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Speaking or writing about past events.

alrasyid ridho akbar
dedy rizaldi chaniago
Some Examples of RECOUNT text are:

 Newspaper reports
 Conversations
 Speeches
 Television interviews
 Eyewitness accounts
 Letters
The Generic Structure
(Kerangka Karangan)

 Orientation
The first paragraph that gives background
information about who, what, where and when.
 Series of Events
The 2nd (third-…) paragraph that retells the events in
the order in which they happened.
 Re-orientation
A concluding paragraph (Impression, suggestion,
Language Features
(Bentuk Bahasa)

 Use past tense to retell the events.

 Use words that shows the order of events. Such as:
first, next, then, ….
 Use descriptive words to give details about who,
what, when, where and how.
One day, I had to teach a new English
class. I read the list of new students’ name. It
Orientation was Kiddies’ group since they were about 9
and 10 years old.
That was the first day of the Spanish carnival, so
I wanted to wear the most appropriate suit for the
children’s class. Most kids usually dress up at carnival, I
thought. It would be more interesting if their teacher was
also in carnival spirit. That was why I decided to wear my
Series of teddy bear suit and bring cuddly toys in my box.
Events And that was what I did. I walked through the
door happily. The director watched me completely
astonished. I smile and looked straight at her. With a man
beside her, he said, ”Good Afternoon. I’d like to introduce
you to Mr. Mendez, the director of Delta Company. He is
one of the participants of the English course that you will
teach today.”

Oh my god! I nearly died! The secretary apologized to

Reorientation me for the wrong details of my new class.
Key Vocabulary
 had to  Teddy bear suit
 a new english class  decided
 Kiddies’ group  walked
 Spanish carnival  watched
 appropriate  astonished
 suit  died
 Carnival spirit  apologized
 wrong details
For Special Attention: Simple Past Tense

 I had to teach a new English class.

 I read a list of students’ names.
 It was kiddies’ group since they were about 9
and 10 years old.
 That was the first day of Spanish carnival.
 I wanted to wear ...
 That was I decided to wear ...
 I walked through the door happily.
 etc
Let’s Practice
The Latest Fashion
One day, I had to teach a new English class. I read the list
of new students’ name. It was Kiddies’ group since they were
about 9 and 10 years old.
That was the first day of the Spanish carnival, so I wanted
to wear the most appropriate suit for the children’s class. Most
kids usually dress up at carnival, I thought. It would be more
interesting if their teacher was also in carnival spirit. That was
why I decided to wear my teddy bear suit and bring cuddly
toys in my box.
And that was what I did. I walked through the door happily.
The director watched me completely astonished. I smiled and
looked straight at her. With a man beside her, he said, ”Good
Afternoon. I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Mendez, the director
of Delta Company. He is one of the participants of the English
course that you will teach today.”
Oh my god! I nearly died! The secretary apologized to me
for the wrong details of my new class.
1. What is the text about?

A. The writer’s embarrassing experience of her

first day English class.
B. The latest fashion of an English teacher.
C. The celebration of Spanish carnival
D. Wrong schedule of a new English class.
2. The secretary apologized to the
writer because….

A. the writer wore his teddy bear suit

B. she did not remember the carnival day
C. she did not know Mr. Mendez was in the
D. she has given the wrong details of the new
3. The director watched me completely
The underlined word nearly means ….

A. complicated
B. confused
C. very surprised
D. got shocked
4. I smiled and looked straight at her.
underlined word refers to….

A. The director
B. The participant
C. Mr.Mendez
D. The director of Delta Company
5. How did the writer feel about
this experience?
She felt ….

A. sorry
B. happy
C. astonished
D. embarrassed
Text 2
I really hate flying. Once, something happened to me. When I
was on board, the plane started taking on. It seemed that
everything was all right. But suddenly I saw smoke coming from
the engine of the plane. The engine was on fire and the plane
started to rattle. Suddenly the captain said to us in very calm
voice. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are having a little problem with
one of the engines. There is no need to panic. Keep your seat
belts fastened. We are going to return to the airport.”
You can imagine how frightened I was, but the crew was
fantastic. The flight attendants were really calm and told us not
to worry. One of them told me to relax and said that everything
would be all right.
A few minutes later, we were coming in to land. The pilot
made a smooth landing on the runway. It was over, and we were
I took a taxi and went home. From that day on, I decided not
to fly anymore.
6. What is the best title for the
above text?

A. Traveling by air
B. A crash in the air
C. The flight is on fire
D. My bad experience on the plane
7. The writer did not want to fly
anymore because ….

A. his flying experience was so terrifying

B. he preferred taking a taxi to a plane
C. he wanted to be calm in an airplane
D. he wanted to relax during the flight
8. You can imagine how frightened
I was ….
The underlined word has the
same meaning as ….
A. horrible
B. terrified
C. panic
D. sad
9. These are TRUE about the
writer, EXCEPT …
A. He had a bad experience in flying.
B. He was one of the save passengers from
the accident.
C. He went home and would try another air
D. He flew with fantastic air crew.
10. Paragraph two tells us
A. How frightened the passengers were
B. How fantastic the air crew was
C. How everybody needed to be calm down
D. How the captain of the flight asked the passengers
to sit

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