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Organizations using HRIS


Presented by:-
Niyati Thakor
Bhavana Martolia
Operational Human Resource Information

 Provide Data to Support Routine, Repetitive Human Resource Decisions

 Information Is Detailed, Structured, Accurate, and Internal

General-Used Software for Human Resource
 Database Management Software

 On-Line Databases

 Spreadsheet Software

 Statistical and Forecasting Software

HRIS in Adidas
 Adidas India Marketing Pvt., Ltd. manufactures sports footwear, apparel, and

accessories. It offers sports products through a retail network of showrooms.

 Adidas is using HRIS to manage all the human resources, benefits, payroll, time and

attendance, and talent management functionality. they are using HRIS to manage
every aspect of the employee life cycle in one place.
 The new HRIS Tool is helping the Adidas managers successfully manage the

employees.The payroll system enable the adidas Group implement all and any
human resource requirement almost instantly and focus on their business goals.
 The new user interface dramatically improves user experience and the Adidas

Employees accomplish any goal quickly and easily.

Stylus Systems Pvt. Ltd
 It is an India based IT company, with over eleven years of experience in providing

software solutions for clients all over the world.

 They are associated with HR industry experts, and have leveraged the best in HR

and in technology to develop intelligent HR software solutions.

 Started with serving 3 customers in 1999, today they have served more than 300

international customers.
 It combines all the human resource functions, including benefits administration,

payroll, recruiting and training, performance analysis and review into one
comprehensive solution.
Modules that can be automate for the
company with Beak Ware HRIS
software solution
Recruitment Management/Requisition
 On-line searches for qualified applicants and employees based on requirements

 Tracking of applications by personal data, skills, education, training, and test results

 View position interviews, set up new interviews, change existing interviews, email

interview confirmations, tracking interview results and delete interviews

 Summary information of applicant's requisitions

 Applicant flow statistics

 Maintain a database of applicant and job information

 Word processing interface for customizing recruitment letters system

 Process offers and new hires system

 Recruiting effectiveness evaluation system

 Import resumes from the Internet or e-mail

 Create and maintain any number of consultant profiles

 Matching competencies of internal candidates

 Tracking of skills inventory system

Personnel Profile system
 Position Title

 Address, city, state, and zip

 Telephone number

 Social security number

 Marital status

 Ethnic classification

 Job classification and skill code

 Pay type (hourly/salary)

 Salary

 Salary History

 Job history

 Date of birth

 Date of Hire

 Date of Last promotion

 Termination date
 Pay by any pay period, Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Semimonthly, Monthly, Quarterly,

Semiannually or Miscellaneous
 Import Employee information

 Import timecard information

 Create Eligibility Controls

 Check User Balances

 Automatic tax computations

 User modifiable Tax Tables 

 Exemption on employee's federal and provincial returns

 Additional federal and state withholding

 Earnings including quarter-to-date, year-to-date, and user-defined period

 Employee insurance premium/Worker's compensation/Other withholding by quarter-to-date,

year-to-date, and user-defined periods

 Vacation/Sick leave accrual rate, accrued, and used

 Unpaid leave

 Handle Fringe benefits

 Have spousal distribution of retirement pension plan, for example, in case of employee death

 Payroll History Reports Employee Mailing Labels, Lists and Pay Envelope Labels

 Creates customized and consolidated reports

 Supports multiple State and City Tax Tables

 Unlimited Payroll Employee accounts

 Create multiple company accounts

 Create separate pay accounts for Hourly, Salaried, Commissioned and non-employee

contract workers
Benefits Administration
 Create and manage multiple benefits programs

 Review all benefit plans annually

 Create performance reviews, track past reviews and schedule future reviews

 Ensure compliance with government requirements (ERISA, HIPAA, DOL)

 Merge and audit monthly insurance / benefits invoices

 Interface directly with insurance carriers and payroll system

 Identification of appropriate dates for calculating coverage and deductions

 Maintenance of dependent and beneficiary information

 Create Eligibility controls

 Employee Benefit Plan Profile

Data Warehousing
 Create & view the entire organizational structure of an enterprise graphically

 Create Career Development and Training report

 Employment History and Personnel Reporting

 Staff headcount, movement, and turnover trends analyses and reports

 Workforce planning reporting

 Absence and leave accrual reporting

 Wage and salary costs data, with detailed breakdowns across, for example, earnings,

deductions & disbursements

 Reports on vacancies
 Competency profile of the workforce, with breakdowns per departments, positions,

 HR budgeting reports (dollars, hours, FTE, and headcount)

 Budgeting versus actual comparisons by position or business unit

 External and internal training requirements reports, with detailed breakdowns per

departments, positions, etc

 Reports on training history, success rate, course attendance, inability to accommodate

all interested candidates

 Include data fields from multiple locations

 Create a one stop secure environment to organize, store, and distribute important

company content.
 Create a document library to store regularly used formats like offer letter etc
Choose from a wide range of standard reports, for all your diverse reporting

requirements. Reports can be customized by location, division, department

and position.

Create automated reminders and alerts

Keep a track of company property among employees

Create a comprehensive information portal with all the above features and

create a communications portal to transmit information seamlessly &

accurately between employees and management


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