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Logo- the logo has been placed at the Banner- a black banner has been placed at the top

e top of the page to show that this is the contents page

top of the page on a black banner. It is and shows other important details such as the issue number ant the date as well as the logo.
on the left hand side so it is the first
Issue number and date- the issue
thing we see.
number and date has been placed on
Main image- the image of oasis the banner on the contents page it can
which is relevant as there is an be on the front page as well. It allows
oasis special . A low angle shot is the reader to know that they have the
used as they are famous group. latest issue.
The image also takes up some
space on the contents some of Oasis special- the oasis special
the page otherwise it would be doesn’t relate to the colour
blank area. They have been scheme and is in gold/yellow.
positioned standing with their This colour has been used as it
hands in their pockets and have is like the colour of stars. This
been styled in black jeans. They show that this section is based
are quite close together which on the stars and relates to the
makes it clear that they are a main image on the contents
group. The main person in the page. The section has been
photo is wearing glasses and placed in a box to show it is
standing more forward than the important. The colour of the page
rest showing he is the cooler and numbers are the same as the
most important one. border and the title of the
special. The font for the title is
Stories- The contents is ordered also different to the rest of the
in sections the features relate to contents page and it is to show
the stories on the cover. The this is a special. The writing is in
word feature is written on a block black which is the same as the
red background with white rest of the contents page so it is
capitals to contrast. The clear to read against the white
numbers are in red to related background.
with the colour scheme. The
titles of the stories are in capitals Review- The review at the bottom of
to show that they are the titles the page has been set out like the
and there is a small description contents page but smaller with the
in lowercase underneath. There black banner with the logo and the
is a small section at the bottom title in white capitals. It has a picture
that they have every month. It is and other stories next to it. The
position in the same place every colours relate with the rest of the
time so a frequent reader knows contents page.
where to look for there favourite
Background- the background Masthead- Vogue in black in lowercase unlike the cover, it uses the same font it is very clear to read and
colour is plain white the font is well known as vogue’s font to use. Using black makes it stand out on the plain white background.
representing the classy fashion
magazine. Colour scheme- the colour
scheme has been set by the
Main image- the way the main image and the powerful
model has been positioned masthead contrasting black,
looks like she has walked into red and the background colour
the contents page as she is white.
taking a large step forward. Stories- The stories are ordered
Her eye line matches where in different categories. This
the text starts which are the makes it lot easier for the reader
cover stories so re most as you know where to look for
important. The model has been what you want to read. The
styled in red show she is numbers are slightly bigger so
passionate and as this is a you know what page the story is
fashion magazine can suggest on. The cover stories have been
that she is passionate about placed within the main image.
fashion. The font is bigger as they are the
Date and title- the date and main stories and are more
contents has been placed at important. Red is used as the
the top of the page. It follows mastheads for each category as I
the red black and white colour matches the colour scheme and
scheme. The date at the top contrasts with the colour of the
allows the reader to find stories. Fashion header is at the
whether they have the latest top as it is a fashion magazine,
vogue magazine. although the text is small it is in
Subscribing- subscription to capitals so you can tell it is the
vogue has been placed in the masthead for that section.
bottom right hand side. It is
the last thing to read however Special features is another
there it a picture on two section in the contents page. It
bottles of bath products that has the same font as the rest of
are free when you subscribe the contents page so it looks
which attracts the female neat. Using the word special
target audience as they think makes it seem like they have
they are getting something for special stories you can only get
nothing. in vogue.

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