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Quevedo State Technical University

Agrarian Sciences Faculty

Raúl Isaac Reinoso Laje


Ing. Roberto Carranza Cusme M,Sc

Academic period
I Cycle 2020-2021
Reading is an activity that provides us with information and
● Reading is the great provider of arguments, the key for others to listen to you.
● Reading makes the man more complete; the conversation, agile and right
● The one who reads is not easy to manipulate.
● Reading exercises our brain: it awakens neural pathways, it activates memory.
● Reading allows relaxation, rest and is even able to reduce stress.
● Reading makes us feel active.
● Reading allows to get to know ourselves better.
● Reading feeds inspiration and brings up ideas.
● Reading is to the mind what exercise to the body.
● Reading helps compress texts, improves people's grammar, vocabulary and
Reading is much more than knowing how to admit each of the words that make up the text: reading
is, basically, knowing how to understand, and, above all, knowing how to interpret.
Reading is a personal action that is never finished perfecting, that is why it is their daily practice is
important, a task that a few years ago they could not access many people whose learning itself is
very successful because it is the key to our identity.
Every time we read, our minds face new challenges, different visions, opinions ... with which we do
not become beings capable of giving shapes our ideas and in this way understand the world, since
through reading is known and therefore it is more difficult for us to be manipulative.
Reading is important for people because it means the key to knowledge, reading knowledge is
acquired and therefore reading becomes a factor fundamental for the development of the basic
competences of any person to face the experience in society.
There are 4 types of readings:
● Oral reading
● silent reading
● Integral reading
● Selective reading
QUESTIONS ● What is reading?
● Why is reading important?
● What are the types of reading?

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