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Unit 3 : What’s Your Plan?

Expressing plans and intention

By : Mrs. Eka Puspa Krisna Murti, S.Pd.

Now, Please understand these explanation below!
You will know what we learn in this third chapter, dear.

The social function: Grammar:

To understand other people’s Simple future tense with
plans and intention in order to “going to”
act accordingly.
Simple future tense with
The Learning Focus:
Expression “would like
Expressing plans and intention
Asking about future activities to”
Responding to questions about
plans and intention
Dear, first I would like to know about your dream in the future. (Mrs.
Ingin tahu tentang mimpi kalian dimasa yang akan datang?
For example:
 I’m going to be an interpreter for the UN
 I’m going to be an English teacher

So, Now please mention two dreams that you want!, use the
word “going to” in your sentences.
after that ask to your friends about their dreams (silakan
tanyakan ke teman kalian tentang mimpi mereka). If you can’t
meet them directly, you may chat them to ask their dream.
Ok dears, Now let’s follow my explanation about plans and
intention more detail!
Expressing plans and intentions
A plan is a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be
An intention is a course of action that one intends to follow.
The two words are associated with something that happens
in the future. As a result, when we try to express plans and
intentions, we use language forms and words indicating in
the future.
Dears, there are two future forms used in
most conversations.

The future “will” The future “going to”

Is used for plans and Is used to speak about
intentions made before the future at the moment
the moment speaking. speaking
The example: The example:
 I am going to attend the  I will attend the meeting
meeting tonight. (It tonight.( It means that
means that you are still you already have plans
have a plan) and ready to do it)
The difference using the word “want” and
“would like to”

The word “ want” The word “would like to”

If “want” is commonly If “would like to” let’s
used in informal someone know what you
Indonesian Language to would be interested in
doing. This can be physical,
express plans and
mental or verbal actions.
For example:
For example:  I would like to answer the
 I want to be a doctor question (formal situation)
 I want to take part for  I would like to explain
this competition. myself
Thank you very much dears, always
remember 3M, please!
Please, write this summary in your note book, I’ll
check in the next meeting.

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