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“Distance education is defined as any learning experience that takes place distance
away from the parent institutions’ home campus or central Head Quarters”.

Keating SB, 2006

“Distance education is defined as students receiving instruction in a location other

than that of faculty.”

Clark CE, 1998


“Distance education is any educational process in which all or most

of the teaching is conducted by someone removed in space and/or
time from the learner, with the effect that all or most of the
communication between teachers and learners is through an artificial
medium, either electronic or print.”

 I Generation
 II Generation
 III Generation
 IV Generation
 The first generation is characterized by the predominant use of a single
technology, and lack of direct student interaction with the teacher
originating the instruction.
 Second generation distance education is characterized by a deliberately
integrated multiple-media approach, with learning materials specifically
designed for study at a distance, but with two-way communication still
mediated by a third person (a tutor, rather than the originator of the
teaching material).
 Third generation (two-way, synchronous tele-learning using audio or
 Fourth generation is flexible learning based on asynchronous
communication through the Internet and the World Wide Web (online
 To provide an effective alternative path to wider opportunities
 To provide an efficient and less expensive education
 To provide education facilities to all qualified and willing persons
 To provide education facilities to those individuals
 Show Up and Teach 
 Practice Proactive Course Management Strategies
 Establish Patterns of Course Activities 
 For Plan for the Unplanned 
 Response Requested and Expected 
 Think Before You Write 
 Help Maintain Forward Progress
 Safe and Secure 
 Sources of Knowledge
 Design of Courses
 Course Delivery
 Interaction via Technologies
 Learners in Different Environments
 Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluation
 Management and Administration
o The separation of the teacher and the learner.
o Loss of possibility of two way communication.
o There is little oral instruction.
o No fixed classroom.
o Learning is on individual basis.
o Involves use of multimedia approach, postal coaching and education through
radio and television.
o Learning is on part time basis
 Rapid growth of education:
 Population: 
 Geographical limitations: 
 Qualification improvement: 
 Desire to work & study:
  Education for all
 Faster Promotion: 
 Flexibility factor: 

 Synchronous :The participants in the same space at the same time

 Asynchronous : The instruction is delivered at different points of
Concept of distance learning
o It is flexible.
o There is the potential
o Institutions can benefit financially.
o knowledgeable and skilled.
o provide a broader method of communication
o Communication appears to increase in distance education amongst students and
their professors.
o Present-day online communication
o opportunity
 Study at your own way.
 Distance Education is Flexible
 Distance Education provides Speedy and
efficient training.
 Learner can overcome social and cultural
 Combines education with work.
• Social Isolation:  

• Lack of Immediate Feedback

 Bhaskar Raj E.Text Book of Nursing Education. Second
edition. EMMESS Medical Publishers. Bangalore. 2015. 322-
 K P Neeraja, (2009)Text book of Nursing Education,
Published by Jaypee, New Delhi. Page No:363-397
 R Sudha,(2013) Nursing Education Principles and Concepts,
Published by Jaypee, Delhi. Page No:315-317

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