Body Shaming

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1. Lani Oktaviani (191440118)

2. Rara Kunanti (191440130)
3. Daniel Tri Agustin (191440104)
4. Jihan Maritsa (191440117)
5. Yowana (191440137)
What is body shaming?
Body shaming is a form of verbal abuse or bullying against a
person's physical condition. In fact, body shaming also has a
negative impact on a person's psychological condition, including
stress, eating disorder, bipolar disorder, and the desire to commit
Body shaming - funny or offensive?
Type of Body Shaming
a. Acute Body shame
 Acute body shame has more to do with the behavioral aspects of the body, such as movement or
manners. This term is commonly known as embarrassment, a type of body shame that usually
occurs in unexpected or unplanned preparation. This type of body shame occurs in cases such as
a self-presentation that stutters, fails or does not conform to the expected behavior, arises as a
result of a violation of behavior, appearance or performance, or loses temporary and unexpected
control over a body or bodily function. This acute body shame is a natural shame in social
interactions. This shame is even needed in social interactions
Type of Body Shaming
b. Chronic body shame
The second type of body shame arises due to a permanent and continuous form of appearance or body,
such as weight, height and skin color. In addition, this body shame can also arise because of stigma or
defects such as scars or paralysis. Apart from appearance, chronic body shame deals with bodily
functions and common anxiety such as acne, disease, defecation, aging and so on. Additionally, this
body shame can emerge during times of stuttering or chronic awkwardness. As for those who induce it,
this type of body shame will appear over and over again in a consciousness and bring about repeated
and perhaps constant pain. Chronic body shame is painful and painful. This body shame can lead to a
reduction in bodily experiences that constantly influence self-esteem and self-worth (self-esteem and
How to Overcome Body
o Breathe and calm down first
o Reply with positive remarks
o Invite them to speak heart to heart
o Don't ignore people's taunts and still love
o Leave people doing body shamming
Effects of Body Shamming





Stop Love and Think

Body Shaming! care properly positive

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