Healthy School and Community Environmnet

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Healthy School and


Tell something about
the pictures
What describes a healthy
A healthy community is described
as a place that is safe and clean
and has improved overall health
and quality of life for group of
individuals living in the same
area. There is a sense of
belongingness and people live
harmoniously and peacefully
What are the characteristics of
a healthy school and
Some essentials
characteristics of a healthy
school or community
1. The school must be a safe
and healthy learning
School Canteen
Healthy foods selections
are available and
promoted all over the
school. The canteen must
be clean and sanitized.
Eating good foods in a
healthy environment is
essential to promote
2. The school or community must
have access to quality, up to date
health care resources.
School Canteen
Members of the school and
community have access to
educational programs that
provide adequate
preparation in health.
Medical and dental services
are available to support the
school or community with
adequate facilities and
supplies to support the
3. There is a health-
minded administration
There is a commitment and
cooperation from the
administration and staff to
implement all school policies
regarding health. The school
creates its own policies to
support healthy choices and a
healthier environment for the
welfare of every member of the
health topis are integrated into
other subject areas. Teachers
understand the issues affecting
the learners, and have the skills
and confidence to teach about
sentive yet important issues.
The school community
organizes or promote health,
like intramurals, drug
awareness campaigns, fun run,
and health week.
4. The community
dynamically participates in
the activities
5. The building should be
constructed using safe
It should be free from
asbestos and other
hazardous materials. The
paint used in the school and
the community must be lead-
free. Special attention has to
be given to clean restrooms
and food service areas to
comply with sanitation
6. Clean drinking water
has to be made available
throughout the school.
Water needs to be checked
periodically by government
accredited water testing facilities.
7. Air quality and good ventilation
is also a major concern.
Classroom must have
adequate cooling and
ventilation for the comfort
and safety of the teachers and
learners. Regular testing of
air quality must be observed
and administered by
accredited testing facilities.
8. Science laboratories
must be properly labeled,
classified and securely
stored to avoid accidents.
Rate yourself.
Answer the following
1. How can you say that a
school’s environment is
2. What will the community
gain from having a safe and
healthy school?
3. Why is the participation of
the learners needed in making
the school a healthy place?
Good day and
God bless!

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