The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

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The Memoirs of Sherlock

Holmes/The Greek
During my long and intimate
acquaintance with Mr. Sherlock Holmes I
had never heard him refer to his relations,
and hardly ever to his own early life.
- За весь довгий час свого знайомства з
містером Шерлоком Холмсом я ні разу
не чув, щоб він розповідав про своїх
родичів, і рідко коли — про свої молоді
in the sense of close. - I
discussed this only with my
intimate friends.
 in the sense of friend.
This reticence upon his part had increased the
somewhat inhuman effect which he produced
upon me, until sometimes I found myself
regarding him as an isolated phenomenon, a
brain without a heart, as deficient in human
sympathy as he was pre-eminent in intelligence.
- Ця його мовчанка лише підсилювала
враження чогось трагічного, яке він на мене
справляв, і часом мені здавалося, що я бачу в
ньому щось відчужене від світу — ніби мозок
без серця, так само слабкий у своїх почуттях,
як і могутній у міркуваннях.
in the sense of reserve
the hiding of one's feelings and personality

 in the sense of cruel. - The barbaric slaughter
of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.
in the sense of barbaric
primitive or brutal.
in the sense of bestial
brutal or savage.
His aversion to women and his
disinclination to form new friendships
were both typical of his unemotional
character, but not more so than his
complete suppression of every reference to
his own people. - І неприязнь до жінок, і
неохота заводити нових друзів були
однаково властиві його холодній натурі;
до того ж, він ніколи не розповідав про
свою рідню.
 in the sense of reluctance. - They are
showing a disinclination to pursue these
in the sense of antipathy
a feeling of strong dislike or hostility.
in the sense of dislike
a feeling of not liking something or
It was after tea on a summer evening, and the
conversation, which had roamed in a desultory,
spasmodic fashion from golf clubs to the causes
of the change in the obliquity of the ecliptic,
came round at last to the question of atavism
and hereditary aptitudes. - Того літнього
вечора ми пили чай, і наша розмова, без
усякого ладу перескакуючи з гольфа на
відхилення екліптики, врешті перейшла на
атавізми та спадкові риси.
 in the sense of random. - We made some
desultory conversation while we waited
for the bus.
in the sense of aimless
having no purpose or direction.
 in the sense of sporadic. - My husband's
work was so spasmodic.
in the sense of convulsive.
in the sense of erratic
irregular or unpredictable.
in the sense of fitful
occurring in irregular spells

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