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Expt 4A
Erlyn Jessie D. Dy
Pre lab Question
1. Differentiate DNA from RNA.
2. What are the factors that stabilize and
destabilize the DNA structure?
• One Ripe banana (almost rotten is advisable)
• Spoon/stirring rod/strainer/ stick
• Ziplock bag
• Blender (optional)
• Coffee filter paper or
cheesecloth (katsa)
Household chemicals
• Dishwashing liquid (any brand)
• Distilled water (preferred Wilkins or H2zero)
• Table salt
• 70% ethyl alcohol (placed in freezer overnight
before performing the experiment)
Procedure A
• Preparation of extracting solution
1. Dissolve one tbsp of salt in 120mL warm
2. Add one tbsp of dishwashing liquid and mix
slowly so not to produce too much foam.
Procedure B
• Extraction
1. Peel fruit and put it into Ziplock
2. Pour the extracting solution
3. Mash the banana
4. Filter the banana using the cheesecloth to get
the extract
5. Slowly add 20mL of the refrigerated 70%
ethyl alcohol to the extract.
Procedure B
6. Let the mixture stand for a few minutes (5 to
10 mins) undisturbed.
7. Observe for a bubble formation, then the DNA
will precipitate out of the solution. DNA will
appear as white filamentous (gelatin-like)
material in the ethanol layer.
Data Sheet
• Give your observation in the extraction of
nucleic acids.
Post – Lab Question
• What are the general structures of RNA and
• Differentiate DNA and RNA

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