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The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Novik Kateryna
Key Facts
• FULL TITLE · The Da Vinci Code
• AUTHOR · Dan Brown
• TYPE OF WORK · Novel
• GENRE · Thriller
• LANGUAGE · English
• TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN · Early twenty-first
century; the United States
• POINT OF VIEW · The narrator speaks from the
point of view of several characters, describing what
they see and hear. The narrator also provides
background information and pieces of knowledge
unknown to other characters.
Key Facts
• TONE · Objective, earnest
• TENSE · Past
• SETTING · The present day
• PLACE · Paris, France; Versailles, France; London,
England; outskirts of Edinburgh, Scotland
• PROTAGONISTS · Robert Langdon; Sophie Neveu
• THEMES · The false conflict between faith and
knowledge; the subjectivity of history; the
intelligence of women
• MOTIFS · Ancient and foreign languages; art; sexism
• SYMBOLS · Red hair; blood; cell phones


Plot Summary of the Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code takes readers from Paris to London on a breathless tour of famous landmarks
and will remind fans everywhere why the New York Times calls The Da Vinci Code “blockbuster

Robert Langdon, professor of religious symbology at Harvard, is in Paris to give a lecture. At the
reception that follows, he is scheduled to meet with a revered curator from the world-famous
Louvre museum. But the curator never shows up, and later that night Langdon is awakened by
authorities and told that the curator has been found dead. He is then taken to the Louvre—the scene
of the crime—where he finds out that baffling clues have been left behind.

Thus begins a race against time, as Robert Langdon becomes a suspect and, with the help of French
cryptologist Sophie Neveu, must decipher a mystifying trail of clues that the two come to realize
have been left specifically for them. If Robert and Sophie cannot solve the puzzle in time, an ancient
truth could be lost forever...
Major characters

Robert Langdon

Sophie Neveu

Sir Leigh Teabing



The Secret Life of Leonardo da Vinci
A prankster and genius, Leonardo da Vinci is widely believed to have hidden secret messages within
much of his artwork. Most scholars agree that even da Vinci’s most famous pieces – works like The
Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and Madonna of the Rocks – contain startling anomalies that all seem to
be whispering the same cryptic message…a message that hints at a shocking historical secret that
allegedly has been guarded since 1099 by a European secret society known as the Priory of Sion.

Someone is watching you… or are they?

The Louvre Museum in Paris is one of the longest buildings on Earth. Walking around the entire
perimeter of this horseshoe-shaped edifice is a three-mile journey. Even so, the Louvre’s collection of
art is so vast that only a fraction of its works can be displayed on the walls. Inside the galleries, a
multitude of security cameras watch over visitors. The number of cameras is so great that a staff of
several hundred wardens would be required to monitor all of them. In fact, most of the cameras are
Thank you for your attention

Novik Kateryna

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