me, DM me, or comment on the Google Classroom.

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons

by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik.
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