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Cadbury campaign pitch pr


Jiajun Liu
Fantastic Liu Agency
• We have more than 30 years’experience advising leading brands, agenci
es and platform on the range of issues with advertising and marketing a
• Develop effective creative campaigns and help customers to select the id
eal media mix
• Help customers to determine the best way to reach their target audience
• Offers agency services backed by our deep expertise in strategy, marketi
ng, campaign management and data.
Our Expertise


Graphic and Digital

Communication tool
• Cadbury had been using too much traditional broadcast media that is television
advertising in their marketing strategy even thought television industry in Austra
lia is the most favourable marketing tool in broadcasting media. Cadbury should
consider the introduction of personal recording devices (PVRs) that allowed vie
wers to skip advertisements. Button to skip
Solution and CommunicationTool
• Solution : Make more ‘out-of-home’ advertising in future such as billboard ad
vertisement on the train, media electronic on public vehicles, bus shelter adverti
sement and blow-up advertisement at any outdoor event to create excitement to
the main target market which is children and also adults. Over 70% of purchase
decision are made in store. More specifically, children have a greater influence t
o their parent’s decision buying thus. This will increase the Cadbury image in th
e public places
• CommunicationTool : Outdoor advertising provides broad coverage and targe
ted market reach. Nowadays, outdoor marketing technology has provided the o
pportunity to develop creative eye-catching message. Plus, this is the most visib
le media exposed to everyone who goes outside of the home.
Summary and Recommendation
• Research can be conduct to collect data and information to make sure Cadbury h
ad fulfil consumers needs and wants. By this Cadbury can provide the best servi
ces and goods that consumers been expected from them.

• Cadbury had always choose TV commercial to represent their products and cam
paign. Cadbury can wide their options in tool marketing to make sure the messa
ge is fully received by the customers. We believe that creative out-of- home adv
ertising also can be good ways to increase their sales at the same time attract the
potential buyers to the products.
The End

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