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Murphy’s Committee

Cows and Rhinos
Gediminas Grinevicius
• This is for people who still have dreams
• Have you been pursuing your
dreams/goals/aspirations for a while?
• Came out empty handed
• Congratulations for not giving up
• We all grew up with big dreams
• But most of us had our dreams beaten out of us
through the hardships of life
• Easiest thing is to give up
Murphy's Committee
• Strange force that wants to stop you from
achieving the results that you want to
• 5 members that have set up an operation in
the universe – that will test the persons
• ‘’The interferers of magic’’
Murphy’s Law
• Whatever could possibly go wrong – probably
Rhinoceros Success
• Some People are like Cows and Some people are like
• Anything that you want to accomplish that is of any
significance – can be found on the other side of the
• The ‘’Jungle’’ is not the safest place to be
• In order to survive the dangers of the ‘’Jungle’’ you have
to be in a peak Mental and Physical condition
• You must have:
– a think skin
– a strong heart Rhinoceros
– a charging spirit
Rhinoceros Success
• Rhinos:
– 2-3 inches thick skin – so the bugs, scuffs and
occasional arrows wont kill them – it bounces right
off and they keep charging through Jungle
– They are rarely bothered by other creatures in the
Jungle and rarely bother other creatures
– Peaceful creatures who are very focused on what
they want
– However, if you get in their way – watch out!
• I believe - We are all born with a Rhino spirit
Rhinoceros Success
• But, most of us are trained to be Cows
• Cows – are passive creatures who graze through
the pastures accepting whatever comes their
• Cows – don’t believe that they can take control
of their life and create their destiny
• They are volunteer victims of the system
• They voluntarily give up their freedom for a
mediocre existence
Rhinoceros Success
• If you give a Cow:
– a regular income
– some medical benefits
– a couple weeks per year paid vacation
– throw in a life insurance policy
– and promise them a pension that will pay them 30%
of what wasn’t enough in the first place
• and a Cow would give you their life for it!
Rhinoceros Success
– Cows try to live a risk-free existence in the pastures
– If it’s easy – they want it
– If it’s comfortable – they will take it
– If its normal and traditional – they are open to it
– And if all the other Cows are doing it –then it must be
the right thing to do
– They have been conveniently programmed to believe
that they don’t have a choice of how their life turns
– They just do whatever the system tells them to do in
order to be successful
Rhinoceros Success
• For example they are told to:
– Go to school
– Get a good education
– That way they can get their good J.O.B
– With a BIG and ‘’Stable’’ company
– While at this J.O.B all you have to do is:
• Work hard
• Be loyal and industrious
• And in 20-30 years you will find yourself in upper management
position with ‘’stock’’ options
• And by the time they retire they are told that they will be ‘’set for
• Have great pension and social security
• Oh ‘’SECURITY’’ – they love that word!
Rhinoceros Success
• Well, what usually happens is this:
– They get up in the morning to fight traffic while going to work
– Then they work all day while constantly watching the clock
– Then they fight traffic on their way home from work
– They eat their little dinner
– They watch TV
– Take a shower
– Then go to bed so they can repeat this same thing over the
next day
– They spend their whole week looking forward to the two days
they have off
– Then they complain because they ‘’got more month left at the
end of the money’’!
Rhinoceros Success
• Family vacations consists of driving to the nearest campsite
• Or if they happen to fly to another city they stay in the
cheap hotels and justify it by saying that ‘’we are not going
to spend much time here anyway’’
• Everything the Cows do consists of tight budget
• And they constantly worry about not being able to pay their
rent for occupying their space on the cow pastures
• Even young Rhinos in training occasionally might feel the
same way but they keep charging and keep creating
Rhinoceros Success
• You see – cows don’t believe in creation – they
believe in competition
• They are constantly looking at the other cows to
see if their grass is greener
• Well, by the time they reach the point when
they supposed to retire – and the system tells
them right around the 65 years of age – they
usually say something like this:
– ‘’Mooooooooooo’’ 
Rhinoceros Success
• They get a feeling like they been fooled
• But they still can’t figure out what happened
• They think of all the things they wanted to do – but never got a
chance to do
• And they wonder what their life would have been like – ‘’if only’’
they have done this or that
• By this time they realize that they are headed for the slaughter
• Cows live the most depressing lives that exist on our planet
• And what is even more depressing is the fact that they make up the
majority of our population
• At least 90%
Rhinoceros Success
• Rhinos on the other hand – believe in excitement and adventure
• They thrive on the dynamic energy and challenges that exist only in
the ‘’Jungle’’
• They could not handle the passivity and the mediocrity of the Cow
• There is nothing there but grass and manure
• Rhinos realize that on the one side of the jungle is the cow pastures
and on the other side is the land of paradise
• And all of their high aspirations, their goals, their desires are found
on the side where that land of paradise exist
• Rhinos realize that there is danger in the Jungle
• They know that reaching other side would not be easy
• But ‘’easy’’ is not an option for them
Rhinoceros Success
• Because if success was easy – guess what – it wouldn’t be success
• It would be mediocrity
• You see – it’s easy to be broke, poor, miserable, unhappy and
• It’s easy to be bored and frustrated
• It’s easy to give up your freedom
• It’s easy to sit in the cow pastures and watch TV every day and
wonder why you are not getting anywhere
• It’s easy to give up on your dreams, goals and aspirations
• It’s easy to be sitting and listening to this training without getting
up and taking the action to change things
• It’s easy to just sit passively and watch things happen
Rhinoceros Success
• Rhinos don’t sit back and watch things happen – they make things
• They don't wait for the circumstances they want – they create the
circumstances they want
• They don’t focus on all the problems in life – they focus on the
• Rhinos take action – MASSIVE ACTION towards attainment of their
• Rhinos realize the power of their minds and they learn and utilize the
tools and strategies that will help them get what they want out of life
• And most importantly they understand that even though taking
advantage of the tools and strategies that exist today is great and
powerful – it is even more powerful to get off their butts and take
Rhinoceros Success
• ‘’With THOUGHT what you want is brought to you, and with ACTION it is
• This entire concept of rhinos, cows and the jungle is just a way to let you know
that even though you apply these principles and even though you apply the
concepts and the strategies and so forth - it’s not going to be a cake walk to
your dreams.
• If this was the case – then everyone would be allowed to enter the ‘’Jungle’’
• However, out of the 100% of our population only 10% will enter the ‘’Jungle’’
• And out of those 10% that enter the ‘’Jungle’’ only 30% of them will make it
across to the ‘’Land of paradise’’
• The other 70% either return to the ‘’cow pastures’’ or die in the Jungle.
• Therefore, only 3% of our population ever make it to the other side of the
• The other 97% end up either Dead or Dead Broke
• They end up depending on their friends, family or the government for their
main source of income
Rhinoceros Success
• Now if so far you have been bothered by this discussion of
cows and rhinos it means one of two things
– No1: you are currently a rhino in training who somehow is
confused wondering around the cow pastures
– deep down inside you know you don’t belong in the pastures
but you have forgotten where the Jungle entrance is
– No2: You have been systematically inbred and trained and
conditioned as a Cow and you are wondering why you even
listen to this training
– You may believe that all this talk about cows, rhinos and the
jungle is the silliest thing you have ever heard
– By the way, ‘’wheel of fortune’’ or some other programme is on
and you should be watching it you are thinking
Rhinoceros Success
• Well, if you are rhino in training lost in the cow pastures – don’t worry
because you are right on track to get back to the jungle
• If you feel that you are conditioned cow – don’t feel too bad because at
least you are still listening – that’s a good sign
• It means your Rhino spirit is being released and the more you listen to
this training and the more you listen to the other trainings and read
books and go to seminars – the more your power is going to be released
• The key point to remember is that EVERYONE is born with a spirit of a
Rhino – but most of us are trained to be Cows
• I say this because we all came here with an incredible drive
• After all – we won our first ‘’Race’’
• Let me explain – you see we had to out-swim millions of other sperm in
order to be the first to get to and fertilize the egg
• It was an ‘’uphill’’ swim and we made it first!
Rhinoceros Success
• So as far as I am concerned – everyone on this planet has a rhino
spirit deep down inside of them and is a winner
• It’s just that some of us are more brainwashed than others
• We are brainwashed to believe that we can’t achieve, we can’t
have all that we really want, that we have to be mediocre, and
that the best way to deal with our situation of being broke and
miserable and unfulfilled is to understand that we will get all the
greater things in life when we are DEAD and go to heaven.
• Well listen, I’m all into going to heaven and so forth, but I’m not
into living in Hell in order to get there
• I believe that you can create your own heaven on earth right now
if learn the proper strategies and apply them
• You have the power to create magic in all areas of your life
Rhinoceros Success
• It is YOUR choice
• Just remember that it is not going to be easy
• You will most definitely have visits from Murphy's committee along the way
• Especially if you decide to enter the ‘’Jungle’’
• You going to find out more about Murphy’s committee and how they operate
• You will learn how to identify Murphy’s committee member when they pay
you a visit and you will learn how to beat them at their own game and enter
the Land of Paradise
• In the Land of Paradise you can be what you want to be
• You can do what you want to do
• And you can have what you want to have and don’t worry about the price
• You will learn how to develop a thick Rhino skin that you could endure the
challenges that sure will come your way on your incredible journey through
the Jungle.
Rhinoceros Success
• Ok, now that you know that on one side of the jungle is
the cow pastures and on the other side is the land of
paradise the first course of action is to make a decision is
to enter the jungle and when there to stay long enough to
make it to the other side.
• Murphy’s Committee – their main job is to see if they can
stop as many people as possible from making it across the
• Therefore, once you decide to enter the jungle – you
better be prepared for some visits from the various
counsel members that exist on Murphy’s Committee
Rhinoceros Success
• You see all I am doing now is preparing you
• Because I know that many of you have your affirmations
• You are excited about achieving them
• You got your goals written down
• But you may not be expecting or you may not be willing to deal
with what Murphy’s Committee in the jungle has got in store for
• This is why it is important for you to know why you want to
achieve what it is you most desire
• Many people come – many people go and many become C.O.J’s
• C.O.J – Casualties of the Jungle
Rhinoceros Success

• Let me share some of the tactics and some of the

tricks that Murphy’s committee may pull on you
in order to get you to exit the jungle
Rhinoceros Success
• Murphy No1 – usually sends your family and friends after you when you first
enter the jungle
• They try to tell you to return to the cow pastures where it’s safe and secure
• They tell you that ‘’look there is a lot of REAL jobs in the cow pastures’’ and
they want you out of the dangers of the jungle
• They tell you that there is no regular pay checks in the jungle
• So you definitely want to make sure you get back to the cow pastures
• They tell you of all the poor souls who failed miserably in the jungle
• Besides, none of your other family members have made it to the other side so
what makes you think – you can?
• You may as well accept your existence as a cow – after all you don’t have to
take as many risks to survive
• This shot form Murphy No1 is enough to make most people return to the cow
pastures – after all, they love their family and they don’t want to hurt their
feeling anyway.
Rhinoceros Success
• Murphy No2: Financial Problems
– Burnt out
– Can’t pay bills
– Cars repossessed
– Creditors after you
• Murphy No3: Emotions
– Falling in love with a ‘’Cow’’ 
– Get a job in the cow pastures
– Cows get nervous when Rhinos start talking about going into
the Jungle
– Cows like to complain about things that gone wrong at work,
about not being able to pay their bills
Rhinoceros Success
• Lets continue with our journey through the Jungle
• Several months or even years have now past since you have
entered the Jungle
• You may look and smell pretty bad by now
• All your family and friends that have stayed in the cow pastures
are thinking that you have absolutely lost your mind by this time
• They just don’t understand why you would not come back into
security of the cow pastures
• But you are used to it by now – because your skin is thick now
• Murphy No4: Now you come to a swamp along your way that
stinks like hell and there is no way around it
• You have to go through it!
• Some will have enough by now and just turn around and go back
Rhinoceros Success
• Murphy No5: Doubt
• Final effort to make you surrender
• Everything that could go wrong – goes wrong
• Someone close to you dies
• You get divorced
• File bankruptcy
• House is repossessed
• Inland revenue investigates you
• The important thing to understand is that this is the time
when you are closest to your goal
• If you persist at this stage the Murphy’s committee gets tired
of messing with you
Rhinoceros Success
• All of the sudden you find yourself walking in a crystal clear blue water at the
• It’s the most incredible day you have ever seen
• Sun is gently bouncing of your skin
• The limousine is waiting for you here
• As you driving on the motorway sitting at the back of the limo sipping your
favourite drink you pass a few cows with the sad looks coming from them
• Occasionally one would glance at the limo and you read from their lips as they
say ‘’lucky folks’’
• A tear drops down your cheek as you think of where you have been and
where you are now
• A phone rings – it’s your old friend that had the chance to enter the jungle
when you did but told you that you were crazy and that you will never make
• You hear a regret in his voice as he says – ‘’I wish I had’’
• The moral to this story and this whole concept of
Murphy’s Committee is this:
– Accomplishing your dreams and goals will not be easy
but it will be worth it
– There will be many times when you just want to quit
and give up
– Those are the times when you must keep pressing
– Sooner or later Murphy’s committee will get tired of
beating you
– But until that time comes you better have some
compelling reasons of why you are in the jungle
– Because if you don’t then I can guarantee that you
wont make it
My wish for you – Decide to be a Rhino and go
through the Jungle before it’s too late

Don’t ask for life to be easy – ask for it to be

worth it

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