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NIOSH Lifting


Presented By:
Group 8
IV. Data and Results

A. Description of
each task
Task 1
The performer of the task (person 1) will lift a box
containing different objects inside with a total weight of 1.5
kg. From the floor, the box will be placed on the top of the
dining table. The performer will do the task in 10 lifts per
minute in 1 hour.
The performer of the task (person 2) will lift a box
containing different objects inside with a total weight of 3.25
kg. From the floor, the box will be placed on the top of the
dining table. The performer will do the task in 10 lifts per
minute in 1 hour.
Task 2
The performer of the task (person 1) will lift a box containing
different objects inside with a total weight of 1.5 kg. From
the table, the box will be placed on the top of a horizontal
surface that is above shoulder level and is near the dining
table. The performer will do the task in 10 lifts per minute in
3 hours.
The performer of the task (person 2) will lift a box containing
different objects inside with a total weight of 3.25 kg. From
the table, the box will be placed on the top of a cabinet that is
above shoulder level and is near the dining table. The
performer will do the task in 10 lifts per minute in 3 hours.
B. List any necessary
C. Draw a schematic
representation of the
object lifting task with
Task 1 (Person 1)
Task 1 (Person 2)
Task 2 (Person 1)
Task 2 (Person 2)
D. Use the 1991 NIOSH
lifting equation to obtain
the necessary values for
Refer to Figure 1 for the
measurements and Table
1&2 FM and
CM value.
Task 1 (Person 1)
H = 28 cm LC= 23 kg
V = 0 cm HM= 25/H= 25/28 = 0.8928571429
D = 79 cm VM= (1-0.003|V-75|) = (1-0.003|0-75|) = 0.775
A = 90˚ DM= (0.82 + 4.5/D) = (0.82 + 4.5/79)
F = 10 lifts / min = 0.8769620253
C = Fair Coupling AM= (1-0.0032A) = (1-0.0032 (90)) = 0.712
Job Duration: 1 hour FM= 0.45
Weight Lifted: 1.5 kg CM= 0.95

R WL=LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM xCM

R WL=23 x 0.8928571429 x 0.775 x 0.8769620253 x 0.712 x 0.45 x 0.95
R WL=4.248233862
Task 1 (Person 2)
H = 26 cm LC= 23 kg
V = 0 cm HM= 25/H= 25/26 = 0.9615384615
D = 78 cm VM= (1-0.003|V-75|) = (1-0.003|0-75|) = 0.775
A = 90˚ DM= (0.82 + 4.5/D) = (0.82 + 4.5/78) = 0.8776923077
F = 10 lifts / min AM= (1-0.0032A) = (1-0.0032 (90)) = 0.712
C = Fair Coupling FM= 0.45
Job Duration: 1 hour CM= 0.95
Weight Lifted: 3.25 kg

R WL=LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM xCM
R WL=23 x 0.9615384615 x 0.775 x 0.8776923077 x 0.712 x 0.45 x 0.95

R WL=4.57883089
Task 2 (Person 1)
H = 32 cm
LC= 23 kg
V = 79 cm
HM= 25/H= 25/32 = 0.78125
D = 68 cm
VM= (1-0.003|V-75|) = (1-0.003|79-75|) = 0.988
A = 90˚
DM= (0.82 + 4.5/D) = (0.82 + 4.5/68) = 0.8861764706
F = 10 lifts / min
AM= (1-0.0032A) = (1-0.0032 (90)) = 0.712
C= Fair Coupling
FM= 0.13
Job Duration: 3 hours
CM= 1.00
Weight Lifted: 1.5 kg

R WL=LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM xCM

R WL=23 x 0. 78125 x 0.988 x 0.8861764706 x 0.712 x 0.13 x 1.00
R WL =1.456191097
Task 2 (Person 2)
H = 25 cm LC= 23 kg
V = 78 cm HM= 25/H= 25/25 = 1
D = 45 cm VM= (1-0.003|V-75|) = (1-0.003|78-75|) = 0.991
A = 90˚ DM= (0.82 + 4.5/D) = (0.82 + 4.5/45) = 0.92
F = 10 lifts / min AM= (1-0.0032A) = (1-0.0032 (90)) = 0.712
C= Fair Coupling FM= 0.13
Job Duration: 3 hours CM= 1.00
Weight Lifted: 3.25 kg

R WL=LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM xCM

R WL=23 x 1 x 0.991 x 0.92 x 0.712 x 0.13 x 1.00
R WL =1.940942474
E. Explain the values
for each of the
parameters from the
1991 NIOSH lifting
Task 1
H- The horizontal distance (28 cm and 26 cm) is measured
by measuring the midpoint of the ankle to midpoint of the
hands grasping the object.
V- The vertical distance (both 0 cm) is measured by getting
the distance of the handle of the box from the floor.
D- The vertical travel distance (79 cm and 78 cm) is
obtained by measuring the distance from the floor to the
table that served as the destination of the box.
A- The angle of asymmetry (both 90˚) is the angle that the
subject must twist at the waist to place the box on a table
F- The frequency of lifting (both 10/mins) is stated in the
C- The coupling ( both fair) is the quality of the grip on the
Task 2
H- The horizontal distance (32 cm and 25 cm) is measured
by measuring the midpoint of the ankle to the midpoint of
the hands grasping the object.
V- The vertical distance (79 cm and 78 cm) is measured by
getting the distance of the handle of the box from the floor.
D- The vertical travel distance (68 cm and 45 cm) is
obtained by measuring the distance from the floor to the
cabinet that served as the destination of the box.
A- The angle of asymmetry (both 90˚) is the angle that the
subject must twist above shoulder level on a shelf.
F- The frequency of lifting (both 10/mins) is stated in the
C- The coupling ( both fair) is the quality of the grip on the
F. Compute Lifting
index of the tasks to
determine the
appropriateness of
the lift.
Task 1 (Person 1)
Weight of the box = 1.5
  weight of the box
L . I .=
L . I .=
4 .248233862  
L . I .=0.3530879063
Task 1 (Person 2)
Weight of the box = 3.25
  weight of the box
L . I .=
L . I .=
L . I .=0.7097881704
Task 2 (Person 1)
Weight of the box = 1.5
  weight of the box
L . I .=
L . I .=
L . I .=1.030084584
Task 2 (Person 2)
Weight of the box = 3.25
  weight of the box
L . I .=
L . I .=
L . I .=1.674444268
G. Do the task
requirements seem
excessive based on the
NIOSH Lifting
Explain. Refer to Table
For Task 1, with Lifting Index that are both less than 1
(0.3531 and 0.7098) are considered as very low risk, the task
requirements isn't excessive. While on task 2, for the first
person, the Lifting Index is 1.0301, which falls at low risk
and for the second person 1.6744, considered as moderate
risk. The task requirements in task 2 is not also excessive but
this already needs some efforts to lower the lifting index like
redesigning the task and workplaces since it is likely to pose
an increase risk for some workers.
H. Compare and
contrast the results of
the two tasks
By comparing the risks of the two tasks, the second task
got the higher lifting index of greater than 1 (1.0301 and
1.6744) which implies that this task is more risky to cause
back injury, compared to the calculated lifting index of the
first task (0.3531 and 0.7098). Based on the data, it is clear
that lifting a load from the table and places it above
shoulder level shelf requires more effort and uses more
strength that may result to injuries especially when the load
is heavy and the job was done repeatedly in long duration
since it is observed that this task has a
duration of 3 hours compared to the duration of the first
task which has only 1 hour. It is also observed that the
weight of the load plays a crucial part in calculating the
lifting index and it has a big factor as to having the risk of
developing low back pain and injury,
V. Conclusion
With the help of NIOSH Lifting guide, we were able to
compute and know if there is a risk in lifting
considering two different tasks. Two different persons
performed both tasks. Task 1 is lifting the load from the
floor up to the table while task 2 is lifting the load from
the table up to the cabinet which is above shoulder
level. For the Task 1 of the first person, we got 0.3531
lifting index and 0.7098 for task 2. The lifting index just
got a little bit higher since the load needs to be lifted in
a higher place.
For the second person, we got 1.0301 for task 1,
considered as low risk and 1.6744 for task 2
considered as moderate risk. Comparing the two
person, we can say that the second one is more
vulnerable to risk since her load is much heavy than
the first one. The first one lifted 1.5kg while the other
lifted 3.25kg.
VI. Results
After executing the experiment, it enables us to have an in-
depth knowledge about the importance of considering the
components on a specific task, how it should be executed
and how it is risky to human when consideration for safe
lifting was disregarded. Overall, referring to the data and
results of the conducted experiment, it shows that task 2
performed by both the person 1 and 2 with lifting index
greater than 1 (1.03001 and 1.6744) may likely to post
increase risk of back injury and necessary precautions must
be taken to minimize the risk.
With this, the following are the recommendations that
should be implied to avoid risk of back injury.

• When task duration is too long, consider making some

rotation or shifting of employees/person that’ll do the task to
avoid repetitive motion that can cause back injury.
• Maintain good posture while doing the task.
• Take breaks or rest allowances.
• Stand as close as possible to the object that you’re going to
lift and ensure a good hold.
• Reduce the weight of loads if possible.
• When lifting heavy loads, ensure that it has a good
coupling wherein it is equip with appropriate handles to
make it easier for the worker to lift, grab or execute the task.
Prepared by:
Cuenca, Desery Jane M.
Embile, Moneth
Halili, Leinne Kaycele M.
Ramilo, Aubrey Marie C.
Mendoza, Kristine Jane Melanie C.
Valencia, Darlene R.

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