Powerpoint NDT

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 Non-destructive testing (NDT)

Non-destructive Testing is one part of the function of Quality Control and is Non-destructive Testing is not just a method for rejecting substandard material; it is

complementary to other long established methods. also an assurance that the supposedly good is good. The technique uses a variety of

By definition non-destructive testing is the testing of materials, for surface or principles; there is no single method around which a black box may be built to satisfy
all requirements in all circumstances.
flaws or metallurgical condition, without interfering in any way with the
integrity of the What follows is a brief description of the methods most commonly used in industry,
material or its suitability for service. together with details of typical applications, functions and advantages. The methods
The technique can be applied on a sampling basis for individual investigation covered are:
or may
• Radiography
be used for 100% checking of material in a production quality control system.
Whilst being a high technology concept, evolution of the equipment has made • Magnetic Particle Crack Detection
• Dye Penetrant Testing
robust enough for application in any industrial environment at any stage of
• Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
manufacture - from steel making to site inspection of components already in
service. • Eddy Current and Electro-magnetic Testing

A certain degree of skill is required to apply the techniques properly in order to However, these are by no means the total of the principles available to the N.D.T.
Engineer. Electrical potential drop, sonics, infra-red, acoustic emission and
the maximum amount of information concerning the product, with
consequent feed spectrography, to name but a few, have been used to provide information that the
back to the production facility. above techniques have been unable to yield, and development across the board

Introduction to Radiography
Radiography uses an x-ray X-rays, generated electrically,
device or radioactive isotope and Gamma rays emitted
as a source of radiation which from radio-active isotopes,
passes through are penetrating radiation
which is differentially
the material and is captured
absorbed by the material
on film or digital device. After
processing the film an image
which it passes; the greater
of varying
the thickness, the greater the
density is obtained. Possible absorbtion. Furthermore,
imperfections are identified the denser the material the
through density changes. greater the absorbtion.
X and Gammas
X and Gamma rays also have the
property, like light, of partially
converting silver
halide crystals in a photographic film
to metallic silver, in proportion to
the intensity of
the radiation reaching the film, and
therefore forming a latent image.
This can be
developed and fixed in a similar way
to normal photographic film.
In X-radiography the penetrating power is In X-radiography the intensity, and therefore the
exposure time, is governed by the
determined by the number of volts applied
amperage of the cathode in the tube. Exposure
to the X-Ray tube - in steel approximately time is usually expressed in terms of
1000 volts per inch thickness is necessary. milliampere minutes. With Gamma rays the
In Gamma radiography the isotope intensity of the radiation is set at the time
of supply of the isotope. The intensity of radiation
governs the penetrating power and is
from isotopes is measured in
unalterable Becquerel’s and reduces over a period of time. The
in each isotope. Thus Iridium 192 is used time taken to decay to half the
for 1 amount of curies is the half life and is
characteristic of each isotope. For example,
/2" to 1" steel and Caesium 134 is
the half life of Iridium 192 is 74 days, and Caesium
used for 3 134 is 2.1 years. The exposure
/4" to 21 factor is a product of the number of curies and
time, usually expressed in curie hours.
/2" steel. The time of exposure must be increased as the
isotope decays - when the exposure
period becomes uneconomical the isotope must
be renewed.
In X-radiography the penetrating power is In X-radiography the intensity, and therefore the
exposure time, is governed by the
determined by the number of volts applied
amperage of the cathode in the tube. Exposure
to the X-Ray tube - in steel approximately time is usually expressed in terms of
1000 volts per inch thickness is necessary. milliampere minutes. With Gamma rays the
In Gamma radiography the isotope intensity of the radiation is set at the time
of supply of the isotope. The intensity of radiation
governs the penetrating power and is
from isotopes is measured in
unalterable Becquerel’s and reduces over a period of time. The
in each isotope. Thus Iridium 192 is used time taken to decay to half the
for 1 amount of curies is the half life and is
characteristic of each isotope. For example,
/2" to 1" steel and Caesium 134 is
the half life of Iridium 192 is 74 days, and Caesium
used for 3 134 is 2.1 years. The exposure
/4" to 21 factor is a product of the number of curies and
time, usually expressed in curie hours.
/2" steel. The time of exposure must be increased as the
isotope decays - when the exposure
period becomes uneconomical the isotope must
be renewed.
Advantages of Disadvantages
Radiography of Radiography
• Information is presented • Generally an inability to cope with
pictorially. thick sections.
• Possible health hazard.
• A permanent record is provided
• Need to direct the beam accurately
which may be viewed at a time and for two-dimensional defects.
place • Film processing and viewing facilities
distant from the test. are necessary, as is an exposure
• Useful for thin sections.
• Not suitable for automation, unless
• Sensitivity declared on each film. the system incorporates fluoroscopy
• Suitable for any material.
an image intensifier or other electronic
• Not suitable for surface defects.
• No indication of depth of a defect
below the surface
Introduction to Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
This technique is used for the detection of internal and waves propagate is related to the Young’s Modulus for the
surface (particularly distant material and is
surface) defects in sound conducting materials. characteristic of that material. For example the velocity in
steel is 5900 metres per
The principle is in some respects similar to echo sounding. A
short pulse of second, and in water 1400 metres per second.
ultrasound is generated by means of an electric charge Ultrasonic energy is considerably attenuated in air, and a
applied to a piezo electric beam propagated through a
crystal, which vibrates for a very short period at a frequency solid will, on reaching an interface (e.g. a defect, or intended
related to the thickness hole, or the backwall)
of the crystal. In flaw detection this frequency is usually in the between that material and air reflect a considerable amount
range of one million to of energy in the direction
six million times per second (1 MHz to 6 MHz). Vibrations or equal to the angle of incidence.
sound waves at this
frequency have the ability to travel a considerable distance in
homogeneous elastic
material, such as many metals with little attenuation. The
velocity at which these
For contact testing the oscillating crystal is The standard method of presenting
incorporated in a hand held probe, which information in ultrasonic testing is by
is applied to the surface of the material to be means of a
tested. To facilitate the transfer of
cathode ray tube, in which horizontal
energy across the small air gap between the movement of the spot from left to right
crystal and the test piece, a layer of
liquid (referred to as ‘couplant’), usually oil, represents time elapsed. The principle is
water or grease, is applied to the surface. not greatly different in digitised
As mentioned previously, the crystal does not instruments
oscillate continuously but in short that have a LCD flat screen. The rate at
pulses, between each of which it is quiescent. which the spot moves is such that it gives
Piezo electric materials not only
the appearance of a horizontal line on the
convert electrical pulses to mechanical screen. The system is synchronised
oscillations, but will also transduce
mechanical oscillations into electrical pulses; electronically so that at the instant the
thus we have not only a generator of probe receives its electrical pulse the spot
sound waves but also a detector of returned begins to traverse the screen. An upward
pulses. The crystal is in a state to detect deflection (peak) of the line on the left
returned pulses when it is quiescent. The hand side of the screen is an indication of
pulse takes a finite time to travel through
this occurrence. This peak is usually
the material to the interface and to be
reflected back to the probe. termed the initial pulse.
This process can also be automated an accuracy in thousandths of an
and is now in use in many foundries. inch. This technique is now in very
Typical common use.
equipment is the Qualiron. A development of the standard flaw
When the velocity is constant, as it is detector is the digital wall thickness
in a wide range of steels, the time gauge. This
taken for the operates on similar principles but
pulse to travel through the material gives an indication, in LED or LCD
is proportional to its thickness. numerics, of
Therefore, with a thickness in absolute terms of
properly calibrated instrument, it is millimetres. These equipments are
possible to measure thickness from easy to use but
one side with require prudence in their application
Advantages of Disadvantages of
Ultrasonic Flaw Ultrasonic Flaw
Detection Detection
• Thickness and lengths up to 30 ft • No permanent record available
unless one of the more sophisticated
can be tested. test
• Position, size and type of defect results and data collection systems is
can be determined. used.
• The operator can decide whether the
• Instant test results. test piece is defective or not whilst the
• Portable. test is in progress.
• Extremely sensitive if required. • Indications require interpretation
(except for digital wall thickness
• Capable of being fully automated. gauges).
• Access to only one side necessary. • Considerable degree of skill
necessary to obtain the fullest
information from the
• Very thin sections can prove difficult.

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