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Nursing Research Lecture: Activity #1
Dojoles, Dulig, Fernandez, Ganiban, Garcia, Goboy, Guinto, Jose, Liwanag, Mabras

Visual Analog
Pain Scale
Data Collection Method

Interview and
Observation Technique
Results revealed that 21(42%) were in the age group of 21-2 years, 18(36%) were in the age group of
18-20 years, and 11(22%) mothers were in the age group of  26-30 years respectively.

The pain of the postnatal mothers exhibits that during the pre-test 4(8%) mothers had intermediate
type of pain, 46(92%) mothers had continuous type of pain and none of them (0%) had brief pain.

 In post-test 7(14%) mothers had brief type of pain, 30(60%) mothers had intermediate type of
pain,and 13(26%) mothers had continuous type of pain.

The pre-test mean level of pain shows 0.49±0.17 whereas the post-test pain level highlights 0.24±0.12
with the ‘t’ value 5.09(p<0.05) showing statistically highly significant difference. There was no
significant association (p>0.05 N.S) found between the post test pain level with the demographic

• The study utilized non-pharmacological nursing interventions which were

proven effective in minimizing the pain among postnatal mothers.
• The interventions can be performed independently by the nurse.
• The duration of the interventions require a short amount of time as specified
in the study. The study also included how frequent each of the interventions
should be done.
• The interventions used were verified effective as demonstrated by evidence
that 92% of the mothers experienced continuous pain during the pre-test. On
the other hand, post-test have shown that only 26% of the mothers
manifested continuous pain.

• In this study, it was not specified which nursing intervention was most
effective and least effective. It was stated that the three nursing
interventions were done as a whole, but not specifically.
• The study was not able to mention if those interventions should be
followed in an orderly manner, if so, it was not specified which
intervention should be done first and which should be done last.  
• The study did not specify the age range of all the participants; the results
only showed that 42% of them are 21-25 years old while the age range of
the other 58% was not indicated.
What makes the group decide to
choose such intervention?

■ Since nursing is our profession, we are aware that we cannot give

medication to the patient without the doctor's order.
■ It will also utilize the capabilities of a nurse to provide care and
alleviate the pain or distress that the patient experiences.
■ Aside from that, non pharmacological interventions are safe and
inexpensive. Such as emptying the bladder, lying flat on abdomen and
oil massage to reduce the pain
What triggering point did you consider that
convinced you that this intervention can work
for PC?

■ The triggering point which our group considered, as indicated in the study, is
the effectiveness of nursing interventions used as shown in the results.
■ Based on the outcome, it shows that there is a high difference between the
pain they felt before and after the delivery of intervention. Few days after the
treatment, all of the participants had decreased the pain level.
■ Based on the outcome, it shows that there is a high difference between the
pain they felt before and after the delivery of intervention. Few days after the
treatment, all of the participants had decreased the pain level.

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