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 Spreadsheets started out as electronic
versions of hard copy accounting worksheets
with one major purpose : simple row-&-
column arithmetic.
 It is a numeric data analysis tool, which
allows us to create a kind of computerized
 It consists of grid columns (designated by
letters) and rows (designated by numbers).
Typical Spreadsheet
Software Packages
 Microsoft Excel
 Lotus 1-2-3
 VisiCalc
 SuperCalc
 Symphony
Spreadsheet Applications
 It is a multifaceted tool. We can use
spreadsheet to automate financial
statements, business forecasting,
transaction registers, inventory controls,
accounts receivable, accounts payable -
the list of potential application is endless.
 Financial Modeling : We can create
financial models that let you play “What if”
 Graphics : It is a powerful, flexible graphical
presentation tool.
Spreadsheet Applications

 Database Management : It is very easy

to enter, edit, sort and filter records in
 For analyzing experimental results by
scientists and researchers.
 It is one of the best management tools
and custom applications can be
Microsoft Excel
Exercise – Enter the Employee details as shown below
and save the file as Payroll and close the file.
Microsoft Excel
Do following -
1. Give an appropriate heading to the worksheet.
2. Give Comic Sans MS Font in Red Colour to
Column heading with font size 14.
3. Edit Data already entered –Change the
Names and Basic of Davis, Naresh and Suresh.
4. Insert 2 rows and delete 2 rows
5. Delete data from 1 Cell
6.Select a cell and type the data/number (the cell
contents will be replaced with what you have
7. You can also try undo and redo.
See/note the changes that have taken place.

Note : Do not save the worksheet.

Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following:
1. Add column and heading as HRA
2. Calculate 40% of the Basic as HRA ( Create formula
for one employee and copy it for others)
3. Total both Basic and HRA in their respective columns
4. Sort the column of Grade in ascending order
5. Rename the Sheet1 as Pay_HRA.
6. Save the workbook as Payroll and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following:
1. Copy and paste the sheet in the sheet2 and rename
it as PAY-PF.
2. Add one more column at the end and name it as PF.
2. Calculate 10% of the Basic as PF ( Create formula
for one employee and copy it for others)
3. Total both Basic+ HRA+PF by creating another
column at the end and name it as Total in their
respective columns
4. Total up the columns also.
5. Save the workbook as Payroll and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following:
1. Copy and paste the sheet in the sheet3 and rename
it as PAY-NET.
2. Add one more column at the end and name it as I-Tax.
3. Calculate 15% of the Total as I-Tax ( Create formula
for one employee and copy it for others)
4. Create one more column at the end and name it Net Salary.
Align the cell by using wrap text.
5. Calculate Net Salary by deducting I-tax from Total.
6. Total up the columns again.
7. Save the workbook as Payroll and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following:
1.Insert a sheet and copy the contents of this sheet in
the just inserted sheet.
2. Make the colour of the Column Heading as Blue with
background colour as light blue.
3. Give each background as Dark Green , Dark Red,
Dark Grey, Dark Yellow and Font Colour as Light Green,
Red, Grey and Yellow.
4. Rename this sheet as PAY_COLOR
3. Save the workbook as Payroll and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following:
1.Insert a sheet and copy the contents of the this sheet in
the just inserted sheet.
2. Insert column between EMPNO AND NAME by the
name of DEPT.
3. Enter Dept. code as MKT, PRD, STR etc. to various
4. Sort it Dept. Code wise.
5. Create sub-totals of all the columns Dept. Wise.
6. Save the workbook as Payroll and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following:
1.Change the alignment of heading EMPNO 45 degree.
2. Change the alignment of heading NAME as vertical or
90 degree.
3. Insert $ in front of Basic Amount.
4. Insert , in Basic Amount.
5. Insert 2 places of decimals in basic Amount.
6. Save the workbook as Payroll and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following: How to use “SUMIF” function
1. This function compares the values in the given range
with the value of “Criteria or Condition”.
2. If the values found in this range correspond to the
criterion , the function searches for corresponding
values in a second range (Sum_range) and adds them up.
3. Click on D23.
4. Type the function =SUMIF(C3:C22,”A1”,D3:D22)
5. Save the workbook and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following: How to use Count function
1. This function returns the number of numerical values
contained in the specified arguments list or range.
2. Text entries and empty cells are excluded only the
numeric and formula cells are considered.
3. Type the function =Count(a3: d22)
4. See the result .
5. Save the workbook and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following: How to use MAX function- MAX
returns the largest value in the argument list/
1. The format of the function is MAX(range of cells) of
MAX(number1, number2….)
3. Type the function =MAX(a3: d22)
4. See the result .
5. Save the workbook and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following: How to use AVERAGE function-
AVERAGE returns the average value in the
argument list/ range.
1. The format of the function is AVERAGE(range of cells) of
MAX(number1, number2….)
3. Type the function =AVERAGE(d3: d22)
4. See the result .
5. Save the workbook and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following: How to use LOGICAL function “IF” -
1.The If statement contains only one condition so that
either true action or false action happens.
2. For example employees having salary more than or
equal to 6000 will be paid conveyance @ 25% of the
basic otherwise 10 % of the basic is to be paid.
3.The format of the function is =IF (D3>=6000,D3*.25,D3*.1)
4. See the result .
5. Save the workbook and close.
Microsoft Excel
Open the worksheet created earlier – payroll.
Do following: Try a nested If statement for the
1. If the Grade of the employee is A1, HRA is 20% of the Basic
2. If the Grade of the employee is A2, HRA is 30% of the Basic
3. If the Grade of the employee is A3, HRA is 40% of the Basic
4. If the Grade of the employee is A4, HRA is 50% of the Basic
5. See the result .
6. Save the workbook and close.
Microsoft Excel
The formula will be
= IF(c3=“A1”, D3*.2,
IF(c3 =“A2”, D3*.3,
IF(c3 =“A3”, D3*.4,
IF(c3 =“A4”, D3*.5,))))
Microsoft Excel
Conditional Formatting
1.Open the Worksheet
2. Select the range for which you want to have
conditional formatting
3. Enter the figure (range from and to within
which you want to have the formatting)
4. Do the required formatting you want and click
on ok.
5. See the result, the formatting will be done
as per the format given by you
Microsoft Excel
Conditional Average:
Let's say you have the list of items with prices
shown in the first two columns of this table. You
need to be able to get the average price of all items
of a color.
In the example, we'll get the average of the "blue"
Microsoft Excel

Creating Charts
Microsoft Excel
You can create custom chart types by
changing any of the standard or custom built-
in chart types.
Products Sales
A 100
B 200
C 300
D 4000
Microsoft Excel
Click the chart you want to save as a custom chart
On the Chart menu, click Chart Type.
Click OK.
A Chart will be created as per the selection.
You can further beautify, format it to make it more

N.B.: You can have any type of chart that is available

within Excel.
Microsoft Excel

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