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Unit 1 Part 1

 Read through the passage

 Try to understand the general subject area
 Get a quick indication of the main idea
 This is called previewing. In other words it means viewing
something beforehand,
Previewing strategy

Step 1. read the headings and subheadings

Step 2. Read the first and last sentences of each of the three
Step 3. Use your knowledge you have about the subject and make
predictions about the main idea of the paragraphs
Learning key terms, AWL

 Study key terms, new words, academic words

 Use a dictionary to understand new words
Academic words are certain words that appear over and over again in
academic texts. These words are marked in the reading selections in
your academic reading textbook with dotted underlines. They are
found in the Academic Word List or AWL.
Reading and vocabulary journal

 Write down new words and their meaning, definition, translation,

synonym, or the word in a phrase.
 When you encounter the word again in a new text you will know the
 As a result your reading comprehension will increase.
 Your reading speed will also improve.
 Keeping a reading journal is an effective way to become more aware
of your own learning
Keeping a reading journal

 Step1. write the date every time you put something in the journal
 Step2. write down new words, academic words
 Step 3. Notes on organizational patterns that authors use
 Step 4. What reading strategies are suitable for you, for example: does it help to preview and
outline the text, does it help to read a text more than once and for different purposes, what kind of
review helps you to remember information, what techniques have you developed to learn and
remember vocabulary?
 Step 4. Notes on your learning preferences, such as the right time and place to read, read in a quiet
place or one where there is music etc.
 Step 5. Notes on your reading speed: what kind of information you can and should read faster
versus which material you have to read more carefully etc

 Itis a skill that readers use to find specific

information quickly. Scanning means to look for
keywords or parts of the text that stands out.
Readers may want to find the key information or
just a telephone number
Patterns, summarizing

 Repetition, explanation, extension. These are the most popular

patterns of academic writing. By understanding these patterns you
can better understand the texts.
 Summaries are used in academic work for many purposes. One of
these is to help you understand and remember what you have read.

 Form a study group

 Answering questions
 Participating in discussion
 Taking multiple choice questions
 Checking your vocabulary knowledge
Sociology, Race and ethnicity

Sociology is one of the main social sciences. Sociologists study social
behavior in human groups and look for patterns. They also focus on
learning how social relationships affect group behavior.
Race and ethnicity
These are among many other topics the subject of sociology covers.
Race and ethnicity

 A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or

social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct
by society.  By the 17th century the term began to refer to
physical traits. Modern scholarship regards race as a social
construct , an identity which is assigned based on rules made by
society. While partially based on physical similarities within
groups, race does not have an inherent physical or biological
Race and ethnicity

 An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people

who identify with each other, usually on the basis of
similarities such as a common language, ancestry, history,
society, culture, nation, religion, race, or social treatment
within their residing area.
Academic word list

 Comprehension учрыг ойлгох, таньж мэдэх

 Outline тойм, таталбар, ноорог
 Preview урьдчилан унших, харах
 Selection сонгосон сэдэв
 Fact баримт, мэдээ, бодит үнэн
 Generalization ерөнхийлөл
 Insights ойлгосон, мэдэрсэн зүйл
Academic word list

 Repression хэлмэгдүүлэх, залхаах, хавчлага

 Exhibit гаргах, харуулах
 Breadth өргөн хүрээ, чөлөөтэй
 Race угсаа, арьсны өнгө
 Ethnicity угсаатан, үндэстэн
 Norms хэм хэмжээ
 Discrimination ялгаварлан гадуурхах

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