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What is Values?

•It is the abstract concept of what

is important and worthwhile.
General ideas of people with
regards to what is good or bad,
desirable and undesirable.
What is Norm?
•Guidelines people are supposed to
•Shared rules that specify what is right
or wrong and the appropriate and
inappropriate behavior.
•These are the things that we should
and should not do that has sanctions
when violations are made.
Important concept:

•Values shapes our

Subcategories of norms:
1. Positive mores
2.Negative mores
• Laws
• People obey this set of norms without giving
much thought and do not have moral or
ethical significance. Those who violated are
called slobs and eccentrics but as a rule they
are tolerated.
• Examples:
1. Eating in bare hands in restaurants
2. Walking in bare foot at the community.
3. Walking inside somebody’s house with your shoes on.
4. Urinating in public.
5. Breast feeding in public.
6. Nose-picking in front of other people.
7. Spitting in streets
8. Taking out food from a party.
9. Not using po and opo in conversation
10. Cursing
11. Getting tattoos/ piercings (excessive)
12. Talking too loud in PUVs
13. Wearing shorts/ skimpy skirts in public
•These are set of norms that are
heavier than Folkways. If
violations are made, there are
punishments in return. It is
subdivided into two:
1. Positive Mores (duty)
2. Negative Mores (taboo)
Positive Mores
• Duty
• “though shall” behavior
• Ought to be done because they are
ethically or morally good and it is
usually depends upon religious
teaching and may vary depending on
the culture/ religion you are
associated with
• 10 commandments
• Thou shall love God above all
• Thou shall honor thy mother and thy father
• Thou shall love others as you love God
• It could be in the form of our positive cultural norms:
• Helping neighbors in times of need (bayanihan
• Helping elders in whatever circumstances you are in
• Helping charity/ being a donor.
Negative Mores
•“thou shall not” behavior.
•Certain acts which must not be done
because they are not only illegal but
unethical and immoral.
•There are punishmment if not followed
•Punishments: formalized/ ostracized by
•Ten commandments
•Thou shall not kill
•Thou shall not commit adultery
•Prohibition of incest
•Prohibition of cannibalism
•Prohibition of same-sex
•Formalized norms enacted by people
vested with legitimate authority
•Republic act
•Municipal Ordinance
•Phil Constitution
•Revised Penal Code of the Philippines
Something to think over:
• Our norms are shaped by our own values. People not following the
norms are called “Deviants”

• We have different values system and one of the most dominant is

being “conservative”.

• There are a lot of norms that encompasses women.

Are not allowed to
Shorts/ dresses with
low necklines
• Women
Are not allowed to
drink in
in social

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