Test Correction: Inglês 5º Ano

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Test correction

Inglês 5º ano
Test 2A
B. C.
1. True 1. Lisa / She’s / She is at the library.
2. False 2. She’s / She is Irish.
3. False 3. No, she isn’t. / She is / She’s from
Dublin. / No, she’s/she is from Dublin.
4. True
4. No, it isn’t. Her address is 97, Husky
Street. / No, her address is 97, Husky
Street. / No, it’s 97, Husky Street.
D. E. F.
2. b) 1. English 2. January
3. f) 2. French 3. Saturday
4. a) 3. Italian 4. April…
5. g) 4. German
5. December…
6. c) 5. Mexican Sunday
7. e) 6. Spanish  
G. H. I.
2. first 1. His 1. isn’t / is not
3. second 2. Their 2. are / are
4. seventh 3. Our 3. is… isn’t / is not
5. fifth 4. your 4. Are… am
6. ninth 5. my 5. Is… isn’t… / is not… is
6. Its 6. isn't / is not… is
• Her first name is Debby.
• Her surname is Ryan.
• She’s / She is twenty-three years old.
• Her birthday is on 13th May.
• Her address is 54, Wonder Street, Huntsville.
• Her phone number is two – five – six, eight – nine –
five, nine – one – eight – two.
• She’s / She is American.
(She’s pretty. / She’s wearing a dress. / She’s got
long hair. / She’s happy. / …) Good job!

Your teacher
Test 2B
B. C. D.
1. True 1. library 1. English
2. False 2. Irish 2. French
3. False 3. Dublin 3. Italian
4. True 4. is 4. Spanish
E. F.
2. January 2. first
3. Saturday 3. second
4. April… Tuesday 4. seventh
5. December… Sunday 5. fifth
  6. tenth
G. H. I.
1. His 1. c) 1. are
2. Their 2. a) 2. isn’t / is not
3. Our 3. a) 3. is
4. your 4. c) 4. Are
5. my 5. aren't / are not
6. Its 6. is

1. Debby.
2. Ryan.
3. 23 years old.
4. 13th May.
5. is 54, Wonder Street, Huntsville.
6. is 256-895-9182 (two – five – six, eight – nine –
five, nine – one – eight – two).
7. ’s / is American. Good job!

Your teacher
Listening Test 2
A. B.
2. 24 years old 1. b)
3. 18th October 2. c)
4. the USA 3. c)
5. American 4. b)
6. 808-367-5320 (eight – oh – 5. a)
eight, three – six – seven, five –
three –two – oh) Good job!
Your teacher

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