Apply Safety Measures in Farm Operations Animal Production

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Apply Safety Measures On Farm

Do you know
• What are the things use commonly in
applying safety measures?
• How these things use properly?
• Is it necessary to all people that work
under Animal Production?
Chemical Substance

• - is a form of matter that has constant chemical

composition and characteristic properties. It cannot be
separated into components by physical separation methods,
without breaking chemical bonds. They can be solids,
liquids or gases.

• is the scientific study of the relations that living

organisms have with respect to each other and their
natural environment.
First Aid

• Is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• refers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other

garment or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body
from injury by blunt,
impacts, electrical hazards, heat, chemicals, and infection for job-
related occupational
safety and health purposes, and in sports, martial arts, combat, e
tc. Personal armor is combat-specialized protective gear.

• is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment

that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the
ecosystem. Physical systems or living organisms.
Waste Management
• the collection, transport, processing or disposal, man
aging and monitoring of waste materials.

• are unwanted and useless materials
Materials And Resources
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Wet weather clothing
• Coveralls
• Eye protection
• Footwear
• Gloves
• Hearing Protection
• Respiratory Protective Equipment
• Safety Helmets
• First Aid Kit Materials
 Acetaminophen
 Adhesive bandages
 Adhesive tape
 Alcohol prep pads
 Alcohol-based hand sanitizing gel
 Antibiotic ointment
 Assorted adhesive bandages
 Chemical heat packs
 Elastic bandages, 3 inch-wide
 Gauze bandage, 3-inch roll
 Ibuprofen
•injuries inflicted by animals can include bites, kicks, crushing, ramming,
trampling, and transmission of certain infectious diseases such as giardia,
salmonella, ringworm and leptospirosis
•pesticides and herbicides can cause injuries such as burns, respiratory
illness or poisoning
Confined spaces
•such as silos, water tanks, milk vats and manure pits may contain unsafe
atmospheres, which can cause poisoning or suffocation
•dangers include faulty switches, cords, machinery or overhead
•Hazards include sunburn, heat stroke, dehydration, and hypothermia.
•falls from ladders, rooftops, silos and windmills are a major cause
of injury.
•hazards include tractors without roll-over protection structures
(ROPS),power take-off (PTO) shafts, chainsaws, augers, motorbikes
and machinery with unguarded moving parts.
Noise pollution 
•noise from livestock, machinery and guns can affect your hearing
•crashes or falls from motorbikes, two-wheel and quad bikes,
•drowning can occur in as little as five centimeters of water. Dams,
lakes, ponds, rivers, channels, tanks, drums and creeks are all
hazards. Young children are particularly at risk.
Health and Safety Hazards on Farm
• Farm workers—including farm families and migrant workers—
are exposed to hazards such as the following.
 Chemicals/Pesticides
 Livestock handling
 Slips/Trips/Falls
 Machinery/Equipment
 Sun/Heat
 Highway Traffic
 Electricity
 Lifting
 Cold
 Hand tools
 Noise
 Dust
 Ponds
 Silos
 Wells
 Toxic gases
 Grain bins
 Manure pits
 Tractors
 Mud
Injuries or Illness of Farm Workers

• Injury rates are highest among children age 15 and under
and adults over 65.
Equipment and Machinery
• Most farm accidents and fatalities involve
machinery. Proper machine guarding and doing equipme
nt maintenance according to manufacturers‘
recommendations can help prevent accidents. 
Protective Equipment
• Using protective equipment, such as seat belts
contractors, and personal protective equipment
(such as safety gloves, coveralls, boots, hats,
aprons, goggles, and face shields) could
significantly reduce farming injuries.
Medical Care
• Hospitals and emergency medical care are
typically not readily accessible in rural areas near
Personal Protective Equipment
The law requires that personal protective equipment be
provided for use at work and must meet an appropriate
standard and must be CE marked. The key issues are:

• Personal Protective Equipment

• Respiratory Protective Equipment
• Gases and Vapours
Personal Protective Equipment includes the
following :
 Coverwalls
 Eye protection
 Footwear
 Gloves
 Hearing Protection
 Respiratory Protective Equipment
 Safety Helmets
 Wet weather clothing
Respiratory Protective Equipment
Suitable RPE can be used to provide protection
against broad types of substance :

o Dusts
o Fibers
o Mists
o Fumes
o Micro-organisms
o Gases and Vapors
Personal Protective Equipment

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