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Introduction and


Lecturer: Devon Du Fur

1. Introduction to your Lecturer
2. Syllabus Review
3. Case Study Presentations

 Executive Director, Quality Systems, CACI Federal
 National University San Diego, BBA Aviation Mgmt &
Troy State University, MS Educational Leadership
 USMC retired – Air Support Control Officer
 Former Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Deputy
Commandant of Cadets, State University of NY
Maritime College, NYC
 25 years of Project Mgmt, QA, and PI
 Projects (and problems) of all shapes & sizes

IT 343 IT Resources - 3 credit course

Devon Du Fur 703-678-3902
Office Hours:
 PW Campus, BRH 102e, by appointment only.

 Text: Information Technology Project Management 6th ed,
Kathy Schwalbe.

 Case Studies: Case studies from the Harvard School of

Business – electronic version.

 Instructor Presentations: Material presented in class will be

posted to Blackboard the day of class.

 Assignments: ALL assignments will be submitted through the

University’s Blackboard system. Assignments are due in
accordance with the syllabus.
Late assignments will not be accepted!
Writing Intensive
Memos - Week 4 & Week 9
Research Paper
 Draft due Week 7 – advice only, not graded
 Final Paper due Week 14
Microsoft Project Exercise
Presentations of Case Study
Exams are timed events, i.e., once you start an exam
you cannot stop:
 2 Midterms: 20 to 25 multiple-choice .
 Final will be open book and notes.
 There will be no makeup exams.

Course Objectives:
1. Understand the importance of project management in
improving the success of information technology projects.
2. Understand the constraints of project management.
3. Learn about project lifecycle methodologies and the Project
Management Institute's knowledge areas and process groups.
4. Learn tools and techniques of project management
5. Appreciate the importance of good project management and
share examples of good and bad project management.

Grading: Course scores are computed as follows:
 Participation 15%
 2 Memo Questions 5% each
 MS Project Exercise 5%
 Case Presentation10%
 2 Midterm exams 10% each
 Paper 30%
 Final exam 25%
Total 100%

Grading is more stringent as semester progresses, especially for Paper

and Final. Must get a grade of ‘C’ or better.

Case Presentation
Major Paper Approach

1) Fact Set - Who, What, When, Where
2) Four or Five Key Issues – In order of impact
3) What would you have done to avoid this?
a) In order of priority
b) Action and Implementation
4) What should you do now?
a) In order of priority
b) Action and Implementation

Not Text

Less Text
is Better

No More Than 10 Slides

No More Than 20 Minutes

No Less Than 30 Point Type

Read Text Chapters 1 (Introduction)
and Chapter 5 (Scope)

Review Lecture 2: Introduction to

Program Management


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