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Originated from the Greek word demokratos
or Demokratia which means ‘rule of the
people.’ Democracy is actually a system of
government where citizens choose their
representatives to form a governing body. It
is therefore a government of the people, for
the people and by the people. This is why it
is also stated that democracy is ‘Vox Populi
Vox Dei’ meaning the ‘Voice of the people is
the voice of God’ as the people are superior
over the government. 2
A democratic government focuses
on freedom and opportunities for
people to improve on their
abilities as well as express
themselves for greater self-


• Separation and Balance of Power

this means that a democratic government

is a political authority which is divided into
three namely the legislative, executive and
judicial powers. These branches act
independently of each other to prevent the
concentration of power as well as to
maintain check and balance.
 Legislative Branch
enacts the laws of the state according to the desires of the
constituents. It is mainly comprised of the House of
Representatives and the Senate;

 Executive Branch
Implements the policies of the land. The President of the
land with the Cabinet members carries out this function
making sure that the approved laws are executed in every
aspect of citizenry’s lives;

 Judicial Branch
Is responsible for giving meaning to the established laws
and brings to justice those who violate the fundamental
laws of the land. This branch makes sure that the
fundamental rights and privileges of the citizenry are met
by the government.
• A Pluralistic System of Political Parties and

It is expected that a democratic system allows the rule

of the majority. Representation is very necessary in every
sector of the society. Hence, groups, organizations and
collective efforts are recognized. It is expected that
differences in opinion, needs and expectations may arise
and so a consensus has to be reached through the
initiatives of social organization.

Political parties are supported in a democracy as
they peacefully mediate conflicts, and the
formation of political views. Such is based on the
principle that each citizen has the right to represent
his opinion through a civil and healthy competition
of ideas. This assumption that the are always
conflicting interests within every society is the
essence of ‘pluralism’. And hence the formation
and acceptance of political parties in pluralistic
society with varied ways of processing realities.


• Respect for the Rule of Law

The Rule of Law is the principle that reiterates no

one is above the law. It safeguards citizens against
governance by a totalitarian leader. The rule of law is
against the rule of a dictator or of an absolute ruler.
This fundamental principle also reiterates that every
citizen is subject to the law, even the highest leader
and the lawmakers as all the procedures equally
apply to all.

• Accountability and Transparency

Democracy adheres to the principle that the citizens should

be provided with all their basic rights freedom. This is an
expression of democracy. However it is a common knowledge
that “ with great powers come great responsibilities.” Hence,
for every freedom granted is the need to perform certain roles
that will be beneficial to the society itself. In this light is
expected that participation increases the role of citizens to
take part in political, economic and social activities such as in
choosing their local leaders and in providing inputs into local
Accountability on the other hand is the degree to
which the government needs to explain or justify what
they have accomplished in relation to what expected
of them. Accountability is exemplified during
elections where every entity in public service is
assessed in relation to their output and performance.
Accountability is also gauged according to these
government officials transparency which connotes
absence of corruption through honest behavior.

• Freedom and Independent Media

Freedom of expression is a necessary

element in a democratic society. It is
through the media that the citizenry is
informed about the events that transpire in
the society. A crucial role is being played by
this agency as it allows transparency in the
society and government. It also convenes
the people into certain realities, issues and
concerns that affects their lives. Decision-
making in the government is learned
through these agencies.
• Respect for Human Rights

Democracy requires respect and the

promotion of human rights. The right
to vote, to form political parties, to
own property or to marry are
necessary for democracy. It is the
people who have to be served and no
abuse can be perpetrated by the

History proves that democracy did not

exist in a perfect state. Democracy
evolved out of the refinement of its
components to respond to the needs and
demands of the citizenry.
There is Equality before the Law

Equality under the law is equality in the eyes of the law.

Sometimes termed as legal equality is the principle that
reiterates that the citizens must be equally treated by the
law and proven innocent until there is due process.
Democracy means equality, fairness, and justice. Indeed
‘All are equal before the law.’ Everyone must be treated
equally regardless of race, gender, national origin, color,
ethnicity, religion, disability. The constitution as the
supreme of the land should safeguard every freedom of
every member of the society.


Political Freedom
Political Freedom is one of the most
important feature of democratic societies. It is
freedom from oppression and compulsion. It
may also be considered as the positive
exercise of rights, and possibilities for action,
as well as the exercise of the social rights,
freedom from “internal” constraints, freedom of
speech. The concept of political freedom
connotes civil liberties and human rights,
which should be protected by the state.
Rule of Law

Every Law is a product of the people represented by

their congressmen or congresswomen. The law is the
supreme factor that runs the government and nobody is
above the law. The laws protects and promotes the
citizenry and so nobody can be over the law. The rule of
law states that every citizen should participate in the
elections as a basic feature of democracy. This is also
known as the right suffrage where all voters can
participate freely and fully in the life of their society.
Everybody has a say in the fate of their society which
happens during the elections whether on a local or
national level.

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